Cartoon Duo

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Cristopher was already on his way to Jenna's office while Ralp laid back in his back seat tied with seat belts.
*Knock Knock*
In almost half an hour Criostopher finally reached their office and banged on the front door like a madman.
"Shit! Are they not at work yet?? Are they, not scared of the deadline or what??" He sighed inwardly before punching the door one last time with all his might cracking the door by its hinges.
Shortly after his arrival at the office James and Andrew had already arrived, and seeing him bang on the door like his ex was in that room with his cell phone going through his social media chats.
"Fuck! Why is that gorilla here???" James made binoculars with his hands and was peeking toward Cristopher while hiding under bushes Leo had planted for decoration.
"Who knows... What do you think what is that gorilla thinking?" Andrew squinted his eyes and spread the bushes ahead of him before peeking at him just like James.
"Let me guess...." James sat down crossing his legs in a lotus position while resting his chin on his index finger seemingly submerged in deep thought.
"I swear to god if you come up with some stupid assumption I would toss you in front of that gorilla and let him squeeze your ass." Andrew knew James would come up with something super stupid once again, after being his partner for almost seven years he is the most qualified person to understand what he might be thinking at the exact moment.
"I think, he is here to threaten us, 'Hey you dimwits no brain no muscle rodents! I am your king bow before me!! And from today onwards you will work every second of your day without having a wink of sleep! And if I find any o you snoozing around I will squeeze your asses!!'" He opened his eyes and looked towards Andrew with a proud grin on his face as if he had cracked the secret code behind the workings of government and how all the system had been established in this world.
"Seriously after thinking for almost five minutes, this is what you came up with??"Andrew sighed out loud almost shouting at him for wasting their valuable time.
"Huh??? You didn't like my hypothesis??? Come on dude!! It is the most accurate hypothesis anyone can come up with!!" James frowned on hearing he was not impressed by his god-like ability to come up with a 'logical' hypothesis.
"Huh... I could come up with a better one in less than a minute, and it won't be as rubbish as yours." Andrew threw his arm in the air before turning his gaze back in the direction of Cristopher but to his surprise, he was long gone.
"Argh!! Because of you, I lost sight of that ass-squeezing gorilla!!"
"Arhh!" The moment Andrew had ended his sentence he punched the ground with all of his might, but accidentally hit the rock on his knuckles.
"See! I got hurt because of you!!" Andrew turned back with killing intent radiating in his eyes, 'I would kill that bastard!!' That is exactly what he thought while turning back, but the moment he turned back he was completely frozen in place, almost rolling on the ground as his body went numb.
"Haha... Ass squeezing gorilla? it has the nice right to it right?" Cristopher was kneeling towards Andrew while resting his hands on James' shoulders, while his eyes locked on James.
"Y... Yes sir...." James shivered feeling the monstrous gorilla resting himself on him.
"So... Who came with that name... I wanna reward him personally really, I am so much impressed you know..." A smirk cracked on his face and nerves popped on his temple.
'H.. He did it!!"
"N. No!! This fucker is lying!! He did it!!"
Both of them pointed at each other while cold sweat collected on their forehead.
"HAHAHAHAHHA..... Good good... At least you both keep me entertained." He stood back up and grabbed his knees before pulling both of them by the collar and hanging them on his shoppers like shopping bags.
"Help us!!!!!!"
"Hello anyone???!! Help us!! A gorilla is kidnapping us!!!"
"He will eat us!!!"
"Hahah... You both surely act quite childish for working in such a dangerous department."
Ignoring countless stares and curses he was getting from the public he carried both of them to the door before tossing them like sandbags.
"He will play football with us!!!"
"No you fucking idiot!!!" Andrew got up and slammed his palm on Jem's face.
On seeing their cartoonish behaviors Cristopher couldn't help but chuckle, slightly worried about the growth of their mission, and whether they would accomplish the goals in the allotted time frame.
"Ok now... We have had enough, get up and unlock the door."
Andrew and James exchanged their gazes before staring back at Christopher and replying with a simple sweet yet stern word.
A nerve popped on his forehead on hearing their response as he clenched his fists before cracking joi9nts in his neck.
"I was not requesting you little fucks... It was an order..." He got closer pulled a revolver from the back of his pocket and stuffed it in James' mouth, pointing it down his throat.
He turned his eyes towards Andrew who was shivering with fear and gulped down his saliva.
Everyone who was surrounding them by this time had already fled the scene, Andrew nodded pulled out the keys from his back pocket,t and began quickly unlocking the door.
Seeing the door open, Crsitopher pulled his piston out his throat and wiped it onto their Shirts before stuffing it back in his secret pocket.
"See? It was so easy, I don't know why you had to complicate it so much.." He sighed as he m,ove inside with a slight smile on his face, seeing them, horrified made him feel a sense of superiority, so he went ahead and made himself seated on Jenna's chair.
"Anyways, give me some tea, I was working the whole night-"
"Let's kill this fucker!!!" James and Andrew roared and rushed toward him with a wooden plank in their hands.
"They never learn..." Cristopher sighed inwardly before smashing his fists right into the wooden ply breaking them in half.
He turned his gaze towards his fist through which he had punched the wooden ply, it was bleeding from the knuckles. Seeing his blood drip from his knuckles a slight smile appeared on his face, he rugged his fist close to his mouth as he licked the blood, "I haven't thrown an all-out punch in such a long time... I feel great..." He slowly opened his eyes and saw both of them his demeanor skyrocketing breaking the upper limit.
"Bring me a cloth and tea, I will be waiting." To their surprise Christopher didn't smash their face in the wall, instead, he calmly walked back to his seat while staring at his blood-covered knuckles.
"Ok..." They both soon rushed out of sight to bring him the required things.
"Hey... James his demeanor suddenly increased right...?"
"Hmm... Yeah... It was as if... He got back to his previous self..."
Andrew and James were completely shocked by his sudden change, if he had truly returned to his old self, he would be unstoppable... No sane person would dare to get in his way now.

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