Chapter 16

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Aarti locked herself in the bathroom and sighed quietly. The way Yash looked at her tonight with tempting eyes, the way he grabbed her and pulled her closer with such obsession, it was all very confusing for her.

"How could I let myself get so close to Yash? Just being around him makes me so weak"

Aarti paced back and forth.

"It's okay, all I have to do is avoid him for the rest of the evening and I'll be okay"

She gave herself a pep talk before going back to find her friends. For the rest of the night Aarti avoided looking at Yash; she stayed by Pari's side knowing that he won't interfere if there's people around.

"You look drop dead gorgeous"

She heard Prateek voice from behind. She turned around and politely said hi.

"Now that's no way to greet a friend"

Prateek said, pulling her into an embrace.

"It's good to see you"

Aarti awkwardly pulled away from him, not knowing that Yash eyes were stuck on them, watching their every moves.

"You too beautiful. Oh, you got a little something on your face. May I?"

Prateek asked and she nodded her head, while looking at Pari, who was amused at this point. He took his thumb and gently rubbed it on her lip, wiping her smudged lipstick off. Yash just stood there, enraged. He didn't even realize that he had begun walking towards them until Prateek hugged him.

"Congratulations Yash"

Prateek said cheerfully but Yash gaze did not leave Aarti.

"Thank you"

Yash finally said, as he turned his attention to Prateek.

"You're officially off the market. How does it feel to not be a bachelor anymore?"

Prateek teased but Yash was unfazed.

"He's not off the market until they say I do"

Pari blurted out, making Yash chuckled.

"So what about you? Are you seeing anyone?"

Prateek turned to Aarti as he placed his hand on her back, startling her. She flinched, which was noticed by Yash. He clenched his fist and tried to control his anger.


She said softly as she slowly stepped back, trying to avoid Prateek touch.

"Maybe I'll end up stealing your secretary after all"

He smirked and Yash looked at him, amazed by his certitude. Aarti excused herself as she walked away abruptly; she felt very uncomfortable listening to Prateek speak. She knew that he meant no harm, but somehow his words and touches made her uneasy.

It was time for the ring ceremony; Yash placed a beautiful diamond ring on Arpita's finger. His eyes unknowingly searched for Aarti but she was not in her seat. Everyone applauded for them, Arpita grin happily while Yash just stood there, trying to fake his smile.

Aarti stood in the corner and observed everything. A tear rolled down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away. She was happy for Yash; he found someone that truly deserved him. But she couldn't watch him get engaged, knowing that could've been them instead.

"I'll take two shots"

She said to the bartender before looking back to gaze at Yash and Arpita. She gulped both of her shots down her throat.

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