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{18 Years Ago}
Jazzlyn's POV
After what Joshua did to me, I managed to get up on my own as I used the sink to pull myself up. It was a struggle but I managed to pull myself up. I dusted myself off, wiped away any useless tears and picked up my crutch and walk out of the girl's restroom.

I found my own back to the cafeteria and made it to the lunch table where I left Maya. I saw from a far that she was happy and laughing so at least she wasn't miserable there.

"Hey guys, I'm back." I announced as I smiled but my smile instantly turned into a frown as I found Joshua sitting at the table. "What is he doing here?" I questioned as I was clearly upset.

"Oh Jazzlyn, you're back. Did you find the bathroom okay?" Maya asked me.

"Oh Yeah, I found the bathroom alright." I said as I stare daggers at Joshua.

"Great. I'm glad you found your way there." Maya congratulates me.

"Me to. It was so weird because you wouldn't believe what happened in the girls restroom. I heard two weirdos moaning and having sex in there while I was washing my hands." I admitted.

"What the fuck? Who would do something that gross? Did you found out who?" Jonathan questioned me.

"Nah, I didn't get to see their faces but whoever they were, are so disrespectful and disgusting." I stated.

Everyone at the table agreed with my statement as they did find it weird to be fucking in the bathroom during school hours. I look at Joshua who didn't seem to care as I should of expected from a fuck boy who doesn't give a shit.

"Come on Maya. Let's go back to our table." I tell her.

"But Why?" She asked me. Maya stands and leans into my ear. "I thought you were helping me get with Jonathan? Why do you want us to leave?" She whispers so everyone won't hear what she was saying.

"Thank you Jonathan and Joe for letting us stay here but I think it's best that we go back to our original table." I said to the both of them and he nodded.

"Aww man. It sucks but we'll catch y'all both later, Ight?" Joe said and I smiled and nodded.

Maya and I left and went back to our table but she was clearly upset with me.

"Is it because of Joshua is why you wanted to leave?" She asked me as we sat down.

"Yes, that's exactly while I didn't want to sit there anymore." I admitted to her.

"I know you hate him but you could have just ignored that he was even there."

"Bruh, I can't ignore his ass. He was the one I was talking about that I caught fucking a random student in the girls bathroom." I flat out admitted to Maya and her eyes went wide.

"What the shit?"

"Exactly." I rolled my eyes.

"Who was the girl he was fucking?" She asked me.

"I don't some girl with black hair and she had on these black ripped jeans with our school team with the number 52 on it." I described to Maya.

Her mouth was wide open when she realized who I described to her.

"He was fucking his girlfriend Iyana. She's a sophomore student and she's on the cheerleading team for our school. That's the girl who you saw that he was with." Maya admitted.

Girlfriend? That bitch ass nigga has a girlfriend? Who the fuck would put up with his rude ass for real?

"How long have they been dating?" I asked her out of curiosity.

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