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{18 Years Ago}
Joshua's POV
I was finished cleaning the kitchen that my mom had ordered me to do. Me and my brother Jonathan would take turns but I been doing it all week and will remain doing it for the rest of this month. My mom was disappointed that I got suspended again so I'm being punished to clean the kitchen now.

I'm not mad about it but I am just annoyed that she yells at me pretty much everyday when I don't clean the counter properly but I made sure I did it right so i wouldn't have to hear that shit.

I had so many thoughts running through my mind since the conversation with Jazzlyn yesterday.

"Yo Uce!" I saw my brother Jonathan on his game with his headsets on.

He turned and looked at me.

"What? I'm busy right now." He tells me.

"We got to talk. What I have to say is important." I admitted.

Jonathan understood that I was serious so he took off his headset completely and turned off his game to give me his full attention.

"What's going on Uce?" He asked me.

"Man I think before homecoming, I'm gonna break up with Iyana." I admitted.

"Wait, you're not taking her as your date?" Jonathan asked me.

"I haven't even asked her. I don't want to take her either. I really wanna take Jazzlyn as my date and yesterday when I saw her on the bleachers, I wanted to ask her out." I admitted.

"But I thought you said you were gonna break up with Iyana after her birthday. Her birthday is after homecoming. That's why I thought you were gonna take her as your date." My brother reminded me.

"I don't want her Iyana Uce. I want Jazzlyn and I'm want her to bad. I'm going crazy just thinking about her. She's the most prettiest girl I have ever seen. Even in our school Uce." I express my feelings to him.

"Jazzlyn is cool but she not prettier than my girl but I get it. You're in love and you have a crush on her but go on." Jonathan said as he added.

"Everytime I see Jazzlyn, My heart constantly beats faster for her. It's like I wanna kiss her gorgeous lips and kiss her entire-"

"Woah! Alright that's enough. Ion wanna hear all that. Keep that freaky shit to yourself." He cuts me off and tells me.

"If I'm honest, I almost wanted to kiss her yesterday after school but if I did, she would hate me even more." I admitted. Feeling down because I know Jazzlyn doesn't feel the same way about me.

Not yet but I don't know if she ever will.

"Yeah, I can tell she doesn't feel the same way but it doesn't mean you can't try to win her heart. As far as I know, she doesn't have a date. If you do end up ending everything with Iyana, you still have to find the courage to ask Jazzlyn."

"Damn you're right." I agreed.

"Listen don't worry about it for now. We still got two hours before dark. Let's call big uce and let's head to the park and toss a few throws. We do got our first game this Friday. Even though.....you can't play with us." Jonathan suggested as he picked up his football from the bed and throw it at me.

I catch it of course and reluctantly decided to play and join. Just to clear my head and get out the house for a few.

"Alright bet. Let's go." I agreed and Jonathan smiled at me.

"Yo Joseph!" Jonathan shouted from our room.

"Yo, what's going on?" Our little brother walked in with his earbuds on.

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