Chapter 5

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The sun woke her up and Aarti realized that she was still on the beach, she had fallen asleep on a hut. She quickly got up and looked at the time, it was almost 8AM. She walked back to the hotel and wondered if Yash knew she spent the night out. She knew he doesn't care about her anymore but as her boss, he must be furious. Aarti saw Prateek sitting by the lobby and he waved at her, she awkwardly waved back and tried walking away but he signalled her to join him.

"You are still in the same clothes as last night"

Prateek raised an eyebrow and Aarti became embarrassed.

"No need to be embarrassed. It happens"

He winked at her and she realized he was getting the wrong idea.

"It's nothing like that. I was by the beach and I guess I dozed off"

Aarti said but even her reason sounded suspicious.

"I was teasing. Come, join me for breakfast"

Prateek patted the seat next to him and Aarti had no other choice but to sit down.

Yash woke up and realized that he was the only person in the room. He looked around and there was no sign of Aarti. Confused, he decided to go look for her. He wondered if she spent the entire night out and alone. He walked past the lobby and was surprised to find Aarti and Prateek sitting down, having breakfast. Yash noticed that Aarti was still wearing the dress from last night.

"Did she spend the night with him?"

Yash pondered.

"No, Aarti is not that type of person"

He said to himself. He looked back at the two of them and he could see Aarti smiling with Prateek.

"The Aarti I knew years back turned out to be a fake. I don't know her anymore"

Yash was still lost in thoughts when he heard Prateek calling him. He looked over and saw Prateek waving at him to join them. He showed him the phone in his hand and pretended to be on a call as he walked away.

As she opened the room door, Aarti was faced with a furious Yash. Before she could say anything, he cleared his throat and looked at her.

"I don't know where you've been all night and clearly I could care less. But don't forget that you're my employee and anything you do will reflect poorly on me"

He said harshly and Aarti just stood there shocked. Does Yash think that low of her?

"A car will pick you up in 20 minutes. Be ready or else you can find another ride home"

He said before leaving. Aarti watched him leave and she did not bother defending herself. Yash already made up his mind about her loyalty and her character so why bother telling him the truth.

Moments later a car picked her up and she was now heading home. Could she really call that her home? Her mom hates her and she feels suffocated there. But that's the only home she's known, besides, where would she go?

"Madam, you've reached"

The driver said looking at her and she snapped out of her day thinking. She thanked him and then headed inside the house.

She pushed the door open and heard Shoba talking to someone on the phone.

"And now I have to see her ugly face every day and be reminded of how unlucky I'm"

Shoba voice was coming from her bedroom. Aarti quickly walked to her room and quietly shut her door, without Shoba knowing. She sat on the floor and sobbed quietly.

"Why does everyone hate me so much? What have I done to deserve such cruel fate? Maybe I'd be better off dead"

She held her knee and cried more. She stayed in her room for the rest of the day and did not make a sound, she didn't want her mom to know she was back.

The next morning Aarti woke up with a pounding headache, followed by blurry vision. She took a shower and got dressed for work, she wore a simple black trouser and a floral blouse. She let her hair down and barely wore any makeup. She finally left her room and saw Shoba looking at her.

"Good morning ma"

Aarti walked up to her but Shoba completely ignored her. Dishearten, she hailed a cab and left for work.

"So how did it go?"

Aarti looked up and saw Pari hovering over her desk.


Aarti asked casually as she continued typing on her computer.

"How was it with Yash sir?"

Pari wanted all of the juicy details and Aarti looked on.

"I heard you two shared a room"

Pari whispered, just loud enough for Aarti to hear. She became curious, how did Pari know they shared a room together?

"Where did you hear that?"

She stopped typing and look at her.

"I have my source"

She winked at her and Aarti sighed.

"The hotel accidently canceled one of the rooms so I had to stay with him"

Aarti said quietly.

"So romantic"

Pari squealed excitingly and Aarti told her to be quiet.

"It was not romantic at all"

Aarti recalled Yash drunken words to Prateek and then his accusation in the hotel room.

"If you say so"

Pari sat down and opened her browser.

"You and Yash sir locked in a room together. Uff, the excitement"

Pari day dreamed and Aarti pinched her arm and brought her back to reality.

"You watch way too many soap operas"

Aarti said and Pari chuckled.

They heard someone cleared his throat, Yash was standing there with an unpleasant look as always.

"If you're both done chatting, I need you to go and look for a document labelled, 'Gupta.' it's in a box somewhere in the storeroom"

He blankly stared at Aarti and she tensely nodded her head. She hates going to the storeroom, it's down in the basement and she always felt a creepy vibe.

"And you get back to work"

He looked at Pari before leaving. She heave a sigh, even grumpy he's so cute.

Aarti nervously fumbled with the bunch of keys and opened the storeroom door. She looked around and saw a lot of boxes stacked on top of each other. Aarti sighed heavily; it would take her hours to find that document.

"I know you sent me here because I'm afraid of basements and storage spaces. You want me to fail and not find the documents but I'll prove you wrong, Yash. I will not let my fear win"

After lifting the boxes and searching, for what felt like eternity, she finally found the document and smiled to herself. She grabbed it and opened the door but it was stuck from outside. Confused, she tried again but it was not opening. Aarti hit on the door, yelling for help. She kept banging and hitting the door but it was of no use, no one can hear her from upstairs. She panicked and looked around to find her phone, but she left it on her desk.

"Can anyone hear me? I'm stuck inside the storeroom. Please open the door"

She shouted from the top of her lungs. It was almost time to go home and she knew if everyone left then she'll be stuck here for the entire night.

"Please help me"

She cried as she sat in the corner of the room. She suddenly felt the entire room spinning and she held on to her head. She slowly lost consciousness and collapsed on the floor. 

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