Rusting Under Blood

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"It is our pleasure... And before you go I also want to show you both something..." He looked around the corner of his eyes towards one of his servants. He nodded before leaving the room to fetch some stuff.
"We are indebted to you with the letter itself... Please tell us how we can repay your debt..."
Elatha chuckled slightly before responding with a warm smile, the type of smile that makes you smile unintentionally. "There's no need we can fetch more info for you... But there is one condition which you must agree to." His arms are crossed around his chest while his back is resting on the sofa. Creola rested by wrapping herself around his right arm like a baby octopus.
"That offer is extremely tempting sir... But there is a problem..." 
He raised a brow and looked towards who mumbled something before stuffing her face in his chest. "What is Shadow thinking..." HE smiled inwardly before continuing, "Very well... Why don't you bring your leads? We can discuss everything about this deal, and maybe we can add something to the plate?"
"Yuppie and I are extremely bored from supervising our casinos..." Creola lay on his lap swinging her legs like a little girl lying under a tree. Elatha caressed her onyx-black hair.
"Ok, but how shall we contact you guys?"
He tossed a medieval-era cell phone at Andrew, it had a keypad and some minor features. He stuffed it in his pocket with his hankie. "Thank you, sir, will try to get the date fixed as soon as possible."
He nodded to them and turned his gaze in the direction where his servant had left.
Soon he emerged with a wooden box in his hand. It was roughly a foot long, but something was odd about this box... The moment he stepped in with the box everyone felt a tingling down their spine. Their nostrils felt extremely irritated, but it didn't take them long to realize, that the rotting fragrance mixed with the pungent smell of iron suddenly filled the room was blood rusting over iron.
"This.... Is..!?" Their words halted midway as Elatha flipped off the lid and revealed the contents of the box to them.
An eight-inch dagger with an inch handle... The blade had turned dark maroon and some spots were pitch black... The blade had rusted under the blood. The fumes released by this monstrosity could make even a seasoned surgeon puke.
"It was also retrieved by our old man..." Squeezing the lid on he slid the box towards James and Andrew, this time they didn't immediately pounce at the box and were very hesitant towards it.
"Sir... Shadow never leaves any trace... How did you manage to retrieve it?? It's impossible! Like- Like how! First, you have a letter from Elena which was written by some old man... And now you have a full ass proof??! How... Fuck... Am sorry for.... for bursting out like that..." James smashed his face in his palm and collapsed on the sofa behind him.
Elatha took a deep breath and cleared his throat, "I know why you both are doubtful about the intel and clues we are providing you right now but these are not any fake findings, this blade you are seeing right now... The only reason why it is still in front of us and not in Shadow's hands is because... Our old man... he wrapped the handle and half the blade in some cloth before stabbing it in his chest hiding it in his own body... You don't even want to know how we pulled this thing out there... Organs shredded internally... Blood puddled all around the street... The most gruesome sight we have ever witnessed..."
Their hands stretched towards the box... Black fungi had covered the box... And the stench barely reduced even after putting on the lid. They pulled out one zip lock bag and threw the box while holding it just by a pinch.
"Thank you..." James and Andrew kowtowed them thrice, first to thank them for their hospitality, second for the valuable intel they managed to fetch with their help, and third to forgive them for their rude behavior.
Elatha and Creola nodded at them, as they left the casino shortly after taking another shot and collecting all the coins they had won that day.
"Baby... I didn't think you would let them leave so easily." Creola rubbed her cheeks in his palm like a little kitty. He gently squeezed her cheeks and chuckled at her actions. "Silly, We are going to get rid of one of the Jade members."
Creola sat in a lotus position and squinted her eyes while pressing her index fingers on her temples. "Oh! Yeah, I remember Shadow just texted us how that brute lost his identity to one of the political bitch."
"Bingo, haha." He patted her head while she swirled around the room, to a slight melody that was being played in the background.
She jumped beside Elatha completely exhausted by twirling around like a cute little top all around the room. "Look at you steaming out yourself before our special night." He chuckled at her carelessly laying on the sofa stretching out her arms and legs, revealing her velvettie skin. "Don't worry I can ride you all day without ever getting exhausted or tired." She chuckled slightly and poked Elathas nose.
"Oh really??" Grabbing her waist he rubbed his face in her belly, causing her to burst out and chuckle uncontrollably. "Hehehe.... Ehh Stop... Heheh ahh... heheehe no.... Am not able to breathe... Hehe...." Pulling her in his embrace he pecked her cheeks, he wanted to embrace her beauty, talk about how pretty she was, and how much he loves her... But sometimes, you don't have words to describe... How wonderful... or how perfect... or how much you love them... and that's exactly what he feels around her. His smile said it all to her. Pecking his lips she pulled his cheeks, "I love it when you smile for me."

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