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                                     {18 Years Ago}
Joshua's POV
An upcoming game is approaching soon and even though I am not playing, I still have to support and watch the practices. Class has been weird and lately since I kissed Jazzlyn, we barely spoken than usual. I know we not friends but she can't act like the kiss never happened.

It drives me crazy sometimes because I like her so much and she trippin right now. Not to mention, Iyana has been blowing me up and shit. Homecoming is approaching and I still haven't broke up with her.

Everything is just so damn confusing for real.

"Hey guys!" Maya came and she came to the field with waters in her hand.

"Take a break!" The coach yelled.

I saw my brother Jonathan run over to his girl and he was gonna go in for a hug but she stopped him.

"You're sweaty." She told him and he understood. "Here." Maya passes him a water and he gladly takes it.

I'm weary about Maya since I haven't forgotten that I did see her hop into a car and lied to my brother saying she was sick and couldn't make it. It was so weird and suspicious.

"After practice, we still on for date night?" I heard my brother ask his girlfriend.

"Um......I can't. My mom said I can't stay out late." Maya declined.

"Damn Ight. How about this weekend? You free to come over to my house?" Jonathan asked.

"Um.....this weekend? I probably can't either." She declines again.

I can see the sadness in my brother's face as his girlfriend that he loves is not available to go on dates.

"Oh, okay." He said and he put back on his helmet and ran back into the field.

I know he's disappointed. I know my brother.

Maya sits on the bench as she watches the entire practice. I am tempted to say something to her but I changed my mind every time and gave up on trying.

Coach ended practice for today and he thought it was good work for the team. I was in the locker room waiting for my brothers and cousin to get changed so we can go out to eat.

"Yo, what do y'all plan on eating tonight?" Joe asked.

"Josh don't say Waffle House bruh." Jonathan stated to me.

"Nah, this was y'all practice. You guys choose." I said and everyone seemed happy.

After we left the locker room , Maya was still waiting for out in the fields. I was surprised she didn't leave yet like she said she was.

"Bae, you stayed?" Jonathan went up to his girlfriend.

"Wanted to say goodbye before I left." She said and gave my brother a kiss on the lips.

"Well I appreciate you. I love you so much." He said to her.

"I....love you too." Maya said and I frown at her. She hugged my brother and left the field.

"Sadly she couldn't hangout with us tonight." Joe said to Jonathan.

"It's all good. Let's go I'm hungry." He said and everyone got excited when food was mentioned.

Dinner was good as Joe picked to go to a steakhouse. After we ate, we went home pretty early so I decided to go chill at the park with my brother Joseph. Jonathan couldn't come as he had to study and finish some homework but he said if we are still out there, he will join.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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