9. Dangerous Game

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We carefully made our way to the guarded door, getting everyone’s attention. When Jake’s eyes met mine, they dilated. Jay and Niki were expressionless.

“How can we help you?” One of the bodyguards asked.

My heart started jumping from his intimidation, “Can you please give this to Sunghoon?” I reached out the daffodil.

The bodyguard only nodded and took the flower.

I gave Jake one last knowing glance before walking off with Salome. Just when I wanted to sigh out in relief as we turn around the corner, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Hey, um. I just want to talk to you real quick.” Jake said in a serious tone.

I nodded for him to continue. He seemed a bit troubled.

“Listen, I can see there something going on between you and Sunghoon, but you probably know in how much trouble he can get into.” Jake sighed and gave me a reassuring smile, “But I’m going to trust him. There must be a reason why he is doing this. It’s just strange, I don’t know him like this. So I’ll try to help you guys where I can.”

I immediately felt guilty for dragging Jake into this, and my cousin, “I know about your dating policies and rules. What makes the situation more dangerous is that I’m just a fan. I am really just as puzzled as you are. But just know that I intend to keep Sunghoon safe in any possible way that I can. I already care about him.”

My eyes caught Salome’s and then shifted to Jake, “I am really sorry for dragging both of you into this. If Sunghoon wants to get to know me, then we will be playing a very dangerous game from now on.”

Salome snaked her arm around my shoulder, “Don’t apologise, dear cousin. I’m just happy that one of us will have our own forbidden-love story.”

My heart jumped from hearing the four-letter-word, “Love?”

The days after Sunghoon’s accident dragged by endlessly. I knew that contacting him would be risky, especially after someone else answered his phone. Next time it might be his manager answering. So I decided to wait for him to contact me after healing entirely. But the days turned into a week and I was thinking that maybe someone found out about us. The worry was eating me alive.

The latest news about Sunghoon eased my soul just a bit. He was discharged from the hospital and healing quickly. I wondered whether or not he figured out that the daffodil was from me. Maybe Jake told him?


With earphones in, I made my way to the convenience store. Salome was on another date with the same guy, so I was alone tonight. I hummed softly as I filled my casket with iconic convenience store snacks. The streets were quiet tonight and the stars active. At a slow pace, I walked back to the apartment, sipping on strawberry milk occasionally. The sound of distant footsteps made me walk even slower.

I sneakily peeked around to see a tall figure with a hoodie over his head and a face mask. The man blended in well with the shadows because of his black clothes. With a racing pulse, I quickened my pace. The person also began to walk faster. Damn, I don’t have my pepper spray with me.

As I walked up the stairs of my apartment, I tried to calm myself, but his footsteps echoed from underneath me. Fuck this. I started running up the last stairs and jogged to my door trying to find my keys. When I tried unlocking the door, my throat went dry as the figure approached me. Halfway through my action of yanking the door open, a hand closed it from behind me. I turned around and wanted to scream, but the man put his hand over my mouth. This is it. I’m going to die.

“Shh, it’s just me.” The familiar voice whispered softly and slowly retrieved his hand to pull down his mask.

My eyes started to sting, “Sunghoon?”

FORBIDDEN ATTRACTION --- Sunghoon x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now