Provoking An Alpha

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"Hm? What am I seeing?" Shadow casually strolled around his room while inspecting his revolver between his hands, as Ralph tied onto his chair completely frozen feeling the intensity of the situation he had almost pissed himself.
"Shadow... Huh... I didn't expect you to walk in front of me like this... Knowing you... You have never let a person survive even if they glance at your shadow." Cristopher walked into the room his hands casually resting in his side pockets while puffing on a cigar. He turned his gaze to see Ralph tied onto the chair with his face full of bruises.
"Cr... Cristopher!! Run!! He knew you were gonna come!! H- He fooled us!!" Ralph panicked on seeing him walk into his trap but to his surprise, everyone knew it was a trap except him.
"Why did you hire a rodent-like him?" Cristopher stood behind Shadow and looked down at his comparatively small figure. "To think the one who caused such a stir, is such a shortie." A smirk cracked on his face on seeing the laughably small height of Shadow.
"Haha... Well, I am not too small... 5'6" aint that small you know." Shadow turned around and laid his back on the wall while glaring back at Christophers' eyes.
For a second even Critopher froze on seeing unfazing darkness residing behind his eyes, and fear struck him harder than heavenly retributiomn the moment an evil smile cracked on his face.
"Such darkness... Haha... You sure are a formidable foe." Cristopher took a step back and freed Ralph from his restraints.
"Thank you!! Sir Cristopher save me-!!"
"Argh!!" *Cough cough*
Before he could say any more nonsense Crostopher smashed his fist in his guts making him cough a mouth full of blood and collapse on the ground.
"Honestly... You surely held onto this loose end for so long..." Cristopher tossed Ralph on his back and prepared to leave.
"Haha... Cristopher Bailey... Here's a request ok? Amuse me... I have high hopes for you... At least entertain me while we play our little game of death ok?" Shadow walked beside him pulled out the cigar from his back pocket and lit it with the candle that was dimly lit beside him.
"Don't worry buddy, I will surely make that heart of yours race until it explodes in my hands." Cristopher pulled the cigar from him and crushed it between his hands while glaring down at Shadow as his glasses slid and broke hitting the ground and making a loud clang noise due to dead silence in the tunnel. His blood lust causes his eyes to turn red as blood accumulates in his pupils due to uncontrollable anger raging inside him.
"Aww... These puppy eyes... I have seen them before... But I can't remember..." Shadow's hands reached into his overcoat pocket and pulled out a tape recorder. A vicious grin appeared on his face as he pressed the play button...
" *Cough Cough* Brother... *Cough* Help.... *Cough Cough* Arghhh!!!"
Christopher's mind went completely blank and his senses went numb upon hearing the audio. Though as if he had heard a ghost... After a brief moment of break, he finally opened his mouth his voice filled with anger bursting with rage, yet he kept his voice down knowing his screaming wont bring them back. "I knew you were the one who killed them... But to think you dared to admit it in front of me... You have balls of steel..." 
"What are you saying? Are you impressed just with that? Haha... I bet your team is full of lousy asses." Shadow tossed the tape-recorded towards Cristopher before jumping out the window teasing him while his tongue poked towards him.
"Lousy..? Compared to yours it may be... But not anymore... We have the one who can rival all of your intelligence section without blinking an eye." Christopher sighed inwardly before leaving the room while carrying Ralph like a bag of fertilizer on his back.
It had been two days since that incident and Ralph finally opened his eyes, only to find himself resting in the research faculty surrounded by Zeno, Jenna, and her team, while Christopher was showing them something on the hologram screen.
"Seems he is awake," Christopher commented on seeing Ralph getting up and sitting on his place with a confused look lingering on his face.
"You awake?? We were so worried you know!! TO think you were kidnapped by Shadow!! Thank god!!" Zeno hugged him on seeing him getting back up after two whole days, out of everyone the one who acted the most chill after getting notified of his condition was Zeno too.
"Huh... What this you are worried about me?? Am I dreaming or what??" He scratched his head and stood back on his feet. "Anyways... Drop that farce, I know you didn't feel a thing.." Ralph bent over and stretched his body before walking towards the group.
"I was worried Ralph..." Jenna went ahead and hugged him her heartbeat had been unbelievably unstable from the moment she learned Ralph had been kidnapped, fearing she might never be able to see him alive. When she was notified that he was alive and unconscious she was the first one to rush over to Cristopher's place at four in the morning.
"It's ok Jen... As you see I am alright no need to be worried... And um... Thanks cristopher... You saved me..." Ralp[h bowed towards Cristopher his heart filled with respect for him, though he was the one who made him unconscious he believed he had his reasons for doing the same.
"This fucker can't keep shut can he?? He such a liability argh!!" Christopher sighed inwards as he ignored his vote of thanks and turned towards Leo, who was currently investigating the contents of the tape.
"S... Sir. This voice... It matches your sister's voice thats hundred percent sure..." Leo said in a shaky voice, as he knew Cristopher wouldn't be too pleased to know the voice belonged to his beloved sister for whom he would go berserk even fighting to die even to his stepdad.
"I see... Any more information you can extract from the audio?" Even though one might not be able to notice it, but his heart was in tremendous turmoil, and he barely controlled his urge to go ahead and destroy every single computer in their facility room.
"Give me a second..." Leo grabbed his headphones and began replaying the audio.
 His body each time he heard the horrendous screams of her getting tortured until her breath fainted and silence filled the void confirming her painful and long death.
"I still can't believe,... Even when she was murdered in such a manner why the hell are there no clues?" Cristopher sighed as he chucked down another mug of coffee. 
After almost an hour Leo placed down his headphones and turned towards Cristopher who was staring at the sky seemingly lost in his thoughts. While others were doing their stuff, Ralph and Zeno were in the kitchen preparing a meal, whereas Andre and James were screaming at the top of their lungs while smashing their controllers on some racing game. And Jenna lay beside Leo asleep beside him.
"Sir... I have gotten a few clues and have confirmed them..." 
"Hm... What are they?" Christopher slowly got back up and sat back on his chair while looking at Leo's screen.
"Here wear it... It's at 0.2 speed..."
Cristopher slipped his headphones on his head and began listening to the super slowed audio.
"At 1.4 seconds... You will hear a tic... It is of very small frequency... And from all the possible matches... The only thing which makes such a small frequency sound is Glock... And if I recall correctly your sister was found murdered outside Austins Club..." Leo stood beside him while Jenna half-consciously rested her bed face on his shoulders.
"I see... So we have finally found a clue.... Just wait Shadow... I will amuse you so much that your heart explodes..." Christopher sighed inwardly and clenched his fists while staring at the sky. "Alright losers... Get your asses off, we have loads of stuff to take care of."

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