Chapter 4

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Aarti pushed the door open and all eyes were on her. She started her presentation and by the end of it, everyone was highly impressed.

"That was such a detailed presentation, Mr. Sindhiya, or should I say partner?"

The owner of the other company said and a smile finally appeared on Yash face.

"Partner sounds great, Mr. Khurana. I look forward to working with you and your team."

They shook on it.

"And no need for formalities. You may call me Prateek"

Khurana said and Yash chuckled.

"Only if you call me Yash"

"To celebrate, you and your team must join us for dinner and drinks tonight. Don't refuse, Yash"

Prateek said and Yash had no choice but to agree.

"And make sure you bring your assistant as well; Aarti, right? Would love to have a chat with her"

He said before leaving. Yash just stood there awkwardly; how can he tell Prateek that he doesn't want to be around Aarti?

Yash told his other team member to pass on the message to have her join them for dinner. As much as he would rather not have her around, he need to do this for his company. Aarti got the message and debated on going to dinner. Yes, Yash did invite her but she knew he only did it because he had no other choice. But then it would look unpleasant if she doesn't show up, after all it's their success party. She got dressed in a red long sleeve backless bodycon dress, it was the only thing she packed that was suitable for dinner in a high-end restaurant. She did a low messy bun with some curls framing her face and her makeup was soft and natural.

As she made her way into the restaurant, Yash saw her and he became distracted for a second. She looked stunning and Yash felt compelled to gaze at her.


Yash heard Prateek spoke and he was brought back to reality.

"What the hell was I thinking staring at her like that? It's like she had me under a spell and I couldn't look away"

Yash gulped the entire glass of bourbon down his throat.

"This is the same person that stomped all over my heart and betrayed me. No, I feel nothing but hatred for her"

He convinced himself as he signalled the waiter to bring him another drink.

Prateek came and introduced himself to Aarti, he was completely smitten by her.

"Welcome, Aarti. I must say you look very beautiful tonight"

He said and Aarti forced a smile on her face.

"Thank you Mr. Khurana"

She said while trying to avoid eye contact with him.

"You can call me Prateek. All my friends do"

He said and Aarti felt awkward standing there. Mr. Khurana seems like a nice man but she felt weird calling him by his first name. He showed her around and then took her to the bar area.

"What would you like to drink?"

He asked her.

"I'm okay for now"

She said politely but Prateek didn't take no for an answer.

"Nonsense. Get her a glass of red wine"

He told the bartender and Aarti signed.

Yash, who witnessed everything got up to leave but Prateek stopped him.

"Your assistant is simply amazing, Yash"

Prateek said and Aarti looked on, uncomfortable. Yash stood quiet for a moment.

"I might have to steal her away from you"

He continued and Aarti almost choked on her drink.

"If you can steal her from me then she's all yours. I won't want a disloyal woman now, would I?"

Yash said while looking at Aarti and Prateek chuckled thinking Yash was joking. Aarti felt hurt hearing Yash say that, she tried not to tear up.

"I like your sense of humor, my friend"

He said and Yash gave him a forged smile.

Everyone sat around the dining table and soon dinner was served. Yash and Aarti sat opposite of each other and Aarti noticed he was barely touching his food. There was a lot of chatting and laughing at the table, but Yash and Aarti were both quiet, lost in their own thoughts.

After dinner, Prateek found Yash sitting by the bar and he sat beside him.

"They say woman is the reason you'd find a man by the bar"

Prateek tried to lighten the mood and Yash chuckled.

"Speaking from experience?"

Yash raised as eyebrow as he watched him sip on his drink.

"I guess you can say that"

Prateek smirked.

"Why did god make women so heartless?"

Yash suddenly said as he sipped on his bourbon.

"Are you talking about the girl that broke your heart two years ago?"

Prateek asked and Yash looked at him.

"How did you know about this?"

He became curious.

"I'm sorry. I've heard talks about it"

He said quietly and Yash pat his shoulder.

"You have nothing to be sorry about"

Yash signed.

"Two years ago someone did break my heart, she turned out to be a gold digger."

Yash said, not realizing that Aarti was sitting on the other side of the bar and she heard him speak.

"Looks like you dodged a bullet"

Prateek said and Yash chuckled but deep down he was wounded. Did he really dodge a bullet though? Considering he has to see her every day at work, be reminded of her disloyalty.

"Where is she now? Do you know?"

Prateek asked and Yash recalled his recent encounters with Aarti.

"I don't know pal. She's somewhere living an unhappy life"

Yash said and a tear rolled down Aart's cheek. Somehow Yash words were right, she is living an unhappy and miserable life.

"Do you still love her?"

He blurted out asking but then instantly regret asking that question.

"Only loath. She's dead to me"

Yash said bitterly. Was he angry at Aarti? Of course. Did he feel betray by her? Absolutely. But did he really hate her? Of course not, he was just so livid, that he let his emotions get the best of him.

Aarti couldn't stay there and listen to Yash speak any longer, she asked for a glass of wine and left the restaurant. She walked towards the beach area of the hotel and sat on the sand. Tears streaming down her face, she gulped the red wine down her throat.

She knew that Yash hated her, and he has every right to. But why does his words sting her so much? Why does it hurt that he hates her?

"I'm not a gold digger Yash. I was never after your money"

She cried louder as she remembered the day she broke Yash heart and left him shattered. 

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