Revised Contract

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Leo raised a brow and looked towards Cristopher with a judgemental look. others were also surprised by this news, why would someone like Cristopher approach Leo with a contract?
"If you don't mind I would like to ask you something..." Leo crossed his arms around his chest and took a deep breath before looking at Cristopher.
"Sure go ahead, I don't mind."
"Then tell, why me? I am homophobic, which means I can't stand gruesome sights and I instantly faint. And secondly, I don't like supporting any violence, and usually prefer to sort things out through conversations."
"The reason is simple, there is no one better than you in the hacking department. You surpass everyone by leaps and bounds and that too without breaking a sweat."
A slight smile appeared on Leo's face as he continued, "I agree to that, but you are not bad either, you created level 100 security, so that is very impressive. And you implanted advanced viruses. I don't think you need me with your skill cap chances of your success rate is around seventy to seventy-five percent in each mission."
Cristopher chuckled on hearing praises from someone at least ten years younger than him. "Haha... Interesting, you even managed to get into my confidential data and retrieve all the data from our past missions too." Cristopher couldn't help but feel more impressed by his skills.
"Yup, it was not a big deal. It was easier than your level 100 stuff."
"Anyways, the reason why I am offering you this contract is simply because I won't be able to operate this system since I would be working on ground level. And don't worry about blood, our combat units will also be stationed around you."
"That's reasonable... But sorry I will still have to disappoint you. I can't leave my team, even if it is on a contract basis. And our actual mission is to take down Reyan if I remember correctly."
"I see..." Christopher closed his eyes and dived into his thoughts wondering how he could convince him to sign the contract. "It seems I don't have any other option..." he sighed inwardly before opening his eyes and looking towards Leo.
"So what did you think? Or shall we get back to our original mission?" A mysterious smile was on Leos's face. Everyone was completely baffled by this conversation between both of them., No matter what they can't wrap their heads around the fact that Leo was such fearless all of a sudden. As if he is a completely different person.
"I am willing to edit the conditions of the contract. Firstly, you don't have to leave your current team. Secondly, you can work on both simultaneously, as you just have to meet with my team during training hours. And... well the deadline for Reyans mission is extended to two months... I think that is enough right?" Christopher had a bitter smile on his face, he didn't expect he had to give in so much just to convince him to sign the contract, But alas he added great value to their team, and he wouldn't even have to worry about the technical team anymore.
"That's quite a deal you threw at me." Leo had a grin on his face on noticing Cristopher in a defeated state. "I hope Jenn will like me more now." He laughed inwardly like a small child, after all the only reason he put up such a face was for Jenna.
Christopher got back up from his seat and fixed his clothes before walking by Leo while his hands searched for something in his overcoat pocket.
"here you go, please search for any possible clue from its audio." He handed him the tape recorder he was given by Shadow. On seeing the tape recorder Leo raised a brow and looked towards Christopher.
"Don't worry, will send the edited contract via mail. By then get this thing checked." Leo nodded and soon Cristopher walked back in his car and traveled to Ralph's office.
The moment Christopher went, Jenna and the other two bombarded Leo with tons of questions.
"Leo!! Are you sure you want to work with someone like him??"
"Yeah! Like... Like he is crazy!! That fucker almost killed both of us just before you both came in."
"And Leo... there is no need for you to take so much risk... We know you are doing this to extend the deadline for our mission, but we don't need you to go to such lengths just for us."
Leo didn't reply to their questions and just gave them a warm smile. "I know... I shouldn't have taken this risk but... I felt I should maybe... Start helping you all in other ways too... I always rely on you whenever something difficult happens... But please trust me this time ok? I promise it will not be a big deal and we all will greatly benefit from it."
Andrew and James just stared at him with dumbfounded expressions having no clue why would Leo suddenly take such massive steps, but knowing Leo's nature they were sure he had done some calculations of his won so they were not too doubtful. "If that's what you wish for... But remember... If you ever need help, just ask us ok? We will be there for you."
"Sure." He gave them a warm smile as they left the room, giving him and Jenna some space.
Jenna took a deep breath pulled Leo on herself, and lay on the floor with him on top of her.
"Le... tell me why did you do that..."
He stretched his face and pecked on her lips, his hands caressed her face. "If I get to spend more time with you... Then I am ready to take even more risk... a... And... I thought you like bold guys so..." Leo blushed slightly and hugged resting his face on her chest.
"Dummy..." She pulled him closer before squeezing him tightly in her arms.
"I love you so much..." She patted and caressed his hair and pulled his face closer before pecking his nose.
"Hehe... It tickles..." Leo chuckled as he rubbed his nose onto hers.
"You are such a cutie!! Argh i am gonna die!!" She chuckled and snuggled onto him.
Both Andrew and James were staring at them from behind the table, with a disgusted look on their faces. "Uh... What the hell am I seeing right now..."
"I feel like puking..."
"Disgusting.... Eww...."

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