6. Black

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The days that followed were uneventful and normal. I secretly hoped to run into Enhypen again – to see Sunghoon. But to my dismay, nothing happened.

Salome and I got busy with university projects. Ever since she saw Niki that day, I had to listen to her yapping about how hot he is every night before drifting off to dreamland. I, on the other hand, kept my confusing thoughts about Sunghoon to myself. No one knew about us meeting in the fitting room, not even my best friend. My intention was to leave it that way, because I really didn’t want to create rumours about Sunghoon that might neglect him.

I looked up from my computer screen and laid back into my chair. I’ve been drawing a new cartoon concept this entire afternoon and now it was already dark outside. Salome was at a blind date, surprisingly. Her loyalty and dedication to Niki were strong, but that didn’t keep her from dating. Besides, she and I knew that we would never date an idol.

My eyes shifted to my calendar above my desk. It had been 25 days since I last saw Sunghoon and the rest of Enhypen.

After giving my body a good stretch, I went to the kitchen to make some coffee. The ringing of my phone made me return to my room. It was probably Salome calling from the restaurant bathroom to tell me the details about her date so far. I frowned upon seeing the unknown number flashing on my screen.

Hesitantly I tapped the green button and slowly put my phone against my ear, “Uh, hello?”

There was a moment of deadly silence before someone spoke, “Y/n?”

I almost dropped my phone. I would recognise that warm voice anywhere, “Sunghoon?”

“Yeah, it’s me.”

My throat became a desert, “This is a prank right? There’s no way that I’m talking to the real deal right now.”

“Y/n, it really is me.”

I took a seat on my bed, because my legs were going numb, “ I don’t believe you. Listen, I don’t know who you are and how you know my name, but the joke is lame. Stop using an AI app to fake Sunghoon’s voice. It’s not funny.”

There was a soft laughter at the other side, “Who even does pranks like that? I’m not an AI. I’m the real Sunghoon.”

“I still don’t trust you. Tell me something only the real Sunghoon would know.” I said in a stubborn tone.

Another silence followed, “Do you hate me?”

I gasped, “No way. This can’t be real. I’m dreaming, right?” My phone started shaking in my hands.

“I’ll give you more proof, but then you have to come down and meet me in the car.”

“What the fuck?” I ran to my window and carefully peeked through the curtains, scanning the street in front of our apartment. There was a single black car parked under a tree.

“Are you outside my apartment?” I never thought that I would be asking that question to the one and only Sunghoon.

“Maybe. I’m in a black car parked under a tree.” He was definitely smirking – I just knew it.

“B-but how did y-you even…?” I couldn’t finish my sentence. All I did was stand in the middle of my room, dumbfounded and at a loss for words.

“Just come down and I’ll explain everything.” He reassured me.

“I swear, if you are a creepy old man trying to…”

“Just come down already.”Sunghoon interrupted me and ended the call.

For about a minute I was frozen in place, trying to process everything with my mind spinning around a million questions. I put my phone along with pepper spray in my the pocket of my hoodie and made my way down the stairs. When I was approaching the charcoal car, I reached into my pocket and grasped the pepper spray.

I jumped when the tinted window on the passenger side slid down revealing my dream.

“Wow, it really is you.” The worry on my face melted away and I could physically feel myself brightening.

Sunghoon smiled gently, “Of course it is.” His eyes caught the spray can in my hand, “Is that pepper spray? Really?”

My brows raised and a pout formed on my lips, “A girl can never be too careful.”

The idol shook his head, maintaining that heart melting beam, and leaned over to open the passenger door, “Get in before someone sees us.”

Slowly and self-consciously I sat down in the passenger seat still trying to believe what reality was offering me on a silver plate. Sunghoon removed his safety belt to be more comfortable and cleared his throat.

“You must have a lot of questions, Y/n.” The way he said my name made my heart sing a melody.

My eyes ogled his outfit – he was dressed in all black formal clothes. My guess was that  Enhypen went to some kind of event today, because I also noticed a bit of sparkling eyeshadow on his lids. I looked down at my legs and felt embarrassed that I was dressed in my pajama pants. Thankfully, he didn’t seemed to notice.

“W-well,” I stuttered, “How did you get my number and my address?”

When I glanced over at him I saw that his blush was even more intense than before, “You know when you bought tickets to our concert, you had to give your contact details and address? That’s how I got it.”

 I blinked, “But there are thousands of ENGENE’s information at your company.”

He nodded and gave me an embarrassed smile, “Yeah. It was tricky, but it was attainable. ”

With my hands gesturing for him to slow down, I frowned lightly, “Hold on. That leads me to my next question and the most important one,” I dared to look straight into his orbs, “Why did you went through all that trouble to meet me again?”

With a slightly frustrated sigh, he ran his fingers through his hair, “Honestly, I’m not entirely sure yet.” before I could give him a judging look, he continued, “What I can tell you is that you weren’t wrong when you said that I looked at you differently.”

I turned my body to him and laid back against the locked door, “Listen, my dear Sunghoon, please spell it out for me, because I can hardly grasp the fact that I’m sitting here with you now. ”

Sunghoon stared at the muted radio with a troubled expression for a few seconds before giving me an answer, “ I have feelings for you.”

FORBIDDEN ATTRACTION --- Sunghoon x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now