7 Rule Breaker

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I felt my heart palpitating and hitting my ribcage aggressively, “Y-you what?” The words struggled to come out of my mouth.

Sunghoon gently took my hand. I thought his eyes and smile were soft, but his hands were on another level. The iconic sparks tickled my fingers as he held my hand. Burning stars were dancing on my skin around his touch, slowly creeping up my arm.

“I know it sounds strange, but I tried to pay attention to my feelings around you. It was quite the challenge, trust me. I’ve never felt this way before. No fan has ever made me feel so comfortable and… curious.” He looked down at our hands, “Forget about me being a famous idol. What do you feel for me?”

I thanked the shadows of the car for hiding my flushed cheeks, “I’ve always liked you on fan level. I fell for the Sunghoon I saw on the screens and photos, because that’s all I had. But meeting your eyes for the first time, was unlike anything I’ve felt before. Yes, I don’t know you personally, but the Sunghoon I’ve seen so far in person, made me completely forget about my silly crush on you as an attractive kpop idol. It feels more intense now. I really thought that I was imagining it, because trust me, I have quite the imagination.”

“You’re not imagining it all. Though, I can’t confess for liking you or anything, because I know little about you. You probably already know the most important things about me?” The streetlights intensified his sparkling eyes.

My smile broadened, “Well, I think so. But I’m sure that I only know the surface.”

Sunghoon kept quiet for a while and rubbed gentle circles on the back of my hand with his thumb, “When I first saw you in the crowd, I felt a lot of things at once. I really didn’t know how to comprehend nor handle those feelings. Maybe that’s why it seemed like I hated you. I was really scared of confronting those emotions and you, because I thought that you will continue to just see me as someone famous.” His eyes found mine again, “But now I know I’ve been worried unnecessarily. ”

My mouth curled up, “That’s my line though. Wait, in the fitting rooms, you did call me pretty, right?” I slightly leaned closer in attempt to tease him a little.

With a shy smile, he tried to cover his reddening face with his palm, “Ah, I was hoping that you would forget about that.” He peeked through his fingers, “But, yes. I did.”

I playfully squinted my eyes, “I knew it. And then you made it seem like I said it.”

Sunghoon laughed, “I’m sorry. I was just flustered by my own words.” His laughter faded into a serious expression, “But I wasn’t lying.”

I slowly turned my head away from him to hide my face, because I was smiling and blushing like an idiot.

“Hey, are you blushing?” His teasing tone intensified the redness on my cheeks.

With my hair falling over my face, I shook my head. Something brushing against my cheek almost made me jump through the roof. I glanced at Sunghoon to see him pulling back his hand. He was leaning even closer to me now. The close proximity overwhelmed me in a satisfying way.

Before I could admire his face even more, my eyes caught a car stopping in front of us. My eyes widened when I saw Salome and a handsome man climb out of the vehicle. Instinctively, I ducked and pulled Sunghoon down with me.

He leaned over to my side again to get a better view of the pair, “Who is that?”

 I continued to spy on them , “It’s my cousin. She went on a blind date with this guy and…”I stopped talking when Salome and the stranger started to kiss.

My hand covered my mouth in shock as they continued their heated make out session shamelessly on the side of the street.

“Salome… You little…” I glanced over at Sunghoon when I head him laughing quietly.

“Your cousin sure knows how to make a good impression on the first date.”

I playfully slapped his arm and his smile is widened.

With my mouth agape, I watched as Salome say goodbye to the guy and watches him drive away. Before she took another step, she searched in her purse for something and tried to fix her make-up.

“Salome, you sneaky girl.” I looked at Sunghoon in disbelief, “What just happened?”

Sunghoon crossed his arms and laid back in his seat, “Seemed as if she enjoyed her blind date.”

Realisation hit me like a train, “Oh no. She’s going to wonder where I am.” Swiftly I took out my phone and sent her a text, saying that I went to the convenience store.

“Wait a minute,” I said softly and looked around, “Where is your bodyguard?”

Sunghoon scratched the back of his neck, “Oh, yeah. I might have snuck out. Nobody knows except for Jake. He’s covering for me… I hope.”

“So, Jake is fine with what is going on between us?” I couldn’t believe that this man snuck out without telling his bodyguard.

“Sort of. He did warn me about what could happen and the dating ban policy.”Sunghoon’s eyes were focused on a spot on the steering wheel.

“Oh, so you’re not supposed to be here with me alone  at all?” I remembered reading about the dating bans idols were committed to and what trouble they can get into if they were to break the rules.

Sunghoon shook his head and locked eyes with me, “No, I’m breaking a lot of rules right now.” His smile never faltered.

 I frowned, “Then why are you here, putting your career on the line?”

“Because I’m curious about you and want to get to know you better,” His eyes hypnotized me, “And I want you to get to know the real me.”

FORBIDDEN ATTRACTION --- Sunghoon x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now