Phone Call

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*Peep Peep*
"Coming!" Jenna rushed out of her apartment and dashed into Leo's car.
"Hah..... huh..... ahhh... my tummy hurts I ran down here..." Jenna collapsed beside Leo pressing her appendix and struggling to breathe.
"What! Why did you rush ma'am... I could have waited for you..." Leo handed her a bottle of water.
"I didn't want to keep you waiting for long..." Jenna pulled herself on her seat and chugged down the whole bottle in one go, coughing half of the process.
"Ma'am! You are very careless...." Leo pulled out his handkerchief and wiped the car seat.
"Sorry, hehe, come on let's get going, my stomach is rumbling."
"Alright, ma'am." Leo pressed on accelerator and drove it to his apartment.
A twenty-floor building in the heart of the city surrounded by skyscrapers and multiple MNCs.
"Woah... You live here?" Jenna stepped out of the car and strolled in the basement.
"Yup... I umm am a core member of intel crew so I make a hefty income..." Leo leapt out of his car and walked towards the entrance.
"Woah... Core members are something else..." Jenna followed Leo and rushed inside the elevator.
"Hehe, um... Ma'am... can I ask you something?" Leo bent over to Jenna and mumbled, "You are a core member too right?"
"SHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Jenna pulled Leo by his ear and gave him a death glare.
"Ahhh Ahh.. ouch why...."
Jenna slammed her hand and pierced his soul through her deadly glare.
"Idiot... You are not supposed to say that out loud..."
"I... I am extremely sorry ma'am... I didn't know we are not supposed to say that in public...."
Leo shivered as Jenna stared directly into his soul.
"Jeez... You are dumb... Be careful not to ever... Reveal my rank anywhere alright?"
"Y.... Yes ma'am..."
"We getting off here right?" Jenna pulled Leo out of the elevator and patted his head.
"Dummy you get scared soo easily... Am sorry." Jenna rubbed his arm to make him feel relaxed, as he seemed to be shivering a lot.
"Ah, it's okie it was my mistake... C... Come on my room is at the end of this corridor."
Leo led the way to his room which was at the very end. As he unlocked the door, Jenna quickly skimmed through the whole passage.
A fairly lighted passage with a massive window at the end, and a firehouse next to it.
"You haven't placed any security cameras or anything like that?" "Oh... But why would I need them...? And.... I have a passcode on my laptop."
Leo opened the door and kept their food on his dining table. As he proceeded to pick up his scattered clothes, video games, CDs, and other stuff. He proceeded to turn on his laptop and showed Jenna.
"See, it has passcode."
"Wow... Such a high security laptop..." Jenna dumped herself on his bed and pulled a novel from the bookshelf around his bed.
"Romantic?" Jenna looked towards him with an astonished look on her face, she was a bit amused by the fact that, a guy reading a romantic novel, and that to one who works in a detective agency. 'These dudes usually read mystery novels or articles.... Haha well Le is something else.'
"Yeah... I umm... Like that stuff..." Leo blushed as he went ahead and put their take-out lunch in the oven.
"Woah, I thought only young girls were into this stuff. Seeing such a novel at your place truly is a surprise." Jenna turned a few pages around and began reading where Leo left it marked. While reading the abstract a sentence caught her eye so she read it out loud, "Arnold gently grabbed her by her chin and licked her blood-red lips... He navigated his fingers to her collarbone, gently sliding them down he-"
Leo leapt over at her and pulled the book away from her.
"Why were you reading it..." He quickly hid the book behind his back his face flushed, and his cheeks became rossie as Jenna laughed out loud on his bed.
"Hahaha... HEhe. Am sorry... hehe, but Navigated his fingers ... Hahaha" She wiped her eyes as she couldn't help but burst out laughing seeing how embarrassed Leo was.
"HEheh.., if you are that embarrassed then why do you read it?" Jenna barely managed to pull herself and got her back supported by a wall and pillow to sit straight.
"I... Told right... I enjoy this... stuff... a little bit..."
"Haha... Alright alright everyone has their choices... but navigated his fingers... Hahaha.." She was finally able to suppress her laughter, not yet fully but somehow managed to suppress it so Leo won't feel too bad.
"It's heated, wanna have it on the bed or dining table?" Leo stood up and stretched his fingers, walked into the kitchen.
"Am good on bed." Jenna walked to the sink and washed her face and hands before proceeding to have her meal.
"Here." She handed Leo a can of beer which she picked up while leaving her apartment.
"Thanks, Ma'am." Leo pulled off the lid and gulped down some beer as he took a nibble.
"So Le, tell me more about yourself." Jenna opened a can of beer and began chugging it down in one go.
"Me? I dont know what to say about myself... I was... um, six maybe? Some neighbourhood kids tortured my dog.. the site of my best friend covered in blood was terrifying... I still get nightmares about that day... And from that moment on I got my hemophobia... I was always shy like cat hehe... But I was good at academics, I enjoyed solving sudoku, and I also enjoyed doing some coding and stuff. And you know I aaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllmmmmmmmooossstttt.....-" Before Leo could say anything more dizziness struck him hard and his body couldn't hold back any longer as he collapsed.
"Hehe, it did take some time but it did work."
Jenna pulled out another can of beer and chugged it all again. "Dont worry sweetie okie....?" She climbed on top of Leo and caressed his face. "You have such a soft skin..." Jenna gently licked his skin and pecked at his cheeks, alcohol in her drink also began kicking in. She gently grazed her teeth on his neck while gently wucking on his flesh.
She wiped her lips as she embraced his lips. Jenna gets his lower lip between her mouth and begins slowly sucking on it when an emergency call rings on her phone.
"Who the fuck is calling right now!!"
Half conscious Jenna pulled out her phone from the back pocket of her jeans as she laid on top of Leo while attending the call.
"Who is it??"
"Mrs Jenna, please report back to your office, there are some essential findings after your departure at the scene. My assistant will be there in an hour, our hypothesis of the case depends on it."
"Argh.... alright... will be there in an hour Mr. Ralph..."

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