Chapter 8

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The next morning Aarti woke up with a high fever. She tried to get out of bed but her entire body was aching. She looked at the time and saw it was 10AM; Aarti started to panic. It seemed that she forgot to set her alarm clock and she slept in instead. She stood up and searched for her phone, Yash must be furious that she missed work without a notice. Suddenly she felt the room spinning and she passed out on the cold floor.

Mansi heard a loud fall coming from Aarti's room, startling her. She quickly rushed to check on her, only to find her unconscious. Not knowing what else to do, her trembling hands dialed 911 and soon after, an ambulance came for Aarti.

After Aarti was wheeled away, Mansi heard her phone ringing. She looked for it, hoping it doesn't go to voicemail. She found it in between Aarti's pillow and quickly answered it.

"Aarti, where are you? It's not like you to miss work"

Pari was worried.

"This is Aarti's roommate, Mansi"

Pari was confused, she thought Aarti lived with her mom. Mansi explained what just happened.

"Is she okay?"

She was concerned at this point.

"I don't know much to be honest. All I know is that the ambulance took her to Citi hospital"

Pari thanked Mansi and hung up. Just then she heard Yash from behind her.

"When you hear from Ms. Doobay, let her know that this is her first and last warning. A no call and no show would not be acceptable in the future"

Yash said before walking away.

"Umm, I don't think Aarti planned for any of this to happen sir"

Pari said quietly and Yash turned around and looked at her.

"So you know where she is?"

He raised an eyebrow and Pari nodded her head.

"I just got off the phone with her roommate; Aarti is in the hospital"

That caught Yash attention, he looked at Pari as if he heard wrong. Why is she in the hospital?, he wondered.

"What else did her roommate say?"

He asked calmly but deep down he was troubled.

"Just that she's at Citi hospital"

Pari said and Yash nodded his head as he stepped out of the office.

Yash stood outside the hospital and he was conflicted; he wondered if fainting yesterday made her health worst.

"Maybe I should go check on her? I mean, she's my employee after all"

He rubbed the back of his head before walking towards the receptionist. He asked to see Aarti and the lady in charged was hesitant to give out any information at first.

"Are you related to the patient?"

She asked and Yash looked on; how should he even answer that?

"No, I'm her boss"

He wondered why they are withholding information. Just then, someone tapped him on his shoulder, he turned around and saw Mansi standing there.

"I'm Aarti's roommate"

She said quietly and Yash nodded his head.

"Do you have any idea why the hospital is so strict?"

Yash was indeed confused by their lack of hospitality

"They think it might be a case of domestic abuse"

She said in a low voice and Yash looked at her, trying to make sense of everything.

"What? Why would they think that?"

He raised an eyebrow and Mansi explained how Aarti moved into her apartment in the middle of the night.

"It seemed as if someone hurt her; she was bleeding when she got to the flat"

Mansi looked directly at Yash for the first time and she had to admit, he was a gorgeous man.

Yash just stood there in shock; what was happening, he wondered. First he saw all the cuts on Aarti's wrist and now this.

Just then, the receptionist called them over. She explained that due to Aarti's wounds she had no other choice but to be cautious.

"I know you're just doing your job, and I don't blame you for that. But what exactly happened to her?"

Yash finally spoke and the nurse looked at the handsome man in front of her and she realized he's The Yash Sindhiya; she's seen him in magazines and interviews.

"I'm not sure sir but she came in wounded with some bruises on her arm. Her boyfriend cleared up the misunderstanding"

She said and both Yash and Mansi looked at her.


Mansi asked and the nurse nodded her head.

"Yes, he's in the room with her as we speak"

She said before walking away. Mansi walked towards Aarti's room and Yash slowly followed. He didn't know that Aarti was dating anyone. Mansi pushed open the door and she gasped.


She said in a state of shock. Yash, who was standing by the door saw Aman's back facing him as he sat beside an unconscious Aarti, holding her hand. Aarti was attached to a bunch of machines and Yash stared at her for a moment. He wanted to go next to her but seeing Aman there made him leave the room. 

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