8. Daffodil

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Minutes ticked by as we shared the simple things about ourselves. The friend-level questions were the first to be asked. I informed Sunghoon about my favourite colour, treats, season, animal and music.

“What about your favourite flower?” Sunghoon asked overly curious. He was holding my hand again.

“I have a lot of flowers I like.” My heart was getting used to him protecting my hand and slowly tracing my knuckles.

“If you had to pick one, what would it be?”

I thought for a moment, “White daffodils. They are my birth flower.”

His dark chocolate orbs dilated, “I didn’t expect that. Usually girls would choose roses, sunflowers, tulips or lilies as their favourite flower.”

While smirking, I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, “Well, I’m not like other girls.”

Sunghoon peered into my eyes, holding my gaze, “You are definitely not.”

Saying goodbye to him was a lot more difficult than I had hoped. Before I got out of the car, Sunghoon placed a gentle kiss on my ring finger. I wondered if he was also feeling the flaming stars.

Both Salome and I put on an act that night, but only I knew why.

“So, how was the date?” I asked, acting dumb while taking a seat on the couch.

I had to give it to Salome, she managed to maintain a poker face, “Oh, it went quite well, I think.”

I almost choked on my coffee. Quite well? And you think? “Was he respectful? Did he pull out the chair for you? Did he drive you home?”

Salome laughed, “Yes, yes and yes. Goodness, you sound like my parents.”

That night I tried to fight away a million thoughts, but it was no use. Every time I thought about Sunghoon and his cotton hands, my stomach turned and goose bumps decorated my whole body. I turned to lay on my back. The only sounds audible were Salome’s soft snores and my heart beat. As quietly as possible, I reached for my phone and went to my recent calls. I saved the unknown number to Sunghoon?. When I saw that it was already almost 5’o clock in the morning, I sighed and turned on my side. Eventually I drifted off into a deep sleep.

Suddenly someone started shaking me and calling out my name. I opened my heavy eyes to see Salome standing next to me with a worried expression.

“Finally! Y/n, you need to check the news right now. Oh, and you look terrible.”

I rolled my eyes and pulled the covers over my head, “Good morning to you too. I’m not in the mood to read about dating rumours.”

Salome slapped me, “No, you stupid idiot. Sunghoon has been in an accident.”

In one movement I jumped from my bed and grabbed my phone. The news stated that he was in an accident last night just after midnight. My hands started to tremble. There was no information about his current condition nor where he was. Immediately I went to my contacts and pressed call.

“Who are you calling?” Salome asked walking closer to my shaky figure. The lump in my throat prevented me from answering her.

When someone answered the phone, I spoke with my voice cracking, “Sunghoon?”

“Hello, Sunghoon’s phone.” It wasn’t his voice.

My brows knitted together, “Jake? Where’s Sunghoon? Is he okay?” I only realised that tears were effortlessly streaming down my cheeks.

Salome’s eyes expanded, “Since when did you have your man’s number?” I put a finger on my lips for her to be quiet.

“Who is this? How do you have Sunghoon’s number?”

I stabilised my breathing, “This is Y/n. Sunghoon came to see me last night.”

I ignored my cousin’s gasps and tried to focus on Jake’s voice, “Oh, yes. He didn’t save the number under your name. Probably for your safety. Sunghoon is doing fine. It was a light accident. He only got a minor concussion and had to get stitches.”

My legs gave in making me slump down on my bed, “Thank goodness. Where is he?”

“He is in the hospital, sleeping. The team and I are here with him now.”

“I know I can’t come and see him, but are the fans allowed to bring him gifts?” I already knew what I wanted to gift him.

“Yes, you can give it to one of our bodyguards. But you know that a lot of fans already gave him flowers right?”

I smiled to myself, “I know.”

Jake then gave me the name of the hospital and I dragged Salome to my car, trying to keep up with her questions. I explained everything while I drove to a flower shop.

“Wow, Y/n. You always complained about being unlucky, but look at your life now.” Salome smirked.

I rolled my eyes and went into the shop. My eyes scanned for white flowers and caught the one I desired.

“Why a single daffodil?” My cousin asked puzzled when I put on my seat belt after handing her the flower.

With a soft smile, I started the car again, “So that Sunghoon will know that it’s from me.”

Fortunately Jake gave me Sunghoon’s room number so we didn’t have to face the hassle of going to the reception. We reached the hallway and peaked around the corner. Jake, Niki and Jay were standing outside what I assumed was Sunghoon’s room. There were also two bodyguards. I hid behind the corner and put on a face mask. Salome mimicked my actions.

FORBIDDEN ATTRACTION --- Sunghoon x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now