Chapter 14

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She knocked and pushed open the door to his cabin slightly, he was on a zoom call and signalled her to come in and take a seat. She sat opposite of him and stole a few glimpses as he finished up the meeting. Soon enough he was done with the call and he looked up to find Aarti already working on some notes.

After an hour of brainstorming, Aarti finally mustered the courage to speak.

"I think I got it"

She said quietly and Yash looked at her. He got up from his seat and leaned in closer to Aarti, reviewing her notes. She froze for a mere second, as she gulped her saliva anxiously. Yash was inches away from her and she could feel his soft breathing on her neck. Aarti closed her eyes and moaned quietly; why was Yash this close to her? He was making her feel things she wasn't supposed to feel. Their eyes suddenly locked and they both gazed at each other, their lips almost touching by their closeness. Yash stared at her seductive lips and all he wanted to do was kiss her like he used to when they were together. He quickly pulled away from her and he walked back to his chair, his mind was still in a whirl. Did he just fantasize about Aarti? He couldn't deny that she's still so incredibly beautiful but how could he lose control that easily? Aarti felt butterflies in her stomach; being this close to Yash was driving her insane.

There was a knock on his door, bringing them both back to reality. The door was pushed open and Yash was flushed with guilt.

"What are you doing here?"

Yash asked, avoiding eye contact with Arpita. How could he forget that he has a fiancé? How could be get carried away with Aarti? Yash felt ashamed.

"We couldn't do date night so I thought I'd pop in and see you"

She got closer to him and kissed his cheek. Aarti looked away; she didn't want to pry.

"I'll make it up to you another day, promise"

Yash finally looked at her and she smiled.

"I know you will"

She caressed his cheek and he felt uneasy.

"You must be his assistant, hi"

Arpita turned to her and smiled. Aarti had to admit, Arpita is stunning; no wonder why Yash is love with her.

"What's your name, sweetie?"

Arpita asked.


She said quietly, avoiding eye contact with both Yash and Arpita.

"Hmm, that's strange. Isn't that the name of your ex-girlfriend, babe?"

She turned to Yash and he was unable to speak; Aarti eyes widen as well

"Funny how you two share the same name but you're not like her; she was nothing but a greedy bitch"

Arpita said out loud and Aarti felt wounded by her words.

"That's enough"

Yash glared at Arpita and she lowered her gaze. Hearing her call Aarti a bitch made him livid.

"I have to go babe; my friends are waiting for me"

She looked at her phone and Yash nodded

"Stop by later?"

She whispered as she embraced him and Aarti looked on. Arpita waved at Aarti as she left the room. Both of them stood in silence, until she excused herself to go to the rest room.

Aarti stood in front of the mirror and tears rolled down her cheek, Arpita words echoed in her head as she wiped her tears away. No one knew the sacrifice she's made just for Yash's mom to be happy, or the sleepless nights she had after their breakup. Everyone thinks that she was only after his wealth but no one could see her anguish. Aarti washed away her tears and went back to the cabin; Yash noticed her face looked pale and he felt awful for the things Arpita said.

They continued working on the presentation and Yash called Bobby, the office helper.

"Get me two coffees"

He paused for a moment as he looked at Aarti.

"One black and one with creamer and two spoons of sugar"

He continued and Aarti looked on; she was surprised that he still remembered how she like her coffee.

"And a few sandwiches"

He continued; Bobby nodded his head before leaving. A few minutes later he came back with everything and placed it on the table. Yash took the coffees out of the tray and handed Aarti hers; she inhaled it first and then took a sip, feeling satisfied.

After two more hours, Aarti was finally finished with all the notes.

"Here's everything you need"

She handed him the notes and their hands accidentally touched, making them both feel that undenied spark. She quickly moved her hands away as she tried to control her racing heart.

"Thank you"

He looked at her. Aarti was not used to Yash being this polite to her.

"Can I go now?"

She looked at him and he nodded his head, letting her go.

She stood outside as she tried to hail a cab, but it was past 11 o clock so most cab drivers had already retired for the night.

"Crap, Mansi must be worried about me"

Aarti realized that she didn't let Mansi know she'd be working late. She took out her phone to text her. She heard a car honking at her, making her turn around. Yash rolled down his window and stuck his head out.

"Come, I'll drop you home"

He said and Aarti was a little hesitant at first.

"It's already late and there's no cab on the road"

He continued and Aarti knew he was right; she sat in the car and he drove off. It was a quiet ride, neither of them said a word. Yash finally turned on the radio and "All of me" by John Legend played. They both awkwardly gazed at each other as they reminisced on their past.

Yash phone rang, bringing them back to reality. Arpita was calling Yash but he just let the call go to voicemail. Aarti wondered if Arpita is calling because she wants Yash to go over; her heart began to race as she curiously pondered about their intimate lives.


Yash and Aarti was star gazing; both laying in the back of Yash car, with the trunk opened. Aarti was snuggled up with Yash while his finger gently massaged her upper leg. Suddenly it began pouring and Aarti stuck her hand out, touching the rain. She turned to look at Yash, he had a small smirk on his face. He touched her cheek as he tucked her hair behind her ear. He moved closer to her and Aarti closed her eyes; they both felt that fiery desire. Yash pulled her waist close to him, she sat on his lap and he gently kissed her lips, making her body shiver. He then began sucking on her neck as his hand rubbed her legs. Next, he caressed her breasts, rubbing on her nipples. Aarti moaned quietly as she enjoyed his touch.

"You like that?"

He asked as he sucked on her breast.

"Uh huh"

She said in a whisper as she was out of breath. He lifted her maxi dress and began rubbing her inner thighs, driving Aarti wild. He then removed her panties; and smirked as he noticed how wet she was. He put his face between her legs, making her moan louder. He teased her with his tongue and then he slowly looked up to face her.

"Don't stop"

She gently pushed his head back down and he grin as he continued kissing her. He slowly entered her and gradually picked up his pace when he noticed she was enjoying it. That was the night Aarti lost her virginity to Yash

Flashback ends.

The thought of Yash and Arpita being intimate drove Aarti insane; it made her stomach turn. She envied Arpita, she gets her happy ending with Yash while Aarti might never love again.

"Ms. Doobay?"

She heard Yash voice calling her and she snapped out of her thoughts. She turned and saw Yash staring at her, his face was full of concern. He noticed her sudden change and wondered if she's okay. 

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