Chapter 6

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It was now the end of the work day and everyone had left, except Pari. She saw Yash leaving his cabin and quickly called him over.

"Where is Ms. Doobay?"

He raised an eyebrow.

"I think she's still in the storeroom"

Pari pointed to her phone and bag, it was still on her desk. Yash wondered what Aarti is still doing in the storeroom, it's been hours since he sent her there.

"Okay, you go home. I'll go find her"

He decided to go down and see what she's really up to. He got to the door tried to open it but noticed it was jammed from the outside.

"Ms. Doobay, can you hear me?"

He asked but there was no reply.

"Pari could be wrong, maybe Aarti went home"

Yash turned to leave but then stopped.

"But what if she's right? Aarti won't leave without her bag and phone"

He kicked open the door and entered the room. At first there was no sign of Aarti and Yash became even more confused. He walked closer to the stack boxes and he noticed the Gupta file on the floor. He bent to pick it up and that's when he saw Aarti unconscious on the ground.

Yash dropped the file and rushed to her side, he gently tapped on her face to wake her up.

"Ms. Doobay, are you alright?"

He carefully lifted her head and placed it on his lap to elevate her.


His voice was soft and full of concern. He lifted her up and rested her on the sofa in his cabin. Yash checked her wrist for a pulse; his eyes widen as he noticed multiple cuts close to her vein. Time stood still for a moment as he gazed at her cuts; when did Aarti start self-harming, he wondered. He was brought back to reality and quickly sprinkled some water on her face, making her flinch. Aarti slowly opened her eyes and saw Yash staring at her, she looked around and wondered how she got to his cabin. The last thing she remembered was being locked in the storeroom.

"Are you okay?"

He asked her but this time his voice was so gentle, which surprised Aarti. She nodded her head and he stepped back. She tried getting up but her head was still pounding, making her lose her balance a little. Yash noticed and he swiftly grabbed her and held her in his arm. He couldn't help but stare at the woman in his embrace, he reminisced on their past together. Her aroma was still the same, fruity with a hint of jasmine. Her eyes that used to sparkle when she looked at him was now dull and gloomy. Yash then remembered how she shattered his heart and left him like he never meant anything to her.

"Thank you"

She let out a quiet whisper and Yash snapped out of his day dream and he let go of her.

"Come, I'll drop you home"

He said while avoiding eye contact with her.

"It's okay sir. I'll manage"

She politely declined his offer.

"That wasn't a request, Ms. Doobay"

He finally looked at her and his eyes were faded.

"You fainted on my property. I'm responsible for your safety"

He continued as he showed her the way to his car. Aarti sat silently; to him she's a burden. For a moment she believed he actually cared about her wellbeing but why would be? He made it clear many times that he hated her.

Moments later Yash was in front of her house. Neither of them dared to look at each other. Aarti tried to unbuckle the seatbelt but it was stuck, making her more frustrated. Yash noticed and he leaned forward to help her; they were inches away and Aarti could smell his Dior cologne, he favorite.


"Yash, please help me. My seatbelt is stuck"

Aarti looked at him with puppy eyes and he smirked.

"Are you really stuck? Or you just want me close to you?"

Yash leaned in closer and Aarti chuckled.

"Maybe I want you close"

She said alluringly and he grinned as he leaned in and kissed her so passionately. Aarti moaned as she enjoyed his tender touch but then she playfully stopped him.

"Please Yash, ma is waiting for me and you know she hates it when I'm late"

She pleaded and Yash sighed.

"Your mom is ruining our romance time"

He frowned and Aarti let out a small laugh.

"I'll make it up to you, promise?"

She said in an adorable voice and he finally smiled.

"Your seatbelt is unlocked"

Yash stole one last kiss.

"Your seatbelt is unlocked"

Echoed and she was brought back to reality. She looked up and saw Yash staring at her. She stepped out of the car and before she could thank Yash, he drove off, as she watched his car slowly disappear.

She turned around and saw Shoba standing there, with a look of disgust. 

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