14. Sunghoon

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The flaming stars and I reunited. My eyes slowly met Sunghoon’s as I felt my wrist tingling under his grasp. All his hidden emotions were only visible in his orbs, fighting to break free and infect his facials. I lowered my head as I was fighting my own battle to control my feelings.

The tears started falling to the floor, one by one, when Sunghoon petted my hair. His comforting touch made my tears fall at a faster rate. Only after a few seconds, I realised that he was holding me closely to his chest. I gave in and wrapped my arms tightly around his torso. His warmth, his smell, his soft touch… They were all too familiar and intoxicated my heart with deja vu. Our hearts became one as we longingly held onto each other.

“I can’t believe I’m holding you right now.” Sunghoon said and his cracking voice told me that he was on the verge of tears if not crying already.

Slowly I looked up to gaze into his soul. After letting our souls reconnect, I inspected his appearance. Other than looking more mature and handsome, he still looked exactly like the Sunghoon who stole my heart years ago. The sparkling droplets on his cheeks reminded me of the night we had to end our blossoming love. His trembling hand gently caressed my cheek and wiped away my droplets of sadness mixed with happiness.

“Sunghoon, I…” I was interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

Jake stared at us with a smirk and a raised brow, “Your date is wondering where you are.”

I stepped away from Sunghoon, feeling a bit guilty.

As I slide by Jake, his words stopped me in my tracks, “Y/n, please don’t give my cousin false hope.”

I gave him a small knowing smile and glanced at Sunghoon before returning to my date.

I decided to let us finish our coffee before confessing what my heart desired.

Yosh gave me a friendly smile, “Is everything alright?”

I just gave a small nod and my pulse increased as Sunghoon came and neatly put down our vanilla lattes. Yosh asked him something about the café as I took my cup of coffee, wanting to hide my rosy cheeks. My grip on the handle wasn’t secure enough and I spilled coffee all over my lap.

I couldn’t focus on Yosh’s words of concern, because Sunghoon kneeled down beside me. Gently he patted my thighs and legs dry with a napkin. With a teasing smirk growing on his lips, Sunghoon gazed up at me. As I tried to ignore his touch and tell Yosh that I’m alright, Sunghoon sneakily lightly brushed his fingers against my leg. Without Yosh noticing, I softly kicked Sunghoon’s foot as I tried to smile away my blush and racing pulse.

Sunghoon quietly cleaned the bit of coffee I spilled on the table and gave me a sneaky glance before walking away. Finally, I can breathe.

After Yosh took his final sip of coffee, I cleared my throat softly, “So um, Yosh… There’s something I need to tell you.” I took a deep breath, “Listen… I think you are genuinely a great guy and I enjoyed the coffee date, but… I have feelings for someone else.”

Yosh crossed his arms and leaned back in his seat, “ I know.”

“Eh?” I blinked in confusion.

“I do have eyes, you know?” Yosh laughed softly before giving me a knowing smile, “The moment you saw Sunghoon, your eyes lit up for the first time. I’m guessing you guys have history?”

As I stared down at my hands in my lap, I nodded, “Yes. We do… I’m really sorry, Yosh.”

“You can’t force feelings, nor can you ignore them.” Yosh said in a sad but serious tone before grinning, “It’s quite a coincidence, isn’t it? I go on a blind date with a girl who is my cousin’s best friend’s ex.”

I let out a soft laugh, “Yeah, I was really taken back when you said that you are Jake’s cousin.”

“Sunghoon is really lucky to have you, Y/n.” Yosh said suddenly.

With a sad smile I bowed after we bid our goodbyes. My heart felt a bit lighter as I stayed seated in the café.

I jumped in my seat when I saw Sunghoon sitting across me, “Holy…Don’t scare me like that!”

He snickered and leaned back, “So, how was the date?”

I stared at him, not really knowing what to reply, “Well… it wasn’t bad, but I had to tell him the truth.”

With a cotton smile, Sunghoon leaned closer, resting his chin on his hands, “The truth?”

My eyes held his captive. Even though he held me intimately minutes ago, I still couldn’t know for sure that he felt the same.

My eyes broke away and I stared down at the table, formulating the right words, “That my heart belongs to someone else…”

“Y/n…” Sunghoon whispered almost inaudible. I was so scared to meet his eyes again – to see the truth.

“Y/n, look at me.”

I met his intense gaze that made my heart dance in my chest. With the anticipation killing me, I waited for him to continue.

“I… I never stopped loving you…” His soft spoken words touched my soul so deeply, painting every corner with his love.

Tears were threatening to fall again. My heart was reaching out to his.

After swallowing down the lump in my throat, I replied, “I never stopped loving you either.”

His trembling hand reached to hold mine and he leaned over the table to kiss me softly.
I then knew - this was my forever.

-----THE END-----

FORBIDDEN ATTRACTION --- Sunghoon x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now