Chapter 18

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"Noo, don't touch me"

Aarti screamed, startling a sleepy Yash.

"Please don't hurt me"

She continued screaming and Yash tried to wake her up.

"You're safe now. You're just having a nightmare"

He held her hand and she calmed down a little, her eyes slowly dozing off again.

He sighed, even in her sleep Aarti is still scared of that bastard. For the rest of the night Yash couldn't go back to sleep, he kept thinking that Aarti might wake up, scared again.

Her phone began to buzz, Mansi was calling her. At first Yash was not sure if he should pick up, but after two missed calls her realized that she must be worried about Aarti.

"Aarti, thank god you picked up. Where the hell are you?"

Mansi's panic voice reached Yash ear.

"This is Yash"

He said and Mansi became quiet. He explained what happened earlier and he could hear Mansi's sob through the phone.

"Is she okay?"

Mansi asked.

"She's better now. She's sleeping"

His voice was low

"I know you don't know me but trust me, she's in good hands"

He continued and Mansi exhaled.

"I know who you're. Aarti told me everything"

She said, surprising Yash.

"And I know you would never hurt you; I really do. It's just that I'm so worried about her"

She continued and Yash sighed, that makes two of them.

"Please keep me informed about her health"

She pleaded and Yash promised he'll update her. Mansi hung up, feeling content. At least Aarti isn't alone right now, Yash is by her side. And by the sound of Yash voice, she knew that he's concerned about Aarti. Maybe being in the same room might make them realize their love for each other.

Yash turned around and looked at a sleeping Aarti, she looked so peaceful. He stroked her hair as he observed her, she was still the most beautiful woman he's ever laid eyes on. He caressed her cheek and realized that Aarti's body was as cold as ice. He checked his AC but it was turned off. How is she so cold when the room is so warm, he wondered. By then she started to shiver, making Yash more restless. He called back the doctor to inform her about Aarti.

"Oh my, that's not good Mr. Sindhiya. She needs heat"

The doctor said.

"Listen carefully. I need you to remove all of her clothes and then I need you to do the same"

She continued and Yash wondered where she's going with this.

"I need both of you to cover with a thick blanket. You have to cuddle her, keep her as warm as you can'

Yash then realized what the doctor is trying to do. With their body heat, it should reduce her shivering and help warm her up.

Yash was hesitant at first, he felt like he was taking advantage of Aarti by doing this. But it's the only way to stop her from shivering. He slowly removed his shirt, then his pants, but was reluctant with his boxer. He got under the cover and slid his boxer off, feeling like a pervert. Without looking, he slowly removed her dress and her panty, leaving an exposed Aarti. He did not feel comfortable at all doing this to Aarti, especially since she's unconscious, but he had to do it. He slowly moved towards her; his arms wrapped around her now tiny waist. Holding her in his arm brought back so many memories, ones he tried so hard to forget. Just one touch and he was reliving their entire relationship again. Being this close to Aarti was driving him wild. All he could think about was her naked body under the blanket, so close to him. All he wanted to do was kiss her all over her body, to leave love bites in mysterious places. All he wanted was to make love to her, like he used to. Just thinking about this was making him hard and he quickly snapped out of his dirty thoughts.

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