Chapter 3

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After lunch, Yash called everyone to the conference room.

"We only have tonight to finish this presentation so I'll need everyone to stay back after work hours. Is that okay?"

He asked and everyone agreed to stay back but Aarti became uneasy; if she goes home late again her mom will be mad.

"Ms. Doobay, I need to talk to you"

Yash pointed outside the conference room and Aarti nervously followed him.

"I need you to be ready by 8AM and my car will pick you up. Would that be a problem?"

He asked and she nodded her head no. Yash then walked away and Aarti stood there wondering how to handle her mom, she will definitely shout and get violent with her tonight.

Back in the conference room, everyone was busy finishing up the project when Aarti's phone began to ring. Her mom was calling her, she excused herself and answered the call.

"Where the hell are you? Did you see the time?"

Her mom yelled through the phone.

"I'm still at the office"

She said quietly.

"Office? Do you think I'm stupid? I know you're out disgracing me right now"

Shoba said before hanging up the phone. Aarti began to shake with fear, she knew her mom was livid.

She walked back to the conference room, her mind still focused on Shoba. She bumped into Yash and he grabbed her before she hit the ground.

"Where is your focus?"

Yash asked firmly, bringing her back to reality. Aarti realized what she just did and became more nervous.

"I'm sorry"

She stood up, breaking free of their embrace. She walked back to the table and finished up the presentation. As soon as she was done, she rushed out of the building and hailed a cab, she needed to go home right away.

Yash just stood there, confused. He wondered what new game Aarti is playing with him, what is she trying to do now?

Aarti got home and faced a furious Shoba.

"Where the hell have you been? Do not lie to me"

Shoba barked and Aarti tried to calm her down.

"I told you ma; I was at the office"

Aarti tried to explain everything and told Shoba about going to Indoor tomorrow.

"You expect me to believe that you're going to Indoor for a presentation? I don't believe a word you say, Aarti. After all you're your father's child"

Shoba said and Aarti felt her heart break into a million pieces.

"How can you say that? I'm nothing like him"

Aarti broke down crying. She tried to touch Shoba but she pushed her against the wall.

"You're both the same. You both ruin relationships and don't give a damn about the person you're supposed to love"

Shoba yelled and Aarti became baffled.

"Is this why you hate me so much, ma? Because you think I was unfaithful?"

Aarti asked and her mom stared at her with dull eyes.

"You ruin your relationship with the only man that ever loved you. He hates you right now, explain to me why?"

Shoba spat and Aarti just stood there quietly.

"Every day I look at you and I'm reminded of your dad. Why are you still here torturing me, Aarti? Why can't you also leave?"

Shoba finally said the truth and Aarti sobbed. She knew her mom hated her but she never fully knew why until today.

"You don't mean that ma. Say you don't mean that"

Aarti held her but Shoba just did not care. She walked away, leaving Aarti on the floor weeping uncontrollably.

Aarti sat in her room and couldn't stop her tears from falling. It all made perfect sense now, why Shoba hated her so much. Aarti's dad cheated on her mom and even left them for the other woman. She saw how much it broke her mom, how much she had to sacrifice because of her dad. How could her mom think that she's like him? How can her mom hate her so much just because she have his last name?

She took a blade from under her pillow and made another cut on her wrist. She watched the blood drip on the floor and did not even flinch; the cut did not pain her as much as Shoba words did.

The next morning Aarti woke up and felt the entire room spinning. She slowly got up and washed her face, feeling refreshed. She looked at the time and realized she only had one hour before she leave home.

She packed an overnight bag and got all the documents needed for the presentation, got dressed and went outside to wait for the car. Her mom did not even bother to say goodbye to her or wish her good luck.

Minutes later a white car pulled up and Aarti was surprised to find Yash in the driver seat. He rolled down his window and signalled her to put her bags in the trunk and to get in the car. She sat in the back seat, giving Yash his space and he drove off.

The entire ride Aarti focused on the file and went over some information in her head, but she kept thinking about Shoba words and she was unable to concentrate.

Yash was hoping that Aarti's presence won't make a difference to him but he couldn't help but look at her from the rear-view mirror. He noticed that her eyes were red and puffy and he wondered what happened to her.

"Focus Yash. I shouldn't care about her anymore. Whatever she's going through is her problem"

He said to himself but he still felt a little uneasy

They got to the hotel and Yash checked in. The receptionist gave him one room key and he looked at her confused.

"I booked two room"

He raised an eyebrow and the woman gave him an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry sir. Looks like our computer canceled one of your rooms by mistake"

She said quietly and Aarti looked on.

"Okay? So fix it now. I need two rooms"

He said getting annoyed and the receptionist felt nervous. How does she tell one of the hotel's biggest client that there's no more rooms available?

"All the rooms are already booked, there's a wedding happening here tonight. I'm sorry sir"

She said while looking down and Yash sighed in frustration. He knows that it's not her fault, he should've called and confirmed before coming.

"It's fine. I'll manage with the one room"

He said before walking away and the receptionist sighed in relief. They walked towards the room, both of them completely quiet. Aarti wondered how this would work out, sharing a room with Yash. She knew that he's not thrilled right now, the last thing he wants is to be alone with her.

Yash cleared his throat and Aarti looked at him.

"We're here for business, that's all. Don't think that sharing a room will change anything between us"

He said and Aarti just stood there quietly. He grabbed his jacket and walked towards the door.

"The meeting starts in one hour"

He said coldly before leaving the room. Aarti sat on the bed as a tear rolled down her cheek. The Yash she knew two years ago was never this ruthless, he was so loving and kind.

"I made him into this cruel person. It's all my fault that Yash hates me"

She wiped her tears and got dressed into a more sophisticated attire. She wore a baby pink long sleeve blouse with a gray trouser; let her hair down and wore light makeup. She grabbed her file and headed towards the hotel's conference room. 

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