Begining Of Discusions

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Hey... What do you think, what will Mrs. Jenna say about these findings? I mean we went without informing her.... She might get really upset at us..."
"That might be true but our intention was to just look out for some small clues wjhile having some fun at the casino... And luck was on our side and we managed to catch the eyes of the owner and his girlfriend." Andrew popped open a can of soda before gulping it down in a single breath. "Ahh~ Soda hits different." Wiping all the fizz of his face he threw the can away.
"Haha... You really love chugging down soda huh.." James handed him another can of soda befopre turning his attention back at road.
After almost an hour they finally reacehd their office, it was already six in evening and most of the staff had already left, except Jenna who was going through some official files that head quarters sent her regarding their partnership with Christopher. And on other hand Leo was going through the tape recordinhgs he was handed over by Christopher.
"That gorilla sure made everyone twirl in his palm." James walked beside Jenna and knocked the table with his knuckle pushing the box beside her.
Jenna raised her head slightly at James and Andrew before grabbing the box and a sheet of paper tainted in blood marks.
"Where were you two? And why were your phones unreachable?" She asked as she inspected the box from outside as she got warried by the pungent smell which was similar to that of rotting flesh.
"Well... We were at a casino... To be precise the one in which Elena, Christophers sister was killed."
Nodding her head slightly she placed her hands over the letter. "I assume you found it there?"
Her eyebrows twisting while an indifferent look lingered over her face.
"Yes... It was given to us by the owners of that place... It is... Uh... a very valuable key to us finding Shadow..."
She began reading the contents of letter and her eyes zoomed in with every single word, she squinted her eyes and inspected the letter twice and thrice. "The fuck... You... Managed to get your hands on these...? H.. How..."
"Take a look inside the box..."
Her hands flipped the lid off her eyes fell upon the dark maroon blade coated in dark residues due to rusting under high concentrations of hemoglobin. Gulping down her fear her hands approached the blade. Caressing the tip by her finger tips she could feel her fingers burning... Even after rusting for almost half a year it still had a very sharp edge.
"Fuck... Is... Is this the blade... Frpom which she was stabbed?? before getting shot in head??!" Her knees wobbled like noddles, supporting herself by the table she peeked closer to the dagger. "Call... Call Christopher... We have to get this thing checked... Finally... Finally a clue!" Her voice turned childish as she jumped in joy annd patted both James and Andrews head. "Great work boys! Will recommend your names in next months list for promotion!"
"Yeayyyy!!! Oh and one thing we want to discuss something with you and Christopher." They both jumped and highfied each other before rushing to their work tables to contact Christopher.
After a while Jenna walkeed behind Leo who was plugged with his head phones all the time and had zero clue of what was going on.
"Oi!" Poking her index fingers in his cheeks she jumped infront of him. "Woah!! Ah Ahhh" Throwing his legs on table he slid himself away from the PC tossing away his headphones crashing himself right in cabinet.
"Le!! You OK????" Jenna rushed towards him while he laid on floor with his ass poitining straight up while his face resting on floor.
"Am... Good... Ou... Just hurting all over...." Jenna pulled him on herself making him seated with the support of wall. "I didnt knew you were such a scardy cat...." Rubbing her cheeks in his tummy she rested her face in his belly.
"Its okie babe... Um... Tell me why did you hop infront of me like that?"
"Oh! Yeah I almost forgot, James and Andrew went to the casino where Elena was killed, there they met the owners who gave them a dagger! And that dagger has blood of Elena over it! And a letter written by dying old man of that casino. We finally have a very important link towards that sick bastard!"
"Moonlight casino?" HE raised a brow and questioned himself inwardly before nodding to Jennas words.
"Well... It sounds disgusting to me... But I bet its a very important clue."
"Yes!! And I have called Christopher here, he will be getting here any minute, they told me they had something important to discuss with him together."
"Oh... THats great, I have done investigating the tape recorder, I also wanted to show him wiuth th report."
By the time Christopher arrived, Leo and Jenna made some tea, while James an Andrew played games on their large screen TV. "These both... Argh.... Do they ever do any work?" Slamming the dishes on the counter she turned towards Leo who couldnt help but chuckle at her actions. "Well... They are like little kids, we cant controle them, and they are good at their work so it dosnt harm letting them be themselves."
"Come here." Leo pulled Jenna his arms and squeezed her in himself. "You smell like strawberries cutie."
"Cause I made strawberry tea hehe." She handed him a small cup filled with pale beige coloured fluid. Sniffing the cup he could feel his senses awaken, caffeine of tea with sweet and tangy aftertaste of strawberry could be considered one of the finest brews of tea.
"The smell is enough to make my heart tingle."
"Hehe am glad you liked it."
*Knock* *Knock*
"seems big boss Gorilla is here.... Will bring him in, you guys be prepared okie?"
"Welcome, James swung the door open and held it while Chrsitopher bowed slightly before stepping inside.
"I didnt knew a gorilla like you knew how to bow." James chuckled while he followed Christopher.
"Huh... I am not always this stiff, if I dont be strict monkeys like you will climb on my head."
On entering the room he was greeted by Leo and Jenna while Andrew was holding onto the wooden box and the letter.
"I see... I kept more than one surprise waiting for me." Pulling the chair out he smile at them before seating himself. "Shall we begin our discussions?"

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