Chapter 9

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"Aman, what is this?"

Mansi looked confused as Aman approached her. He held her shoulder and calmed her down.

"Sorry babe but this was the only way to find out about Aarti"

He sat her down on the sofa and Mansi began to relax a little.

"But why did you say you were her boyfriend? You could've said brother"

Mansi raised an eyebrow and Aman held her hand.

"I panicked, okay. When the nurse asked me how I'm related to her, I just blurted out boyfriend"

He admitted with guilty eyes and Mansi sighed. She knows that Aarti is a really good friend of his but she couldn't help but feel jealous just a few minutes ago.

"I believe you"

She said in an adorable voice and Aman smiled as he kissed her forehead.

"Baby, what really is going on with Aarti? Why is she injured?"

Mansi asked as she rested her head on Aman shoulder and he sighed.

"That's what I'm trying to find out. I know Aarti left her home because of her mom but I don't think she's capable of this"

Aman said but deep down he was starting to think otherwise.

"How was her relationship with her mom?"

Mansi asked, she was curious because of how abruptly she moved in.

"They were the total opposite but they used to get along just fine. Aunty was a little strict with Aarti but she was always kind from what I know"

Aman reminisced on the past.

"Was she really kind or could that have been an act?"

Mansi couldn't help but wonder. Aman looked at her and he was now lost in thoughts. He remembered speaking to Aarti last night and how she felt suffocated living with her mom. He would've never thought that aunty could be capable to lay a finger on her.

"Maybe what you're saying is true, maybe it was all an act when people were around. I feel like so much has changed since Aarti and Yash broke up"

He blurted out and Mansi wondered who's Yash. Aman saw Mansi looking at him so he continued.

"Yash was Aarti's boyfriend; he was perfect for her. They dated for maybe three years before Aarti ended their relationship"

"Why did she leave him?"

Mansi asked quietly and Aman sighed.

"Up to this day she never gave a reason why. But after their breakup, she was labelled as a gold digger"

Aman looked over to Aarti for a moment before he continued.

"But I know her too well; she was madly in love with Yash. She was never after his money"

He said and Mansi quietly listened.

"Aunty wasn't happy when she heard about the breakup and she even confronted Aarti. I guess it makes sense why aunty is so cold towards Aarti, she think her daughter is a gold digger and a horrible person"

Aman shook his head.

"Poor Aarti, she's been through so much. Moms are supposed to protect their child, her mom failed her"

Mansi couldn't help but feel Aarti's pain.

"She's dating Aman?"

Yash sat in his car and hit the steering wheel in frustration.

"She always said that Aman is like her brother. What a fool I've been"

He thought back to the time he first met Aman, the way Aarti introduced him as her brother. Aman always gave him good vibes; in fact they were always civil whenever they met. He wondered how they ended up together, he knew Aman wasn't doing that well financially. Yash shook his head and tried to forget the whole ordeal. Aarti is now Aman's problem, he's free from her manipulation. But why was he so unhappy? Why did it hurt him to see them together in the hospital? Yash drove home, slammed his room door shut and grabbed a bottle of bourbon. He was slowly drowning and knew no other way to relieve his pain.

For the next two days Aarti was kept under observation. She was asked a lot of questions, and although her and Shoba doesn't have the greatest relationship, she lied and told the nurse that she fell and hurt herself.

On the third day, she was discharged. Aman picked her up and dropped her off to her apartment, Mansi was already waiting for them. She helped Aarti settle in her bed and made sure she was comfortable. They both sat beside her and Aarti sighed.

"My boss must be furious. I'm sure he'll fire me"

She mumbled quietly as she tried not to stress herself out.

"I wouldn't worry about that. Your boss was at the hospital"

Mansi said, puzzling Aarti. She then explained how Pari called her phone and then her boss showed up that same day.

"He came to see me?"

Aarti was still shocked. The rest of the night Aarti was restless, she wondered why Yash showed up to the hospital.

"Was he worried about me?"

She asked herself but then shook her head.

"He made it clear many times that he hates me. Maybe he came to see for himself that I wasn't lying"

Aarti said with a sad heart.

She took her phone and typed out a message.

"Do I still have my job?"

She sent the message but instantly regretted it. That's not professional of her at all; she missed so many days without informing Yash. Before she could delete the message, she heard her phone vibrate.

"If you were fired you would've already gotten your notice"

She read out loud and sighed. This job is all she has to support herself, especially now since she no longer lives with her mom.

"I heard you came to see me at the hospital?"

She typed out nervously and anxiously bit her nails as she waited for him to reply.

"Don't flatter yourself, Ms. Doobay; I was already at the hospital visiting someone and heard the doctors say your name"

Her heart sank as she read the last part. She put her phone away and closed her eyes, she needed lots of rest since she was going back to work tomorrow.

Yash sat in his room and he was still staring at this phone.

"Are you okay?"

He typed but then suddenly erased the message.

"Being around Aarti makes me vulnerable and I cannot go through that again. I know what I have to do now; I have to be ruthless with her. it's the only way to protect my heart"

He closed his eyes but couldn't sleep. 

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