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                                  {18 Years Ago}
Jazzlyn's POV
The fight between Joshua and Marcus was all over the school. I hate fights to say the lease but everyone has been saying that Joshua has gone crazy this year. He's been on edge. He's been more hot headed and pissed off about almost everything and no one never understands why.

Jonathan complains about it a lot and he doesn't understand what has become of his twin brother but even though it was wrong for what Joshua has been doing, I do believe Marcus deserves it.

I don't know why I have this feeling but I do think Marcus deserves what he got.

It's been a week and Joshua and Marcus were both suspended by the Principal for a week and it was just confirmed that if Joshua gets into one more fight at this school, not only would be kicked off the football team, he will be expelled.

It's guaranteed.

But to further his punishment the Coach did say Joshua will not be playing for the next few games of this season this year for his actions. So with that, Joshua is temporarily suspended from football for now.

Right now me, Maya, Joe and Jonathan are in the cafeteria sitting at the lunch table. Joe was sitting next to me and Maya and Jonathan were sitting next to each other. Jonathan has his arm around Maya as she was laying her head on his shoulder and chest a bit.

She was doing her best to try to make him happy but to be honest, everyone was just upset.

"I knew some shit like this was gonna happen Uce." Jonathan complained, he kinda toss his lunch tray aside as he didn't feel hungry to eat.

"Look it's only temporary. I already talk to the coach and he said it's only for first four games which means Josh would be in the last six for this season. We can still win this Uce." Joe explained as he tried to encourage this situation to Jonathan.

I unfortunately agree with him.

"Yeah, you guys can definitely win still." I tried to encourage too.

"But we definitely still need Josh. He's one of our best players on the team." Jonathan said. "I'm just disappointed that this all happened. Our game is this Friday. Winning our first official game for this season sets us off for a great start. We need more wins in order to make it to the championships to face Southside High." He continues to speak as he explains.

"Who's Southside High?" I asked.

"Our rival school." Maya tells me as she rolls her eyes. "They are thugs for real and they clearly cheat to win. Last year our team face them in the championships and they beat us but I am convinced they cheated." She admits to me.

"That's our goal this year. To beat them and win." Joe says to me.

"I think you guys are great playing and from what I seen from y'all guys practice, you guys are so sharp. I think your brother Joseph being added to the team really makes you guys look great." I try to compliment them.

"I will admit that Joseph is great. We practice really hard and I am convinced that even though Josh is not gonna play with us in the first game, we will still win. It's a team we surely beaten before. So Jon just relax Uce." Joe says and I really admire his confidence.

No wonder he is the captain of the football team.

"Excuse me guys but I'll be back. I'm heading to use the restroom." I announced to them and left.

After I left the restroom and did my business, I was heading back to the cafeteria but I saw someone with a black hoodie on just sitting in the middle of the basketball court by himself.

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