Chapter 1

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Aarti froze when she saw her new boss entering the building; she was so dumbfounded that she hid behind her colleagues, hoping that he wouldn't see her. Their company was going bankrupt and a wealthy business man bought the building, but she didn't think it would be him.

"Oh my, our new boss is a treat to look at"

Pari said looking at him with dreamy eyes and the rest of the girls nodded their heads, agreeing with her. Aarti stood there quietly knowing that as soon as he notices her, she'll be fired and will have to find another job. She was lost in her own thoughts when she heard his voice for the first time in two years

"I'm the new owner of this company. With new management, we'll be changing this company's name to Sindhiya & Corporation, and my name is Yash Sindhiya. Our main job is to thrive and make this company number one; now who's with me?"

He said and everyone applauded him. Aarti left and hid in the bathroom as she started to panic. If Yash finds out that she work here, he won't be happy.

"Don't ever show me your face again. I hate you"

Echoed in her ears as she recalled Yash last words to her two years ago. She still remember the fury and hatred in his eyes that night. It was the end of their work shift so everyone had already left the building. This is her chance to leave and never show her face here again.

She quietly tip toed to the front door when suddenly the door pushed opened and almost knocked her over. A pair of strong hands grabbed her in time and she was now in his arm. Aarti quickly composed herself and looked up, only to see Yash staring at her coldly.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

He asked while she shivered with fear. She tried to talk but words weren't coming out of her mouth.

"Have you no shame at all? Are you stalking me?"

He asked once more and again, she couldn't speak. She finally mustered the courage to say something

"I work here"

She mumbled but he heard her.

"But not for long! You'll get my resignation letter by tomorrow morning"

Aarti tried not to cry; she need this job more than anything but Yash would make her life miserable if she continue to work for him.

"I don't accept your resignation"

She was shocked, he hates her but refuses to let her go?

"I could care less if you work here or not! Your existence does not matter to me, I hope you know that"

Aarti tried not to cry but his words hurt a lot

"But I have an image to maintain so I cannot fire you on my first day here. Just stay the hell away from me! I don't want to see your face again"

He said walking away

Seeing Aarti after two years made Yash blood boil. He wish he could just fire her and never have to see her again but he made a promise to the company when he took over, that he will give all his employees a fair chance.

"How dare she show her face and pretend like nothing happened? How could she look so happy after destroying my happiness. Now that she's working here, I'll make her life a living hell. She'll regret ever betraying me"

Aarti started walking home, Yash words echoed in her ears. She knew that he hated her but why did his words hurt so much? Why does her heart ache so much? She was lost in her thoughts when she heard honking, she wasn't paying much attention on the road and almost got hit by a car. The car came to a complete stop and the person came out, only to be Yash.

"Do you have a death wish or something?"

Yash had no emotion and Aarti looked down at the concrete road. She didn't have the courage to look at him, he would be able to tell that she's broken.

He took out his phone and called someone,

"I need a car near the main gate"

Aarti was still looking down but wondered why Yash called for another car when he was already driving his own.

"My driver will come pick you up and drop you home since it's already late"

He said as if he could read her mind

Before she could say anything, he continued

"You're my employee and it won't look good if something happens to you, especially during work hours"

He said driving off. Aarti was surprised at his behavior. Less than a minute later a car came with Sindhiya license plate and Aarti got inside.

Yash, who was parked across the road saw Aarti leave with his car. As much as he hated Aarti, he couldn't let her walk home by herself. He told himself he's only concerned because she now works for him but deep down he still cared, even if he denied it. 

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