1. Delusional

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It was the moment I had been waiting for. Something I could only experience in my dreams. And now, it was more real than ever.

Screams and praises from the female species echoed through the stadium, but my focus was on the view set before me. They were about two metres away from me, with an army of security guards protecting them like they were pure gold. Because they were.

I gripped my phone tightly, contemplating whether or not I should film a video just like all the other ENGENES surrounding me. I decided against it because I wanted minimal distractions in this moment. Besides, my cousin was filming everything next to me. Her expression was a mirror of the rest of the fans – fascination. I, on the other hand, had no idea what my face displayed in that beating moment. In fact, I couldn’t feel my face at all. All I felt was my heart slamming rhythmically against my chest, threatening to jump out of my throat.

Salome elbowed my arm, earning a frown from me. She then pointed to the stage and my eyes searched to ease my confusion. Only then my eyes caught his figure standing on the edge of the stage right in front of us. Why didn’t I notice him earlier? Damn Heeseung and his charismatic aura. He was slowly waving his microphone with a beaming smile. The smile I could only admire on screens and pictures. It felt like the world was spinning and yet, my heart rate was slowing down the longer I looked at him. Salome’s words to me were blocked out by the presence in front of me.

His eyes glanced in my direction and I wasn’t sure whether or not he was looking at me, but his smile faded slightly and he stopped waving. I refused to be delusional and assumed that he was looking at the pretty ENGENE behind me.

After a few seconds Jake joined him and started singing his iconic part in Shout out. Sunghoon placed his hand on Jake’s shoulder and sang his line. A tug at my shirt made me shift my attention.

“I think something’s wrong with your bias.” Salome yelled over all the screams.

I frowned, “Why?”

Salome looked back at the stage, “ I don’t know, he looks sick or something.”

Confused, I glanced back at the stage only to be met by a pair of chocolate eyes. There was no doubt that he was looking at me now. I could feel it somehow. Unable to tear my eyes away from him, I managed to smile to make the eye contact less intimidating. My heart started dancing in my chest when he returned the smile. No way. I’m not that lucky. But his smile faded soon after, leaving behind an unreadable expression, but his eyes were frozen on… me?

Feeling slightly embarrassed under his gaze, my eyes desperately darted to my cousin. She struggled to hold back her laughter.

“What’s wrong with you?” I asked in a teasing tone.

Salome leaned closer to whisper, “ Look at the security guard. He is judging the living fuck out of us.”

My eyes followed Salome’s and she was right. The security guard closest to us had judgement written all over his face. Probably because the crowd was screaming come kiss me and bite me.

My eardrums were abused by Salome’s screams when Niki came over to our side. I just laughed at her sparkling eyes. Simp. I knew the feeling all too well. Sneakily I glanced at Sunghoon. He wasn’t looking in my direction at all. Of course he wasn’t. I am definitely being delusional, as always.

Salome and I looked at each other with widened eyes when they started performing Tamed-Dashed. We gave into our shyness and screamed the lyrics out loud with the rest of the crowd. I had to hold onto her shoulder for support, because I was dying of laughter when a few ENGENES near us started barking. Salome joined them, but I slapped her arm.

“We are not animals. Behave yourself.” I said with a smile.

“But the sight of these fine specimens are making me go wild.” She loudly said making me hide my face in embarrassment.

The crowd calmed when Enhypen sang Bills. Salome tapped my shoulder and pointed behind us with her thumb.

“Look, some of the ENGENES are already leaving for the send off.”

I looked behind us to see about ten VIP engenes leaving the stadium, “What the fuck? We aren’t even halfway through the concert yet. What if we don’t get a spot at the send off?”

Salome smirked devilishly, “Oh, don’t you worry, my dear cousin. We will get a spot. I’ll make sure of it.”

And fortunately we got a spot at the send off without Salome needing to do something illegal. I bit my lip in anticipation. Now I have the chance to meet him face-to-face.

FORBIDDEN ATTRACTION --- Sunghoon x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now