10. Secrets

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My emotions overwhelmed me and I wrapped my arms around his torso, giving him a tight hug. It took him a few seconds to register before returning the embrace.

“I was so worried about you.” I mumbled into his chest.

The vibration of his laughter ran through my body, “Aww, really?”

While pulling back, I tried to sniff away my tears and slapped his arm, “Idiot. Don’t ever scare me like that again.”

Sunghoon rubbed his arm with a smile, “Scare you by getting into an accident or following you? Oh, and thank you for the flower.”

Slightly irritated, I wiped over my face, “Both. And it’s my pleasure.”

He gave me a timid smile before pulling me into his arms again.

“So, what reason did you give your manager for sneaking out? The media states that you drove somewhere with your bodyguard, but we both know that’s a lie.” I turned on the kettle and leaned back against the counter.

Sunghoon mimicked my actions next to me, “Well, I told them I had personal business to attend to. They tried to push the issue, but I didn’t budge. I think my manager is pissed at me.”

With a slightly frown I poured the boiling hot water in our cups, “So, you didn’t tell them about me?”

He shook his head, “I want to keep you safe. I need to keep you safe since I am the one who initiated this um…”

“Situation?” I finished his sentence.

The corners of his mouth curled up, “If you want to say it like that, then yes.”

We took a seat on the couch. I mentally went through the list of questions I had for him yet again.

“Why didn’t you contact me again after that night?” I only then noticed that we were literally sitting so close to each other that our arms were slightly touching.

Sunghoon sipped his tea before answering, “Oh yes.” He took out a phone from his pocket, “I had to delete your number before my manager went through my phone. But I got another one to contact you with. I just have to get your number again.”

I blinked in surprise, “So you went through all the trouble to buy a new phone, just to be able to contact me?”

He took my hand and intertwined our fingers, “Of course, I’m serious about this.” Shyly he looked down at our hands, “Are you just as serious about me?”

I was absolutely certain that my heart was melting inside my chest. His cacao orbs searched mine for an answer, but probably failed when I gazed down to the floor. I wanted to hide my watery eyes.

“Yes, I am. I know the risks we are taking, but I want this,” I slowly looked up to meet his loving eyes, “That is, if you also want to proceed with a secret, forbidden relationship.”

A relieved smile shined from his face, “Yes. I want this. I want you.”

My eyes expanded after hearing his affectionate words, but also because he was leaning closer to my face. I stopped breathing.

“I really want to kiss you. May I?” Sunghoon whispered softly with his eyes flickering from my eyes to my parted lips.

When I slowly nodded, it felt as if I was floating with the clouds. My eyes automatically closed when I felt his lips meet mine. I realised that Sunghoon’s lips didn’t just look juicy – they were juicy. The way he gently held my face made me melt into the kiss even more. My hands held onto his forearms as we continued the passionate kiss.

Eventually, after an unknown amount of seconds, he slowly pulled away, but stopped his face only a few inches away from mine to gaze into my soul. I got lost in his eyes for a few moments before I felt myself lean in to capture his lips again. My body moved on its own and I found myself sitting in his lap with my arms around his neck. The kiss was more urgent and full of desire, but it was still genuine, affectionate and heart-warming. He slightly took me by surprise when he held onto my waist and pulled me closer to deepen the heated kiss.

After savouring the lustrous kiss to the fullest, we both pulled away to catch our breath. Still a bit breathless, Sunghoon laid his forehead against mine and I returned the gesture.

“Wow.” He said through a soft chuckle.

I leaned back to look at his face, “I was going to say that.”

His hand gently caressed my cheek while he looked at me with so much adoration swimming in his orbs. He then placed a soft kiss on my forehead and pulled me into his arms. I smiled and laid my head against his chest to listen to his racing heart.

“Y/n?”  He asked while stroking my hair.


There was a pause, “Will you be my secret, forbidden girlfriend?”

I kissed his cheek, “It would my greatest honour.”

FORBIDDEN ATTRACTION --- Sunghoon x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now