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                                   {18 Years Ago}
Jazzlyn's POV
I settled in and got myself on task with school so far. It's only my second third day and it's officially already the middle of the week of school. That means two more days until the weekend hits and I can take a break.

Right now, my dad is just dropping my off to school this morning.

"Hey dad?" I call out to him.

"Yes sweetie?" He responded.

"I met some friends yesterday and I been invited to watch a play off football game today after school. Can you pick me up a little later after the game is over?" I asked him.

"Look at you already settling in and no problem. Just text me when it's over and I'll be right over." He tells me and I smile. "Speaking of football, after you're fully healed, you should try out for the cheerleading team. You loved dance and cheer back in your old school." My dad suggested.

"Nah, I'm not too sure dad. I'm still new and it's gonna take me around 2 months until I'm healed. Also the tryouts for cheer would already be too late. There is no way I will make it on the team." I admitted and I saw the disappointed look on my dad's face.

"Well, I guess there is no way I can see you cheer this year. Maybe next year okay?" He said and I nodded.

We arrived at the school and I grabbed my backpack and my crutches from the back seat.

"Okay dad, I'll tell you after the game. Bye."

"See you later kiddo!"

I saw Maya waiting for me at the entrance and we made eye contact and she smiled at me.

"Girl, I waited for you for almost 15 minutes." She admitted me.

"Damn why the fuck you waited that long for? In the text you made it seem like you just arrived at the same time as me." I said.

"Anyways, you staying for the game after school?" Maya change the subject as she asked me.

"Yeah, my dad is gonna pick me up later after the game so I'm definitely gonna be there." I admitted to her.

Walking amongst the halls, we grabbed our books that we need for our upcoming class but I couldn't help but noticed the weird stares I was receiving. Yesterday was understandable but today is just a little weird.

"Yo Jazzlyn, if you ever need some dick just holla at me." Marcus from my seventh period walked passed and said as he laughed with a group of his friends.

I was dumbfounded of what he just said to me that I still can't even process what happened.

"O-kay........that was weird. What the fuck was he talking about?" Maya asked me.

"I have no idea." I said as I was just as confused. "So I have been meeting to ask you but what sports team do you play?" I asked Maya, wanting to change the subject.

"Sport? I don't do no sports at this school. Girl, I'm trying to get out of school as much as possible. Not join no extra shit." She tells me.

"Really? Not in the vollyball team?

Maya shakes her head.

"Well what sport you tryna play?" She asked me.

"None this year because of my injury but maybe next year I can try out for the cheerleading team. I use to do cheer at my old school and I was also captain too." I admitted to her.

"Well if I am honest with you. The schools cheer team it cut throat for real. Especially since Iyana be so strict to all those girls on the team. If the routine not perfect, she make all the girls stay an extra hour to get it right." Maya explained and I was kinda low key shocked to hear that.

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