5. Pretty

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While I was mentally questioning the coincidence, Sunghoon grabbed my wrist and pulled me into one of the fitting rooms, quickly locking the door. I forgot how to breathe and just stared at his face which was the closest to mine that it has ever been. He had that weird emotion in his eyes.

He pulled down the mask, “Are you following me?”

I really thought that my ears were deceiving me, “Excuse me?”

He took a step forward and stole a beat from my heart, “This is the second time I coincidentally crossed paths with you.”

I crossed my arms and gave him a scowl , feeling a bit hurt by his accusation, “No, why would I do that? That’s just creepy as hell. Why would I invade your privacy? And also, I don’t have petty paparazzi genes running through my veins.”

Sunghoon blinked before chuckling softly, “You have a way with words I see.” He cleared his throat and genuinely smiled, “ I apologise for accusing you. I didn’t really think that you were. It really was just the first question I could think of.”

“ Yeah. I have a life besides drooling over you.” Both of our eyes enlarged at my words. Stupid idiot.

Sunghoon’s smile curled into a smirk, “I was curious about who your bias is. I guess I have my answer now.”

I shifted my eyes to the floor, “Whatever, ice prince.” realisation then hit me, “Wait, why were you curious about me?”

He cleared his throat uncomfortably, “Anyway, about the question you asked me a few days ago…”

I raised my eyebrow, but let him continue.

His eyes met mine and held them captive, “I don’t hate you at all. Why did you even ask me that?”

I sighed and sat down at the cushioned bench against the wall behind me, “I don’t know. You just looked at me weirdly and differently. I guess it was just my imagination.” I gazed up to give him a melancholic smile.

My body temperature slightly increased when he took a seat next to me, “Yeah, maybe. Anyway… How did you find the concert?”

Closing my eyes, I could still feel the beat of their music pulsing through my body, “It felt like a dream yet so real at the same time. You guys really did amazing.”

Sunghoon just nodded in response with his eyes glued onto my face and I allowed myself to take in every inch of his canvas. My eyes followed his moles and traced the outlines of his puppy eyes, admiring his long eyelashes. You’re so pretty it hurts.

“You’re so pretty it hurts.” I felt my eyes expanding when I heard him speak my thoughts out loud. It seemed as if he was just as surprised by his words and swiftly got to his feet.

He raised his brows with slightly pursed lips, “Did you say anything?”

My mouth almost dropped to the floor. Is he really acting like nothing just happened?

I crossed my arms, trying to force away an coming smirk, “No. You did.”

Sunghoon maintained a poker face, “No, I didn’t. Anyway, I’m going to leave you to try on your clothes.”

He left before I could speak another word. Is he acting weird or is this just part of his personality?


I tried to stabilise my heartbeat as I tried on the fits, but failed. With a sigh, I left the changing rooms and searched for my best friend just to discover her surrounded by the Enhypen members. All of them. What is my life? With a broad smile I walked to them and greeted them respectfully.

“We meet again, Y/n.” Jake said and I was stunned that he made the effort to remember my name.

Salome was shamelessly staring at Niki and I elbowed her, giving a warning smile.

“Seems like coincidences are real.” I forced a nervous laugh, trying to ignore someone’s gaze on me.

Jake started his own conversation with Salome, asking  about her satisfaction with the album she received this morning. The other members were either looking around or listening in on Jake’s conversation.

Without my permission, my eyes caught Sunghoon’s and I became numb under his gaze. He made me feel things I never thought were possible – a wave of contentment yet intense attraction swept over me. But soon it faded away at the thought of having one sided feelings. Because that’s what they were and nothing more.

After enjoying each other’s company, we parted ways with Enhypen. Sunghoon’s eyes never left my figure when we bid our goodbyes. His lips were slightly parted as if he wanted to tell me something, but left it unsaid.

FORBIDDEN ATTRACTION --- Sunghoon x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now