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                                 {18 Years Ago}
Jazzlyn's POV
Jonathan was very helpful taking me to the nurses office and made sure to tell the nurse what happened. He stayed with me through out the entire until my dad had to come pick me up because I fractured my knee from the incident.

My dad took me to the hospital and had me get my knee wrapped and a cast for it. I did miss my entire first day of school so now I am here on the second day to at least restart and actually make it to class for the first time.

Once I got into the school, I was instantly recognized by students as they looked at me but most importantly my knee.

Great.....just what I need. To be noticed by the entire school on my second day of being here.

I did however made it to the student building and reached for my locker for the first on my own despite that I was walking with crutches.

"Hi there!" A girl with brown long hair came up to me smiling.

"Umm....H-Hi." I stuttered.

"Sorry, this already seems weird. Let's start over, I'm Maya and I been assigned by the principal to I guess help you get to your classes since your schedule seems to be similar to mind and show you where you sit at lunch." Maya says to me.

"Thank you so much. I really do appreciate you for this. I'm Jazzlyn by the way." I greeted myself.

"Nice to meet you. I mean.....you're already quite famous here already." She admitted to me.

"Whatchu mean by I'm already famous?" I questioned her.

"It's it obvious? Joshua Fatu got into this huge fight with Keyshawn and he fell on you and carried you all the way to the Nurses office yesterday. Most girls who have a crush on Josh were so jealous about it." She explained to me.

I just roll my eyes of the mention of that disrespectful boy. He deadass injured me and left me on the bench instead of taking me to the nurse.

"Well first off, he didn't take me to the nurse. His brother did. Second, I rather not hear one more word about that dumbass boy because I already hate him for what he did to me. I'm injured because of his stupid ass and he left me on the bench yesterday and walked away like a bitch ass-" I saw Maya looking nervous and no longer looking at me.

I turned my whole body around to see Jonathan behind me with a smirk on his face. I was very surprised because I didn't know he was standing behind me the entire time.

"Go on. Say that last part of your sentence. I wanna hear it." He baits me to say but I'm tight lipped to say anything else now.

Jonathan then starts to laugh. Which confuses me even more.

"Yeah I understand my little brother can sometimes be annoying. Everything you said about him is true but on the real, he isn't the worse person on the planet." Jonathan tells me.

"I'll believe that shit when you come to me and apologizes himself. Actually nah, Ion wanna see him around me anyways."

On second thought on that.

I don't want a job who starts to other peoples girlfriends and gets into a lot of fights. I don't see myself a lot forgiving him. He's brother may not see it but he's a fuck boy and he's a violet person.

"Wow! You're actually the only girl in this school that hates him." Jonathan tells me and I roll my eyes again.

"I do hate him." I admitted.

The bell rung and I guess that is the first bell for first period already. I gather all the things I need and close my locker. Maya followed me and helped me as we parted ways with Jonathan and head to class.

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