Hunting Shadow 1

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Hello! Sorry this chapter is way shorter comaored to previous ones, but it might have broken the flow for next chapter if I had written more. Please enjoy~
"What were you thinking back there?"
After leaving the detective's office, Cristopher went ahead to pay a visit to the police department, and to sort out some important matter for which he was given orders from a mysterious number.
"What do you mean?" Ralph laid back on his chair his legs crossed over the table while his face was covered with a book on universe and black holes. Cristopher walked ahead and picked the book up from his face.
"Your other teammate is off, maybe on a date he was giggling on his phone all the time." He jumped on the table and crossed his legs while reading the novel. "What do you want from me?" Ralph took a deep breath and looked towards him, while he casually read through a few lines before keeping the book aside.
"Why did you take the safety lock off?" He pulled Ralph on his lap and pulled the revolver from his back. "You!? Dont think I am like Jen-" Before he could say anything a vicious smirk cracked on his face freezing Ralph's expression. "You know right... Who is the shadow?" His grin grew wider as Ralph's heartbeat grew louder as he shivered in his grasp.
"Tell me what do you know about your boss..." He grabbed his neck and pushed him into the wall smacking his head into the bulletin board.
"Haha... You fucker... He is not my boss... A weakling a piece of shit like him can not even give me a command... He is just a cover-up...ARgh-" Christopher's grip tightened choking his soul out.
"HAHAHAHA... Do you dare show me this fat ass attitude of yours? Only muscle no brain... You are dead-"
"Cristopher Bailey... Right?"
"Hoh... Who are you?"
"I dont care what you do to that no brain worm, but dont kill him... He is our pawn."
"I am not obliged to obey auto tunes."
"Let me tell you one thing... If Shadow finds out what you did to him... Your entire bloodline would be obliterated."
"Hahah.... So Shadow is finally getting to the front lines? That fucker took my only family from me... I am willing to sacrifice my life to murder that fucker."
"As you wish, and yeah give this message to that piece of shit, Shadow wants to see him."
"Huh... Why would I-"
Before Cristopher could react or reply the can ended and the number as well as its recordings were completely erased from his device. "Hahah... So I am going to follow a minion order?" He pulled Ralph by his collar before tossing him in the corner of the room.
"AHHHH... You fucker I will get you killed!" Ralph pushed himself with support of the wall and stood back with his revolver pointing at Christopher but to his surprise, he didn't budge a muscle.
"From your senior's words, I know one thing... You are just a pawn for them... And there are many like you and many above you... And only the ones above you know Shadow... And maybe a worm like you finally picked his interest." He walked towards him his revolver pointing at his head but he didn't break a sweat.
"What the heck do you even know???"
"Shadow... He wants to meet you."
Ralph's jaw dropped and a dumbfound expression was painted on his face. "Huh your master has called for you, you must be happy.." Cristopher walked back and picked up the novel he had dropped on the table.
"I dont know how exactly your corporation works how many members they have, and how much o they pay you all... But remember one thing... I will destroy you all including your master with my hands... But I have an offer for you... Willing to utilise your ant-sized brain?"
Ralph took a deep breath and closed his eyes evaluating his available options and what outcome would he reach.
"What is your offer?" Ralph walked back to his seat and turned around offering the seat to Cristopher.
"Haha... Such a well-trained pet..." Cristopher went ahead and took a seat while sipping some coffee from his silver flask.
"From his words... You dont know the headquarters. And they are most likely going to kidnap you... So we should be doing this...."
Cristopher and Ralph discussed their plans all night without taking a blink of sleep, as they knew the moment Cristopher left Ralph would be kidnapped and their mission would be under action.
"I will be leaving now... Dont do anything stupid or suspicious, and dont you dare use your peanut brain over there... From his actions and way of working one thing is sure...He is way too smart for someone like you.." He took a deep breath and sighed before leaving the centre.
"Shadow... I will finally be meeting you... Huh..." Ralph stood up and walked towards the exit, there was no one except as it was way past midnight. "I will kill you, Mr. Shadow... Your hands still have the blood of what was once everything for me... The only reason I followed your orders like a bithch was for this exact moment... The day I met you... Will be your last day."
He left the office and got in his car waiting patiently for what awaited him... And soon they appeared, a full black suit which absorbed all light which fell on it, "I was waiting for a while..."

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