3. Memory

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Monday slapped me with a taste of harsh reality. The weekend full of excitement was long gone and now it was back to studies.

With hooked arms, Salome and I made our way to the university. She was majoring in biochemistry which just made sense. Her overwhelming love for science always made my eyes roll. I was living out my creativity by majoring in multimedia and design. We were both freshmen so we still had to get used to the university life.

The week flew by faster than the blink of an eye and Friday made its arrival. I sighed heavily, stretched my arms and closed my laptop. Fortunately my classes ended early, but I was on my own since Salome had a test to write in the noon. It actually worked out perfectly since I needed to buy her something for her birthday next week.

I knew for a fact that she’s been wanting to get the Dark Blood Niki album. The catch was that you never knew who you were getting unless you ordered online. I searched on tiktok for cheat codes to help me hunt for Salome’s desired album and went to the kpop store near our university. They always had Enhypen albums all stocked up and tend to give away freebies. I immediately saw a big poster of Enhypen at the back of the store and skipped towards the albums. The whole left corner of the store was dedicated to Enhypen and displayed a wide variety of merchandise.

My fingers traced the albums to find the Dark Blood engene versions. Quickly I checked the cheat codes again before searching through about fifteen albums. After getting the album I really hoped was the Niki version, I scanned the rest of the albums again. The Dark Blood half version caught my eye. Maybe? Maybe not? With excitement tugging my heart, I grabbed the album and turned around only to collide into something.

I stumbled to the floor, falling on my bottom. I rapidly retrieved the albums scattered on the floor and held it tightly against my chest. My eyes almost pealed out of my skull when I saw Jake standing in front of me. What the actual…
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t pay attention to where I was going.” He gave me a helping hand which I accepted without a word.
Just when I was going to bow politely to thank the guy, I heard footsteps behind me.

“ Yah, Jake! You can’t just disappear like that.” Jungwon whined and I was concerned that Jake might have been in trouble. But when I turned around I saw that Jungwon displayed a smile and his eyes were slightly confused when noticing me.

My eyes focused on the figure behind the cat and instantly my heart dropped with the albums to the floor. Sunghoon’s face didn’t show much emotion other than a friendly smile. Good. He doesn’t remember me. I mentally questioned why I was relieved that my bias did not recognise me. Before I could puzzle out what his eyes might give away, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

“Are you an ENGENE by any chance?” Jake handed me the books that I shamelessly dropped a few moments ago. He had a growing smirk playing on his lips.
“Uhh, no. I’m just buying these for a friend.” I laughed nervously. Why did I just lie to my favourite band of all time?
“She is an ENGENE. I gave her my autograph on Saturday.” Sunghoon’s words made my blood froze and I hesitantly glanced at him. Those eyes… No way. He actually remembers me. Should I be happy though?
I forced out a laugh to make my situation less embarrassing, “Ah, you caught me. I just wanted to see if one of you would remember me. Not that it matters at all.”

Jake inspected my face which only intensified the fluttering of butterflies in my stomach, initially created by Sunghoon, “Wait, you were the one with the cousin?” Is that how he remembers me? Wow.
I nodded slowly and fidgeted with my hair.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think I remember you.” Jungwon said apologetically.
“Oh, no, it’s really fine.” I told the cat softly and he looked at Sunghoon, who was staring right into my soul.
“How do you remember.. Uh, what’s your name?” Jungwon’s eyes darted to me and I properly introduced myself.
“I just do.” Sunghoon bluntly said, maintaining a smile.
“Aye, look at all of our merch.” The golden retriever excitedly stated before walking to the merchandise corner.

We followed him, but Sunghoon and I stood a few steps away from the cat and dog duo, laughing at their amusement. I sneakily looked at Sunghoon who was smiling softly at the pair. Now is my chance.
“Sunghoon, can I ask you something?”
His eyes shifted to meet mine and my breath got stuck in my throat, “Yes, you can.”
I swallowed down my fear, “Do you hate me?”

FORBIDDEN ATTRACTION --- Sunghoon x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now