Chapter 15

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She mumbled softly, almost choking and Yash looked on, worried.

"We've reached"

He said, still looking at her. She turned her head and realized that Yash was parked up in front of her apartment.

"Thank you"

Aarti voice was low and Yash knew something was upsetting her. She got out of the car, avoiding all eye contact with him. He drove away troubled, not able to understand why it bothers him so much seeing Aarti like that.

She closed her room down and fell on the floor, sobbing. She closed her eyes and could imagine Yash and Arpita being together; Yash making love to Arpita the same way he used to make love to her. Unable to bare these thoughts any longer, Aarti took her blade from under her pillow and made another cut on her wrist. As the blood gushed down her hand, Aarti flinched in agony. Her cuts were a distraction from her unhappy life, it helped her deal with her heartaches.

The next day, Aarti was deep in thoughts at work when she heard Pari calling her.

"Where is that pretty little head of yours?"

Pari teased as she realized Aarti was day dreaming.


She said quietly.

"Lies. You were thinking about Yash sir"

Pari asked and Aarti eyes widen with anxiety.

"What? Why would you think that?"

She avoided looking at Pari.

"Because his engagement party is tomorrow night, silly. Aren't you going?"

Pari sat beside her and Aarti sighed.

"I don't think so"

How can she explain to Pari that she can't watch Yash get engaged to Arpita.

"Why not? It won't be the same without you there"

Pari tried to convince her but Aarti was adamant with her decision. Yash cleared his throat, startling them both.

"What's going on here?"

Yash asked while his focus was on Aarti.

"We were just talking about your engagement party, sir"

Pari said while Aarti stared at the floor.

"You'll be there, right?"

He asked, again while looking at Aarti.

"Of course sir"

Pari said once again.

"Good. I want all of my employees there. No excuses"

He said before walking away, leaving Aarti tensed.

"You heard the boss; he wants all of us there"

Pari said and Aarti sighed in frustration.

That night, Aarti confide with Mansi about Yash engagement.

"I can't go, Mansi. How can I watch him get engaged to the love of his life? It'll break me"

Aarti was almost in tears. Mansi sat beside her and held her hand.

"But if I don't show up, Yash will think that I'm still pining over him and that I'm not okay with this engagement"

Aarti sighed loudly.

"Are you really okay with his engagement?"

Mansi asked and Aarti nodded her head no.

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