Chapter 17

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"You're still here? I've been looking everywhere for you"

She said as she got closer and Yash turned around, looking for Aarti.

"Let's go"

She held him hand and Yash rubbed his head in disbelief; Aarti was here just a few seconds ago, how did she disappear so quickly? He gently let go of Arpita's hand and they both made their way to the exit. Aarti came out from behind the bar as she watched them leave. She heaved a sigh as she recalled how intimate they were just a few minutes ago.

"I know it was wrong but why did it feel so right?"

Aarti was still thinking about Yash lips on her body, his fingers wondering inside her.

She got home and thank god Mansi was asleep; Aarti didn't have the courage to face her after tonight. What was she thinking, getting so close to Yash? How could she, for a moment, let herself get carried away by him? Yash was surely intoxicated, but what was her excuse?

"How am I supposed to face Yash now? Why didn't I stop him? I know if Arpita didn't show up when she did, I probably would've made love to Yash. What was I thinking?"

Aarti closed her eyes as she remembered their steamy night.

Yash woke up and he held his pounding head. He got up and poured himself a glass of water, his mind reflected on last night. He rubbed the back of his head in confusion; he remembered making out with Aarti.

He took a hot shower; the steam his hit body, he kept thinking about kissing Aarti. How his fingers were inside her, making her moan. He wondered why it felt so real when it was just a dream.

That entire day, they were both restless. Yash avoided Arpita calls and videochats, how can he pretend that he's in love with her when he knows that Aarti is the one on his mind? He kept thinking about his dream, not knowing that it happened between them was real.

It was Saturday evening, Aarti sat on a bench overlooking the mountain views.

She had introduced Yash to this spot when they first started dating. Her fingertip touched the initials Y&A that was carved on the bench, she closed her eyes in agony.

"Things used to be so simple back then. All we ever fought about was who loved each other more"

She chuckled sadly as he reminisced on their time together.

"But now, we're two strangers than once knew each other"

She sighed.

"Yash is better off with Arpita; at least his mom approves this time"

She thought to herself. She remembered Yash confessing that he's not in love with Arpita but his mom selected her.

"Arpita seems lovely; I'm sure with time, Yash will fall in love with her"

She knew that Yash belongs to Arpita, she could never compare to that.

Aarti felt someone gaze on her, she quickly turned around and was startled by Yash presence. They both looked at each other in silence; wondering what the other person was doing there.

"I didn't realize that you were here"

Yash looked at her as his heart started beating rapidly.

"I'll come back later"

He turned to leave.

"You can stay. I was leaving anyways"

She avoided eye contact with him as she picked up her bag and left. Yash sighed as he sat on the bench. After their breakup, he would often come here to vent or just to feel better. Seeing Aarti here today made him feel delighted, he's been thinking about her all day. He wished he could've told her to stay too, but why didn't he? Why was he feeling flushed around her?

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