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{18 Years Ago}
Jazzlyn's POV
Homecoming was around the corner and tickets were selling this week. Maya told me she was going with Jonathan and it's obvious because they are dating now. Me on the other hand, have no idea who I am going with or I'm not even sure if I am going to homecoming. The tickets are just twenty five dollars. Maya wants me to go and she said I would have a great experience.

"Jazzy! Whatchu doin uce?" Jonathan came up to me with Maya as they both were holding hands. Joe was right beside them smiling at me.

"Thinking about not going to homecoming." I joked. "I not sure if I want to go. Everyone seems to have a date already." I admitted.

"Damn if I knew you wouldn't be able to find a date, we could have went together Jazzlyn. Just as friends of course." Joe said to me.

"Thank Joe but I wouldn't want you to leave your date behind for me. Besides, there is nothing wrong going by myself." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"You know, you don't have to bring a date that is from our school. Other students from other schools, just as long as they are in our district and at least 14-18 can attend." Jonathan explained and the information is good to know.

"That's pretty cool." I admitted.

"Well me and Jonathan gotta go. We have a football meeting in the gym. So we'll catch you both at lunch." Joe informed me and Maya.

"Later Bae." Jonathan said as he gave Maya a kiss on the cheek before leaving.

"Bye love you." She said back to him, waving him goodbye.

"So when the wedding?" I jokingly asked Maya, smirking at her.

"What wedding?"

"You and Jonathan duh?"

"Oh shut up." Maya rolled her eyes and I laugh about teasing her.

"Excuse me....." I heard a voice interrupting my laughter. Me and Maya turned our attention to whoever was speaking and it was Iyana.

"Yes, can we help you?" Maya was the first to speak to her, showing a clear attitude towards her.

"I just wanted to talk and officially introduce myself to the new girl. I'm Iyana Freeman and you?" Iyana turned her attention to me, offering her hand.

I slowly take it. Iyana showcased a smile to me.

"Nice to meet you I'm Jazzlyn Perry." I introduced myself back.

"Cute! I like your name girl." Iyana complimented me.


"I see you've found your way around San Francisco High huh?" She asked as she continues the conversation.

"Yeah I guess. Still learning my way around." I admitted.

"I mean you hangout with Jonathan, Joe and my boyfriend Josh too." She said to me.

"Well Jonathan and Joe are my friends. They've been nice to me since my first week. I'm not close with Joshua." I admitted and explained to her.

"But you gotta like one of them. They the finest boys in the school. I mean Joe a little too old for you and he a senior but Jonathan and Joshua's little brother Jospeh is cute." She tells me.

"Uhh......Nah I'm not looking to date anyone. Besides, Joe is my friend and I hardly known their brother." I tell her.

I'm honestly confused why we are having this conversation. I'm not looking to date anyone right now. I am new and I just wanna focus on my studies at the moment. Relationships can come last.

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