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                                  {18 Years Ago}
Jazzlyn's POV
Today is the home game for San Francisco High against Pineridge High. It's the official first game on the season and tickets were sold out. You can only watch the school games if you pay for a ticket or you can get in for free as a family member of the players.

I, of course bought mine for five bucks. I promise Joe and Jonathan that I will attend every game as I can. I want to see them win.

It sucks that Maya can't sit with me because Jonathan payed her to sit really close to the field. She is wearing his hoodie that he gave her this morning because he knew tonight was gonna get cold.

Wishing I thought of to bring a jacket but I will be okay and remember next time to bring one. I looked around and did indeed saw Joshua and he was standing by the coach supporting his team despite that he is not playing.

"You aren't cold?" I heard a voice talking beside me.

"Huh?" I turned to my left and saw him.

He was staring at me and my eyes widen on how incredibly close he was. I also noticed how cute and good looking he was. I felt my cheeks getting warm and my heart felt like it skipped a few beats faster.

Who is this guy and why have I not seen him before.

"It's pretty cold outside." He says to me.

"I.....I um.....forgot to bring my jacket." I snap out whatever I was just in and said.

"I got an extra hoodie in my backpack. You can borrow for now." He says and he watched him reach for his bag and passes me a black hoodie.

I take it slowly and was about to put it on as I read it says MFT with huge bold white letters on it. I was confused but I put on the hoodie that he gave me.

"Thank you for......the hoodie." I said to him and he nodded. "I never seen you here before." I spoke to him.

He smirks. "I don't go here. I'm here supporting some friends of mine." He admitted and I smiled. "What about you? What school you're from?" He asked me.

"I go here. This is my official first game here." I admitted to him.

"Oh really?" He asked me and I nodded.

He started stretching his arms and flipping his long curly hair back. I bit my bottom lip as I was so mesmerized on how good he looked doing that.

"Eyes on the field pretty girl. Not at my brother." Another voice spoke and I saw another boy beside him smirking at me.

"S-Sorry." I whispered stuttered and tried to look away to watch the field.

"Don't mind him baby girl. We were having a conversation." He said to me, placing his finger under my chin, making me look at him once again.

I was stunned and I know I'm blushing from his smooth touch.

"Can I know your name?" He asked me.

"Jazzlyn." I answered.

"I'm Tama and the guy beside me is my brother Loa." He introduced to me and I smile and wave at his brother.

He did the same but turned his attention back to the field.


The game ended and San Francisco High Won, beating Pineridge High by 5 points. I stand up cheering and was very happy. I saw Joe and Jonathan gathering near Maya as Jonathan took off his helmet and went over to her smiling.

Maya was happy as she hugged him and kissed him.

"Hey, I'm gonna go greet and congratulate my friends but I promise I will be back." I said to Tama.

He smirked and nodded but as I was trying to leave, I felt a hand grabbing me, stopping me from leaving for just a moment.

"You promise? I'll be waiting for you by the gate." Tama told me as his voice sounded kind of sensual and low, he bit his bottom lip as it made me blush a little bit.

I shyly nodded at him and he let me go.

"Congratulations guys! I told you, you guys were gonna win." I praised Joe and Jonathan.

They smiled at me.

"Thanks Jazzy." Jonathan said.

His arms were wrapped around Maya as he was tired and sweating. Maya whispered something in her boyfriend's ear as I saw a smirk appearing on Jonathan's face.

"Jazzlyn, we are going out to eat after the game. Join us." Joe suggested.

"Where are you guys heading to eat at?" I asked them.

"Knowing Joshua, he probably wants to eat at Waffle House. He does after every home game." Joe rolls his eyes and says and pretty much everyone confirmed it.

"I feel like my dad wouldn't let me stay out tonight to eat with you guys. He is on his way right now but next home game, I'm down to eat. You guys enjoy." I said as I declined.

"Aww, alright. We will see you Monday?" Joe waved at me and I wave back.

"Bye." I said as I walked away in left.

[No Person's POV]
Jazzlyn left and remembered that she promised Tama that she would be back and he would wait for her at the gate. She hasn't forgotten.

Maya was a little upset that Jazzlyn couldn't make it but she understood. She watched her friend leave but noticed something that she was wearing.

"Wait y'all, where did Jazzlyn get that hoodie and what does MFT stand for?" Dusk asked.

"Whatchu just said?" Jonathan quickly asked his girlfriend.

Jonathan looked and saw Jazzlyn wearing a black hoodie with the initials MFT in bold on the back of it. Joe heard what Maya said  and Joshua came as he was done talking to the coach. They were confused but they saw Jazzyln talking to Tama Tonga.

The Samoan family members were angered to see him on their school grounds. Joshua was the most upset but not only did he hate Tama but he hated him even more for talking to Jazzlyn of all people.

Joshua was about to walk over there and do something but Joe stuck his hand out to stop his cousin.

"Don't even think about getting into another fight. You're about to be expelled if you do it again and then you will get kicked off the team and we can kiss the championships goodbye and you will be off the team." Joe stated as he warned Joshua.

Josh huffed and gave Joe a mean mugged look but he knew he was right.

"Does that applies to me to?" Jonathan asked as he too is mad about Tama being here.

"Yes, the both of you need to be on the team. We can talk to Jazzlyn about it on Monday." Joe said and the two brothers calm down.

On the other hand, Jazzlyn returned to Tama and gave him back his hoodie.

"Thank for you letting me borrow it." She said to him.

"No problem. My hoodie looked good on you." Tama said to her as his attempt to flirt.

Jazzlyn blushed for the third time tonight and she was starting to believe she won't be able to stop if Tama continues to flirt like this to her.

"Well my dad is here so I have to go." She suddenly said as she knows her father is waiting for her.

"Okay bye." Tama waved and Jazzlyn waved back.

Jazzlyn walked all alone as she was happy. She found a boy that she was interested in and he seemed to be interested in her.

"Hey Kiddo, had fun at the game today?" Jazzlyn's dad asked as his daughter sat in the passenger seat.

"Yeah, it was great dad." She replied back.

"Good. I'm glad you had fun." He admitted and began to drive off.

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