Chapter 12

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"I'll take her home, don't worry"

Yash assured her and she sighed in relief.

"Thank you sir. I'll go check on the others"

Pari walked away. Yash picked up Aarti and walked towards his car. He gently put her in the passenger seat and leaned in closer to buckle her seatbelt. Aarti played with his hair and she could smell his fragrance.

"You smell so good"

She put her nose closer to him and inhale, Yash quickly buckled her up. He began driving and Aarti played with the radio, changing the stations.

"Where do you live?"

He asked.

"With Mansi"

She giggled.

"And where's that?"

He quickly looked over to her.

"Umm, I don't remember"

She rubbed the back of her head and Yash sighed.

"Aarti, I need you to try and remember"

He said while focusing on the road.

"Oh I know. I can call Aman and find out"

She searched for her phone. Yash stopped the car and looked over at her.

"Aman knows where you live, huh?"

He asked and she nodded her head.

"It's his second home"

She chuckled and Yash felt his heart drop.

"Does he live with you?"

Yash asked but was he really ready for that answer?

"He comes and goes as he pleases"

She said in an innocent voice and Yash sighed, Aman living with Aarti makes him so enraged.

"He sometimes sneaks in the middle of the night"

She chuckled while Yash felt unhappy listening.

"He thinks I'm asleep but I can hear him and Mansi"

She continued and Yash was left confused.

"Aman and Mansi?"

He raised an eyebrow.

"They're in a relationship"

She said while playing with her hair and Yash realized that he misunderstood everything that day at the hospital. Now it made sense why Mansi was so dazed when she saw Aman in the room with Aarti.

"I thought you two were together"

He said quietly and Aarti laughed out loud.

"Aman is my best friend and right now he's the only family I have"

Her voice squeak and Yash looked at her, lost for words.

"What happened to your mom?"

He finally asked her.

"She doesn't want me. She asked me to go away just like my dad did"

She admitted drunkenly.

"That's how you ended up living with Mansi?"

Yash said in a shaky voice.

"Mansi wasn't my first choice"

She said quietly and he raised an eyebrow. Something about that made Yash scared; he hoped that Aarti was not talking about ending it all.

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