13. Date

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I lived the next three years without a piece of my soul. The night I ended my relationship with Sunghoon, had broken me in ways I never thought possible. And I’ve yet to recover.

That night, I had packed away everything related to Enhypen in a box and I told Salome not to speak a word about them. It was a selfish command, but she knew it was for the best. I forced myself to focus and dedicate myself to nothing but my studies. Difficult was a big understatement… I cried into my pillow every night for an entire month before things got slightly better.

Even though the rumours about Sunghoon possibly dating someone became ancient history, I made it a habit to still dye my hair purple every time my roots start to show my old self – The person Sunghoon fell in love with. The person who made him extremely happy and vice versa. The reminder of the girl who loved him so unconditionally, made my heart ache and I refused to resurrect her. Yet, I still let her shine through by letting my hair grow out to its original length.

Salome and I graduated from university. I started working at a company that was famous for designing and promoting album covers for kpop groups. I only accepted the job since I knew I wouldn’t be able to get involved with him again, since Enhypen disbanded two months ago. I just briefly saw the news about their disbandment on my tiktok page and, for the first time in three years, I cried nonstop.

Salome curled my hair while giving me tips on how to behave on the first date. We still shared an apartment because we just couldn’t live without one another. Tonight was my ever first blind date my cousin arranged for me. I didn’t have any say in the matter – I just had to go.

“And remember to laugh at his jokes, even if they aren’t funny.” Salome strictly instructed as she curled the last strand of my purple hair.

I let out a dramatic sigh, “Do I really have to go? I mean, I don’t even want a boyfriend.”

“This isn’t just about getting a partner. This is also an opportunity to meet new people and do something different. The last three years have been really depressing…” She paused for a few seconds, “But now we are officially mature and independent women.” Salome smiled and nudged my shoulder.

I just laughed and turned around in my seat for her to apply makeup to my pale face. My skin became even more dull over the last few years, because I spent most of my time inside, in front of the computer. Salome always teased me for looking too much like a kpop idol, especially with my purple hair.

“I’m surprised that people haven’t mistaken you for an idol yet.” My cousin commented as she applied glitter eyeshadow.

I frowned, “Maybe because I haven’t really been around a lot of people these past years.”

Salome dropped me off at the date location – An underground aesthetic coffee shop that only recently opened up. The place stayed open until late and according to rumours, served the best coffee in the city.

“Try to at least enjoy it, yeah?” Salome said before I got out of the car.

With my stomach twisting for an unknown reason, I made my way down the stairs to the underground coffee shop. The warm fairy lights decorating the walls slightly calmed my nerves. After taking in a deep breath, I entered the cozy café.

There were a few other people in the café and my eyes caught a handsome guy in the corner sitting alone. He was reading through the menu as I approached him. When he sensed my presence, he immediately stood from his seat to introduce himself with a bright smile. His beam reminded me of those fairytale princes – charming and too perfect. I bowed shyly, feeling a bit overwhelmed, and also introduced myself. Wow… This guy is really good looking.

Yosh pulled the chair out for me like a gentleman and I smiled to thank him as I sat down. We light-heartedly chatted over the menu and I surprisingly felt really calm in his presence. As I glanced around the café, I couldn’t help but adore the plants and the addicting touch of fairy lights.

“Can I just say something? I didn’t expect you to be this pretty.” Yosh said softly, a hint of shyness in his tone.

I caught his gaze again and blushed slightly, “Oh, wow, um thank you. You are really good looking yourself.”

Before he could reply, the waiter approached our table. My eyes widened when I saw Jake standing next to our table with a notebook in his hand. He seemed just as shocked to see me.

“Hey, Jake. How’s it going?” Yosh greeted with a smile and my eyebrows raised in confusion as to how these two knew each other.

Yosh probably saw my confusion and spoke again, “Oh, Y/n, this is my cousin, Jake. He was part of Enhypen. I don’t know if you’ve heard about them.”

My heart started to beat a bit more aggressively as I swallowed uncomfortably, “Yeah, I’ve heard about them.” With awkwardness filling the air, I bowed my head at Jake.

“So where’s your buddy, Sunghoon?” Yosh’s question made my blood froze. Wait a minute. I remember that Sunghoon said that he wanted to open up a coffee shop with Jake after they disband… Don’t tell me…

“Who’s searching for me?” I slowly followed the voice and it lead me to the figure now standing next to Jake. I didn’t even try to hide my shock as I saw Sunghoon in the flesh. His all too familiar eyes dilated when they met mine. His orbs took in every inch of my form shamelessly. I quickly averted my gaze to my date.

“Do you guys know each other?” Yosh asked suspiciously.

Before the waiter duo could answer, I spoke, “I was an engene. That’s all.” I smiled to make it seem more convincing. Sunghoon’s gaze haven’t left my figure.

After Yosh gave Jake our order, Sunghoon and Jake left to make our coffees. With a million thoughts running through my mind, I excused myself. While letting out a heavy sigh, I walked down the hallway leading to the restrooms. My heart almost jumped out of place when I felt someone gently grabbing my wrist.

FORBIDDEN ATTRACTION --- Sunghoon x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now