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                                   {18 Years Ago}
Jazzlyn's POV
Homecoming was in three weeks already and I still don't have a date. I really do believe I will end up going alone and it won't be as much fun with someone to go with. Last week I was very happy not only because our school team won our first official game for the season, I couldn't get my mind off of a charming guy who lend me his hoodie.

I wonder if I will ever see him again?

It's around lunch time and I'm heading to sit with Joe, Jonathan and Maya. Once I got there, I was surprised to see Joshua because he normally doesn't eat lunch with us.

"Hey guys!" I greeted them as I sat down at the table.

"Wassup Jazzy?" Jonathan asked me.

"Still happy about y'all big first win in this season." I admitted as I smile.

"We appreciate that but we have to talk to you about something." Joe said as he started to look serious.

"What is it?"

"That guy we saw you talking to with at our game, he's not a good person." Joe admitted to me.

"How so?" I asked as I didn't understand how.

"That boy is from Southeast High. They are the same team we tried to beat last year and the guy you were talking to was the one who I injured our old teammate and caused him to never play football again. Tama did that and he's dangerous." Jonathan explained to me.

Hearing made me not sure what to think. Of course I believe with Jonathan is saying but Tama was very nice to me.

"Look we not tryna scare you Jazzlyn but we want you to keep your distance." Joe tells me and I nodded as I understood.


It was afternoon now and I once again had to wait for my dad. I went to my usual chill out spot and listen to some music again. Tupac of course as he is my comfort artist. As I was bopping my head, I felt my right ear piece gone as I notice Joshua sitting beside me, taking my right ear bud and putting it in his ear.

"Yo, what are you doing?" I asked him as I complained.

His presence scared the fuck out of me because he really just came out of nowhere for real.

"You dating Tama?" Joshua asked me out of nowhere.

"What? I'm so confused. What are you talking about?" I questioned him.

"I saw the way you was blushing when you were around his on Friday. You like him don't you?" He asked me and I roll my eyes.

"How is this any of your business if I like him yes or no?" I questioned him as I cross my arms.


"Because what?"

"Because I know he is just tryna take advantage of you." Joshua tells me.

"He barely knows me. What exactly is he tryna take advantage of?" I questioned him again.

"Don't play stupid. He just wants some pussy from you and you being naive as fuck." He says and I roll my eyes again.

"How you know?"

"Because I'm a guy and I know his motive and if he sees a pretty girl, he would try to flirt with you." Joshua says and I smirk at him.

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