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                                  {18 Years Ago}
Jazzlyn's POV
[2 months later]
"Alright Jazzlyn it seems you recovered well. It's true what they say that athletes heal much faster." Doctor Wells tells me as he has just taken the cast off my knee.

I am very happy that I no longer need a cast and I can walk once again. For two whole months, I did everything I could to make sure I recovered quickly and followed all the doctor's instructions.

"Thank you so much Doctor." I said to him and he smiled.

"Of course but is there any questions you would like to ask me before we part ways dear?" He asked me.

"Now that I am healed......can I still cheer?" I asked him.

"You should be able to but I would take it easy just for a few more weeks but at least you can walk and run and stuff. You have to gradually walk your way into it. Don't rush." He tells me and I nodded.

"Of course. I understand and thank you once again." I said and he smiled and left.

"Ready to go home kiddo?" My dad came up to me as he messed up my hair a bit.

"Yeah but dad you're messing up my hair." I complained to him.

"I'm sorry but are you happy you are able to walk again?"

"Yes, I'm so glad I am no longer on crutches and no longer need a cast." I admitted.

"So are you gonna try for the cheer team?" My dad asks me.

"Dad, I already told you I can't. Try outs were over a long time ago and the games have been scheduled. There is no want I am ever join the team now. I can always try out for next year." I reminded him but my dad memory is not that good sometimes.

"Right.....you did tell me that. I just......want you to be happy that's all." He admits to me.

"Dad......you told me change is hard but right now I am adapting to the change. Look, I she a best friend now and I met a couple of others from the football team too and they are super nice to me." I admitted to him.

My dad smiles and pulls me into a hug.

"That's great. I'm glad you're doing well at school." He says and I smile.


The next day at school my dad drops me off at the front and I saw and wave at Maya to gather her attention.

"OMG, YOU'RE WALKING?!?" She says to me as she was very excited for me.

"I know right. I am fully healed but unfortunately I still need to wear my knee brace for protection but other than that, I am able to walk around." I said.

"Guess what? I have some news to tell you." Maya began to say.

"What? What is it?" I asked her as I was dying to know.

"Me and Jonathan are dating. Yesterday after school he asked me out and I said yes and now we have a date this Friday night to the movies." Maya admits and my eyes widen.

"For real?!? He asked you out? Girl I told you he liked you. Man I am so happy for you." I congratulate her.

Maya smiled at me as she was super excited to be dating her crush finally. I am genuinely happy for her and Jonathan is a great guy. He is super funny too.

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