Chapter 13

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"You had me worried sick when you didn't come home last night"

She heard Mansi voice from behind. Aarti felt terrible for not informing her about her whereabouts last night.

"I'm sorry Mansi. I don't know what happened or how I got so drunk"

She said in a remorseful voice and Mansi sat beside her.

"What happened? Where were you all night?"

She asked and Aarti became quiet for a moment; all she remembered was waking up in Yash bed.

"I remembered doing a lot of shots with Pari and then suddenly my boss was at the same club"

Aarti said quietly

"The rest of the night were a blur, Mansi. I don't remember anything after that"

She paused for a moment while Mansi looked at her.

"I woke up at my boss's house"

She looked down and Mansi hugged her.

"Do you think something happened?"

Mansi suddenly asked and Aarti quickly nodded her head, telling her no.

"He would never take advantage of me"

Aarti said as she recalled their past memories.

"Do you know him well enough to trust him?"

Mansi asked. She only met Yash once at the hospital and he seemed like a nice man but looks can be deceiving sometimes.

"I do, Mansi"

Aarti looked at her, as if she wanted to tell her something.

"What is it, Aarti? You can tell me anything and I promise I won't judge you"

Mansi assured her and Aarti broke down crying in her arm.

"Yash, my boss, he's my ex-boyfriend"

She finally confessed and Mansi was stunned to hear that. Remembering back on the day at the hospital, it all started to make sense why Yash was so bothered about Aarti's wellbeing.

"No wonder he looked so distress that day at the hospital"

Mansi said, making Aarti look at her.

"He wasn't there because of me. He went to see someone else"

She blurted out and Mansi was not convinced.

"Can I ask you something?"

She asked after some thinking and Aarti nodded her head.

"Why did you two break up?"

Mansi asked as she recalled Aman telling her about their relationship.

"The truth is, I left him"

Aarti said in a whisper and Mansi held her hand, comforting her.

"Why? Was he a bad boyfriend? Did he do something wrong?"

She asked and Aarti broke down once again.

"He was perfect, Mansi. Just perfect"

Aarti said looking down.

"Then what happened?"

She wiped Aarti tears.

"His mom never approved of me. She was the one that asked me to leave, so her son could find someone better"

Aarti finally said the truth, after two whole years. Mansi sat there shocked.


Two years ago Aarti got a call from Yash's mom, asking to meet for coffee. They met at a nearby café and Aarti was happy, she thought his mom genuinely wanted to get to know her better.

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