12. Purple

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Before my alarm could go off the next morning, I was already on my feet, making coffee for my cousin and me. Salome sat at the kitchen table, still half asleep and swiped on her phone.

“Why are you in such a good mood this morning?” She asked before yawning.

I sat a warm cup of coffee in front of her, “He told me that he loves me.”

The sleepiness immediately disappeared and Salome was in detective mode, “What? When?”


Salome leaned back, amazed, “No way. Did you at least say it back?”

I pouted, “Of course I did, stupid.”

I was gathering my books in our room when Salome came running in with a bewildered face.

“Y/n, check the news right now.”

My eyes dilated, “Why?”

“You guys are in trouble.”

With a shaky hand, I grasped my phone and went to the recent news about kpop idols. A cold arrow shot through my heart when I saw the picture of Sunghoon resting his head on my shoulder. My face didn’t show, just my hair. Someone took this picture yesterday and it was already spreading like wildfire.

My eyes dropped to the comments. The hate. The fans planned to find the girl with the same hair colour in the photo and ‘teach her a lesson’. The fans already started to gang up together. I recognised a few names from our university. I knew that I was in danger. My feet gave away and I slumped to the floor.

“The hate,” my voice cracked, “They hate him.”

Salome sat next to me and comforted me, “What about you? If they find you, who knows what they plan to do.”

I looked at my braid, “Cousin, can you please do me a favour?”

Salome looked at me in the mirror, “Are to sure about this?”

I nodded with stinging eyes, “Yes, I am.”

The scissors did not only cut my hair but also my pride. A lonely tear escaped my eye as I looked down to see a pile of my long and healthy hair on the floor.

There were also tears in my cousin’s eyes, “You always took such great care of your hair. Did we need to cut it this short?”

I stared at my long bob hairstyle, “Yes, I can’t risk it. Now, we dye it.”

As I dropped the towel, I was shocked. The dark purple hair made my face look more pale. Salome came in with a reassuring smile.

“Purple suits you. You kind of look like a kpop idol now.”

I forced a laugh and brushed through my hair, “ I wonder what Sunghoon would say.”

“You haven’t talked to him yet?”

I shook my head, “I’m so afraid that the fans will do something to him.”

Salome patted my back, “He has bodyguards for a reason. But I really think you should talk to him and figure out what will be best for the future.”

Slowly I gazed at my cousin, “You think we should stop seeing each other?”

My heart ached when I saw the answer in her eyes. Without saying another word to my family member, I went out of our apartment and walked down the street. I only realised that I was crying when a few people stared at me. Embarrassed and self-consciously, I put my hoodie over my head.

The weather adapted to my mood and soon enough, the rain poured down mercilessly. I was a bit grateful for the falling water droplets – no one could see my tears now. My phone’s ringing woke me out of my trance. It was Sunghoon.


My sore throat prevented me from uttering a single word, I only sniffed.

“I’m in front of your apartment. We should talk.” His tone was still soft like usual, but decorated with serious sprinkles.

With my hoodie still covering my head, I got into the car. We didn’t say anything for a few minutes.

“Sunghoon…” I could finally speak, but my voice made it obvious that I have been crying.

His soft fingers brushed against my cheek and his beautiful thick eyebrows knitted together. Slowly he leaned forward and removed my hood. The worry already present in his orbs intensified as he took in my new hair.

“I’m so sorry. Your hair.. .”Sunghoon’s eyes were glassy.

I shook my head slightly aggressively, “No, don’t apologise. I’m the one who is sorry. The hate that you are getting, it’s unbearable for me.” The tears fell effortlessly.

He gently cupped my warm cheeks and wiped the tears with his thumb, “But the haters threatened to hurt you. You cut and dyed your hair because I put you in danger,” The ice prince’s voice cracked, “I should have been more careful.”

“What did your managers say?” I was afraid to ask but I did anyway.

Sunghoon turned his face away, “They said that if I don’t end whatever is going on, I will be kicked out of Enhypen.”

I was expecting that answer, but my expectations didn’t lighten his words, “Then we should…”

“No.” He interrupted me and stared into my eyes, “I don’t want to let you go.”

I bit my slightly quivering lip, “Sunghoon, please…”

My hand was held captive by both his hands and he rested his forehead against my palm, “Please, no. I love you, I can’t lose you.”

With my shaking hand I managed to stroked his hair softly, “I don’t want to let you go either,” I lifted his chin and my heart broke even more when I saw his watery cheeks, “I just don’t want you to throw away your career and everything you have worked so hard for. I’m sure you will find another girl in the kpop industry to make you happy and…”

“Stop.” His voice matched his ice prince nickname, “Don’t say that. I love you. You make me happy, more than anything.” His shaky hold over my hand made me cry even more.

“You are not making it easy for me you know? Please, you have to let me go, Sunghoon.” My own words stung my heart.

Sunghoon’s eyes met mine once again, “Is that what you want? For me to let go?” He retrieved his hands and mine instantly felt extremely lonely.

“No, of course not!” I said louder than I wanted to before breaking down, crying non-stop.

The warmth of his arms couldn’t calm my hysteric cries. I tried to push him away, but he held me even more tightly to his chest while crying on my shoulder.

After we both cried out our hearts, we sat in silence, too afraid to officially end the relationship and say goodbye.

“Thank you for an amazing forbidden relationship, Sunghoon.” Every emotion I had left was put in those words.

“Thank you for being the best forbidden girlfriend I could ever ask for, Y/n.”

I reached for the door handle, but his words stopped me, “I’ll always love you, please don’t forget that.”

I dared to look him in the eye one last time, “I’ll always love you too, Sunghoon. Goodbye.”

FORBIDDEN ATTRACTION --- Sunghoon x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now