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{18 Years Ago}
Jazzlyn's POV
It was around lunch already and this lunch room was not only big but it was packed as fuck. There is already so many students that go to this high school, they lowkey separate us by grades but it's different because they go by lower grade to higher grade.

Around 11:30am to 12:30pm freshman's and Junior's eat lunch together and Sophomores and Seniors eat lunch together from 12:30 to 1:30pm. So we each get an hour of lunch and I kinda like that.

I was with Maya again and she was showing me around and helping me with my lunch as well. With that, she is showing me the table that she sits at and it's kind of a lonely table with her and a few random students I never seen.

"This is where I sit. I sit here everyday for lunch." Maya admits to me.

"It's kind......secluded not gonna lie." I told her.

"Exactly. I don't get bothered here." She says to me sarcastically with a smile on her face.

"It's okay. I don't plan to get noticed here either." I admitted to her.

"Oh shit!" Maya says excitedly as she taps my arm.


"It's Jonathan and his cousin Joe." Maya smiles as she blushes at the sight.

I sneak a smile at her as it seems she really has a crush on him.

"Hey, instead of just sitting here, we should go sit with them." I advise her.

"What? Hell no girl. I'm scared. Besides you can't just sit at the bloodline table. They reserve that lunch table to themselves. We can't sit there." She tells me and I roll my eyes.

"Girl, you trippin. They don't own a lunch table." I stated and I lift myself up from the table I was sitting and I grab my crutches with my lunch tray in hand as best as I could.

"Jazzyln, where are you going? Don't leave me. Jazzlyn!" I ignore Maya as I walk all the way to this so called bloodline table.

I set my lunch tray in front of them and smiled.

"Wassup guys." I greeted them.

"Aye Jazzlyn, how are you girl?" Jonathan smiled at me as he asked.

"Great and you?"

"Jazzlyn, oh shit. I'm sorry Jonathan. I tried to stop her from bothering y'all but we're just leaving." Maya suddenly comes over and says.

"Leave? Why y'all leaving? You both already here so just sit and have lunch." Jonathan insisted us to do and I smile at Maya.

"Y-You serious? You cool with us sitting here?" Maya asked again and Jonathan nodded. "Umm......okay."

Me and Maya sit in front of Joe and Jonathan at the their table with our lunches.

"So Jazzy....You don't mind if I call you Jazzy right?" Jonathan asked and I shake my head no. "How's your knee?" He questioned.

"Still fractured but it will heal." I admitted.

"I'm Joe by the way." Joe introduced himself to me as he offered out his hand.


"So you're new to this school Jazzlyn?" Joe asked me and I nodded. "I hope you like it here and you and your friend should come to our playoff game tomorrow night." He invited me and Maya.

"Could we?" Maya butt in as she got excited.

"Yeah, I'll have the coach allow you girls in. It's not a real game but it's just to see where we at as a team since we got new players on the football this year and the coach wanna see how we play."  Joe explained and it all sounds fun to come and watch.

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