11. Three Words

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It has been almost two months since Sunghoon and I began our secret relationship. Complicated was an understatement, but we both managed to make it work. We always tried to indulge in at least one secret meet up weekly. Most of our meetings were at my apartment during the night, but one day we managed to meet up early in the morning to drive out the city to a beautiful meadow. We spent the whole day there, embracing the fresh air, flowers and each other’s presence.

I learned a few new things about the ice prince that they didn’t show on the screens. He might possess a cold and unemotional exterior, but his core was warm and sensitive. The way his eyes lit up when he spoke about ice skating always made my heart melt. He promised to take me to the rink someday and show off his skills.

Sunghoon had quite the goofy side which never failed to make me laugh until my stomach screamed in pain. Of course, the soft soul wasn’t perfect like many believed. He struggled to figure out and comprehend his emotions at times. But he always tried his best not to offend anyone and keep their feelings in mind.

He had this intense expression on his face every time he listened to me talking. It was as if he was paying attention to everything letter and sound coming out of my mouth. This made me stutter and trip over my words, which lead to Sunghoon smiling and leaning his face close to mine to make me blush even more. He liked to tease me, but I wouldn’t want it to be any other way.

Other things I’ve noticed were that he was always neat and smelled nice. That only intensified his level of attractiveness. There were a few things that made him adorably irresistible : the way he shook his head when eating something delicious, his pout, the way he nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck to be petted and pampered like a baby animal, his laugh and the way he always secretly wanted attention. All these little things made me fall for him even more. He became someone I held dear and wanted to protect at all costs.

With a content smile, I walked out of my last class for the week. I decided to go the store to buy a few snacks for Salome and me. On the way back, I hummed softly and ate a popsicle. A big crowd at a park made me stop in my tracks. Curiosity lead me towards the group of girls screaming. My eyes widened when I caught sight of Jay and Jake over the heads of females. I stood on my toes and my eyes darted around until I found Sunghoon’s figure. Damn, he looks pretty. He was wearing a lilac purple floral shirt paired with a purple fluffy sweater. The shade of purple softened his features.

 A smile creeped onto my face as I saw him take the white puppy plushies from nearby ENGENES. When I shifted my gaze to Jake, I saw him already looking at me with a small smile. I smiled back and waved. He then turned his attention to Sunghoon, telling him something. Jake probably told him that he saw me, because Sunghoon’s eyes danced through the crowd and finally landed on me. His face immediately softened and a broad smile shone from his canvas. I just shyly waved, smiling like a lovesick idiot.

I almost snorted out loud when a few fans in front of me thought that Sunghoon was looking at them the entire time. With a relaxed smile I watched Enhypen talk about their performance today. They all definitely pulled off the pastel colour palette.

The ringtone of my phone made me break my eye contact with Sunghoon. It was Salome.

“Yes, dear cousin?”

“Where are you?”

I glanced back at the kpop group, “I’m at the park near our apartment. Enhypen is here.”

I had to distance my phone from my ear, because there was a loud squeal, “Stay there, I’m coming.”

The wait for my cousin was a matter of seconds, because she came running to me with her light stick.

“Really?”  I asked teasingly.

Salome scoffed, “I’m an ENGENE, am I not?”

My cousin looked over the crowd and spotted Niki, “Niki! Niki!” She screamed getting every Enhypen member’s attention.

With embarrassment overflowing me, I just waved at them. Some of them seemed to remember us, but unfortunately for Salome, Niki seemed indifferent.

 Salome wanted to participate in the fan meeting, but I told her that I would be heading back. I made my way back to the apartment with a slightly aching heart. I know I have seen him a few days ago, but I really wanted to talk to him. While a heavy sigh was escaping my mouth, someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the nearest narrow alleyway. I was gently pushed against the wall and a finger stopped my lips from screaming.

I took in his familiar beauty, “Sunghoon? How did you…?”

He smirked, “I managed to sneak away. I owe Jake a lot of coffees.”

My fingers traced his soft purple sweater, “You look really pretty today, hoonie.”

He took a step closer and ran his hand through my loose hair, curling a strand around his finger, “Thank you, love. You always look gorgeous to me.”

My eyes widened at his nickname. This was the first time he has ever called me that. My pulse increased when he started to lean closer.

“Is it okay if I call you that?” His whisper teased my lips ever so slightly.

I could only nod before the distance between our lips were non-existent.

I could feel and taste his longing in the kiss, because he held me so close and tightly as if I could slip away at any moment. My hands rested on his shoulders and his hands were on my waist as we shared a sweet kiss. He pulled away only to pull me closer into his arms, giving me a tight hug.

With his head resting on my shoulder, he whispered, “I should probably go. I’ve already been away for too long.”

Softly I stroked his hair, “You probably should...”

Sunghoon stayed in the same position for a few seconds before leaning away, “I’ll try to see you tonight,” His thumb caressed my cheek, “I love you.”

Time froze and everything but Sunghoon’s loving eyes blurred away. I started to love him intensely only a few days after our relationship started, but I never thought that he would be the first to say those three words to me. After being heartbroken many times before, I was afraid of ever speaking about love so bluntly. Guys always claimed that they love me, but proved their words as a big fat lie. But not in this case. I could clearly see in Sunghoon’s intoxicating orbs that he meant every word. His eyes were serious and genuine.

I slowly took his hand and kisses it, “I love you too, Sunghoon.”

With a beaming smile he petted my hair, “Stay safe.”

Stunned I stared at his figure disappearing around the corner.

FORBIDDEN ATTRACTION --- Sunghoon x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now