The One Who Terrorises This Land

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Ralphs face was covered with a black cloth while his hands were tied behind his back while he was stuffed between two bulky figures. "You sure took your time aint you Ralph?" The driver casually spoke to Ralph, confirming he was actually hjigher in priority list than him.
"It would have been useless anyway, since we operate at night, so I was sure I would be takemn in at night when there is not a single ray of light lingering these streets." Ralph took a deep breath analysing his situation in car. 
Ralph having sharp sense of smell and somewhat decent fidghting abilities manages to climb through ranks.
"Huh... To think you guys would buy a new car to welcome me, I feel quite honered." A smirk cracked on his face few seconds after he said those words, but it was not from pleasure, but because he felt as sharp killling intent through drivers seat.
"Haha... I agree lord Shadow is filthy rich, but he has no intent of wasting his wealth over dogs." The driver laughed out soo louyd, if someone would have heard him thney would have doubted it was not coming from any human but a monster in disguise.
Ralph swallowed his saliva down his throat on feeling sold sweat appearing on his forehead making him shiver down the core.
"Say... Have you met Shadow before?" Ralph ignored the killing intent, knowing even if they wanted to kill him they cant, as they were under working under Shadow who dosnt tolerate any mishaps in any mission. The moment he realised he dosnt tolerate any mishaps he realised why he was being summoned.
'Fuck! He has summoned me because I fucked the Smiths case... B... But I was just incharge of clean up... Argh!!' He roared inwardly after knowing the reason behind his summons.
Suddenly car took a break and the side doors opened.
"Great work both of you, heres the money we promised you both." The driver stepped off and handed both the bulky guys a brief case worth twenty grands.
"Woah!! We are rich brother!! If you ever want to kidnap anyone again just contact us ok?? We will surely help you guys again." Both of them fist bumped each other in excitement on seeing soo much money.
"Haha.... Sure sure- Oh wait! Now that you mention our boss wants to meet you both... He is surprised by your skills at spying, he said he will personally take your tests. So follow us now ok?" Driver took of his googles and greeted them with open hands.
His emertald green eyes glimered like bright jewels as the moon light struck them.
"Todays the best day of our lives!! Lets go! Now we wont have to worry about money for next eternity!" Both of them cheered and shook hands with the driver who had a nonchalant look on his face.
'Shadow recruting new spies? We already have the best spies why do we need more??' Ralph wondered to himself finding this whole situation to fishy.
"Before that tiny brain of yours can think of anyhting funny let me warn you... Shadow might get lil mad, only tiny bit ok?" That driver bent towards Ralph and whispered in a tiny yet strin voice, sending shivers down his spine.
"Ok one of you carry this bastard on your backs and follow me."
The 'driver' walked inside a nearby cave, "Our 'main' hideout is down here, follow me ok?" His hands slid inside his side pockets and he pulled out his phone, seemingly checking his gram messages. Before sliding it back he double tapped his glasses and closed his eyes and stood midway.
"What happened si-"
"AHH!!! NOO!!"
Both the bulky guys were shot in the head and killed the exact second he tapped his glasses.
"Huh... fools thinking I would let them down our main entrance this easily..." Driver turned around looking at Ralph which collapsed.
"Get up, or I would drag you down there..." He looked with disgust towards Ralph who was covered in blood, while his eyes still tightly wrapped with a blindfold.
"Y... Yes sir..." He quickly jmumped back on his legs and began walking just behind the unknown guy claiming himself to be a driver.
'This is really main entrance... They killing unknown guys.... I gotta be safe from here on out.'
After almost fifteen minutes of walking and bumping his face in multiple walls they finally reached the entrance to hide out.
The driver uickly grabbed Ralph by the collar and began dragging him inside.
"What the fuck!!! Ypu bastard! Leave me right now! Do you even know who am I?? If Shadow knows what you are doing he will fuck you up!!" Ralph roared out lopud as he feklt himself helplessly beind dragged aeound like a ragdoll.
"I better forge this filthy mouth of yours before you encounter lord Shadow." He suddenly tightened his grip around Ralphs collar and threw him towards wall, who hi8t the wall face first.
"Argh!! Fuck-"
He charged towrads Ralph sm ashing his face into the wall crushing his jaw just in a single blow. The intensity of his fist was soo strong that other assasins restuing inside the cave became warry, wondering if theyb were being attacked, as it was their first time seeing an Eight Jade member shoot a punch.
"Haha... No doubt he is an Eight Jade, he can casually smash anyones bones just with his fists... And that rascal... If i recall correctly he fucked up ion opne of opur latets missions due to which we almost gace them an openeing after decades... Huh... If not fopr Shadow Cristopher would have actuyally invaded us and masacard us... Though I highly doubt he would have msnaged to take down even one of our eight jades." Thw crowd whispered like lil childreenbs who went to the amusement park for the first tim in their entiure life, as they roared in excirtement as they witnesssed him launching another crirticakl punch directly at Ralpghs guts making him coough large quanites of blood.
He casualy fixed his hair with the bllood in his hands and before dragging him into a differenrt room.
"Hey, its the signal. We must leave immediately, that bull would be here in kless that etn minutes. And Shadow will also be here, we will only hinder their first encounter, lets get going."
All of them nodded before swiftly leaving their hideout without making even the winds realise that something had moved.
Inside the room Ralph was dragged and threw infront of a chair on which a dark figure sat casually sipping some hot tea.
"Lord... He is here..." Driver knelt before him and bowed his head towards him.
"Hmm... Good work... However how mnay times have I told you not to play with anyone? You know right I hate leaving any scars? The emoptional beings always embrace them and dream of taking revenge after recieving a scar..."
 He kept the tea down and looked at the unkown guy with his blopod lust overwhlming the whole room, causing both him and Ralph to trmneble in fear on en countering Shadow.
"I... AM extremelty sorry lord... I will be warry and I wont repeat it again." He looked back at Shadow in his eyes, and an adreline rush occured inside him. 'No matter how many times I see these beautiful eyes... It never quencghes my thirst... They are soo beautiful... Pitch dark... Absorbinge everyone in them... My baiutiful lord.' The whole reason why he did the mistake intentionally was to witness Shadoes death glare which will cause even the strongest people on earth to tremble in fear for their life.
"Hmm... As for you... What is your name?" Shadow looked down at his feat, where Ralph knelt at him. "I am Ralph... I am a-" 
"I dont care, tell me how did you fuck up?" His voice was completely calm which was very surprising for ralp[h, as he ddin not expect his boss to be soo much calmer than he expected.
"I dont know... I was very cautious yet.."
"Huh.... is that an excuse?? This trash.... Fin, tie him to my office chair and leave.. Maybe I will give him some scars afterall...." Shadows voice became dimmer and his aura thickened suffocated Ralph out of breath due to suych an heavy aura.
"Yes sir.." Fin got ahead and tied ralph onto he chair before taking hisn leave.
"To think a dog like you had courage to go to such lengths..." He jumped on his table and took off Ralphs blindfold with the tip of his knife.
"I... Dont know what you are saying..." Ralph was barekly able to breath at this point, 'This is... I am going to die too???'
"Dont worry I wont kill you... Let your other mastrer arrive... Haha... Using such cheap tricks... And here I thought he was going to be some fun... Alas... Maybe he is utter trash... Well I still think he might have a few tricks up his sleeves."
 Shadow casually crosseed his legs abnd rested them on ralphs face while casually siping down his tea.
"You.. You knew???!!"
Shadow sighed as he laughed uncontrolabbly as if a beast has just awaken. "Fool... I am the Shadow... The one who terrorises every single soul in the states... You think can fool me?" 
He jumped back from his chair and looked at the direction of their hideouts entrance. "Your other master is here..."

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