2. Eyes Don't Lie

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I swallowed nervously when the members of Enhypen entered the send off. My eyes immediately searched for him, but failed miserably, making my heart beat uncontrollably.

Jungwon was the first to approach us with a cute feline smile. We took a few photos with Jungwon and Jake. Jake was really a chatty and nice guy. He resembled a golden retriever to the core – eyes sparkling and a smile that would make anyone weak in the knees. His presence automatically made me feel lighter.

Salome squeaked when Niki came our way. I sneakily wiggled my brows at her and snapped a photo when he gave her his autograph. When I heard the mention of his name behind me, I slightly leaned over the gate to see Sunghoon slowly coming towards us, satisfying the fans by taking photos. Just when I turned to tell Salome, a fellow ENGENE, accidentally or not, pushed me, making me fall to the ground. Fortunately, my reflexes were on point tonight, so I managed to fall on my hands instead of my face. The sudden impact of my skin against the concrete, made my palms burn in pain. Before I could attempt to stand up, I saw a helping hand reaching out to me.

I looked up to meet Heeseung’s deer orbs full of concern. My eyes then caught the security guard giving us a strange look. Salome suddenly helped me up.

“Oh yeah, sorry. I forgot that we aren’t supposed to make any physical contact.” Heeseung said with a smile.

I waved my hands in front of my face, slightly flustered, “Oh, don’t worry. Thank you though.”

I hesitantly gave him one of his photo cards I pulled in the last album I bought of Enhypen. He made his autograph and greeted us with a wave before Salome elbowed my side hardly, adding to the stinging pain in my hands.

“Hey!” I said loudly, rubbing my ribs.

She gestured with her eyes and I followed suit. Sunghoon was busy taking a selfie with one of the ENGENES right next to me. My mouth almost dropped to the ground. No picture could compare to his beauty in person. His dazzling smile made me feel like I was bathing in the sun on a warm spring day. The dimples were the perfect accessory. That was his signature smile he gave all the ENGENES and in that moment I felt grateful to be able to see it in person.

As he turned to face me, his bright smile degraded to almost an uneasy beam. Something was definitely off. His eyes and his smile were contrasting each other. His orbs were sparkling like when the sun shines on droplets of water running down leaves after a good rain. I tried to hide my frown and smiled, reaching for one of the many photo cards of him I had in my possession. I knew that I had to force away any shyness and worry because this might be my only chance to talk to him.

“Hey. May I please get your autograph?” I surprisingly managed to ask decently.

Creases formed around his eyes because of his widening smile, “Of course.”

I outstretched my arm with the photo card in my shaky hold. My eyes widened when his hand accidentally grasped mine. The warmth of his hand sent an electric shock down my spine. The once throbbing pain beating through my fingers disappeared. His hand almost made me feel… safe? With his hand still over mine, I slowly shifted my gaze upwards just to see him already staring at me. I immediately retrieved my hand and mumbled a soft apology.

After retrieving the photo card and thanking him , Sunghoon gave me one last intense glance before giving the other engenes around me his attention. Salome shoved her phone right into my face.

“Look. I took a few pics of you and your man.”

Without sparing the photos a glance, I looked at my cousin and rolled my eyes, “He’s not my man.” My eyes wandered around and caught his striking figure, “I don’t think he likes me that much.”

Salome swiped on her phone and forced me to look at a photo, “That’s not how I see it.”

With my fingers zooming in on Sunghoon’s face, my brows knitted together, “See, he doesn’t even smile at me like he does at the other fans.”

With a confused expression, Salome stared at the photo, “He does look at you quite strangely.”

“Now we are on the same wavelength, dear cousin.” I let out a heavy sigh that came from my heart, “At least I got his autograph.” My fingertips gently traced over the curves of his signature and the small heart in the corner.

Saying goodbye to all the members made my heart ache and feel… incomplete? I lay on my bed thinking about the concert and meeting Sunghoon. I knew that I should be astonished that I had the chance to meet him, to touch him and to see his smile. But the encounter and his eyes didn’t sit right with me. I was so scared to the core that everything that happened today might have been my imagination. Though, I could still feel the sparks on my hand where he touched me.

I looked to the side to see Salome sound asleep on her side of the room. With an exhausted sigh, I reached for my penguin plushie and hugged it tightly.

Sunghoon, what are you doing to me?


FORBIDDEN ATTRACTION --- Sunghoon x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now