First Visit

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"Hello?... Oh! Officer... Yeah, I just got here... hmm... Already? I just transferred here... Alright... I will be coming, Mary Street... House number seven from the corner? Alright will be there in ten minutes, seal the area until I reach."
'I just got here.... .'
"Leo! Where the hell are the other two???"
"Ma... Ma'am! Am sorry... they said they would be gone to investigate Mrs Smiths' case, they just got a new lead..." 'She is scary...'
"Great! Alright... Get your ass up, we are going to Mary Street."
"M... Mary Street? It is filled with arrogant riches..."
"And did I ask? We have a case, get in the car, will tell you to rest on the way..."
"Roger!" 'She just got here... She could have skipped it...'
Leo pulled out the signature black Mustang of their association and led the new in charge to the site.
"S... So what's the case ma'am...?" He asked in a squeaking voice, fearing he might hit a nerve.
"Nothing... Just some family murder..." She sighed as she gazed at the corner of the street, from where a crowd of locals was visible.
"H... How... it is very weird...." Leo stopped the car and looked at her, his hands trembling from the grouse fact he just discovered.
She grabbed his lower lip and pulled it hard.
"What are you? A fucking cat?? Listen up, pretty boy... Am already stressed, so you better shut up and do as I say, or I will sew up those lips of yours."
Her voice was scary enough to send shivers down Leo's spine, "I... I am sorry... hic... hic" He controlled his tears and shivered at the sight of plane terror.
"Good." She unplugged her seat belt and slid out of the car.
"Bring a pair of gloves for me and meet up at the site."
"R... Roger..."

She fixed her overcoat and met with the reporting officer.
"Hey, Officer Ralph." She greeted a middle-aged officer who was investigating the site with his subordinates.
He turned around and greeted her with a gentle smile, "Hello Senior Detective Jenna."
'I heard he was handsome... but this much... He is a treat to the eyes... His grey hair was elegantly displayed in a loose undercut, and ocean blue eyes protected by round frame glasses.'
"Jenna?" 'He fixed his glasses as he closed the distance between us.'
"Oh!! He... Hello~ Sorry I got distracted."
"I can understand, to get involved in such a complex case on your first day after transfer is an awful feeling."
"Yeah... Work's work... No helping that." She sighed from her embarrassment.
"M... Ma'am!!" Leo almost tripped and fell face-on.
"You are hopeless..." Jenna walked to him and pulled him straight up by his arm.
"Woah!! Haha, you are just bones." She giggled as she pulled Leo back to his feet.
"Ah... hehe... I dont eat much." Leo giggled in embarrassment from his weight.
"Well what do you know, am in a good mood so will go have lunch at some resto~" She pulled a pair of gloves from his arms and prepared herself for the investigation.
"S....  Sure." 'She is not mad anymore.... am soo glad...'

She followed Ralph to the murder site, the house was rundown as if a huge fight had broken out. Broken chairs, cutleries, blood-tainted walls.
Jenna pulled off one fo the sheets revealing a female, in her 50s at least.
"Arghhh.. Aghh." Leo fell on the ground and started freaking out, his heartbeat fell unbelievably low.
"The heck?! Take him to the medics!" Jenna grabbed her forehead, as her first day was more stressful than she had imagined.
"Will check him out later let's finish our investigation here..."
Jenna and Ralph closely inspected the corpse.
"We did a little background check while you were away, She's.... umm Gloria... Gloria Smith, wife of Jonathan Smith, the... Uh, secretary of the current party." He tucked his fingers under her neck and began tracing blue wounds and bruises.
"Oh... So any political angle?" Jenna began noting a few things in her notebook.
"Nah, we talked to our agents working under their oppositions, and they have no idea... We have uh... two more corpses on the first floor."
He sighed as he took out his walkie-talkie.
"Damn... It will be a long work..."
"Yeah..." "Just a moment let me call for technical department."
"Ah, sure I would continue my investigation on the ground floor." She began looking for any other bruises which might give her any clues.

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