Twisted Thoughts

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Two guys jumped inside the room with newspaper bats in one hand and rubber balls in the other. And they held their flashlights in their mouth.
*Bonk Bang*
They threw the rubber ball at Jenna and hit Ralph and Zeno with the paper bat. "Surrender now! SSS-rated super senior detectives Andrew and James are in charge of this area!! Move an inch and will shoot you!"
"Hey hey calm down you morons... It's us... Zeno and Ralph..." Ralph smacked their heads discipling them.
"Ouu... Sorry..."
"Who the heck are these losers?" Jenna walked toward them and glared at them, piercing their souls.
"Loosers??? Sir, Ralph whos this 42 double D whore???" Andrew yelled at Jenna as she stood in front of him with arms wrapped under his breast.
"The fuck???" Jenna grabbed Andrew's collar and shook the heck out of him.
"Woah woah... Jenn sweetie calm down... These are Andrew and James... Your juniors." Ralph patted Jenna on her back trying to calm her down.
"Why do I have all brats under me... It's like I am going to be a full-time babysitter..."
"Sir you dint told us who this bitch is!" James glared back at Jenna.
"Come on you too, now you both calm down... Meet Jenna your new senior detective."
"Huh... So she's the one Leo told us about... Hey! Listen, dont be as useless as the last one was!" Andrew snorted before turning off his flashlight.
Jenna sighed before sitting back on her chair, "You two... Where were you in the morning? And when did you talk with Leo? I was with him the whole time, and he didn't talk to anyone."
Andrew pulled out his pocket notebook and fixed his glasses, "So! We were investing Mrs Black's case, and after investigating it we concluded we might have to put this in the Shadow file too... And Leo just called us an hour ago, he told us a new senior detective has taken charge, and that the case you are working on is also most probably a white one... So we thought maybe we would be able to find some connection between both of them... and to our surprise... WE FOUND A FUCKING NEIMAN MARCUS LIMITED EDITION!!!"
"Heh," Jenna spun the keys of her bike in front of them with a mischievous smirk on her face.
"The hell! You own Neiman Marcus??!" Andrew tried pouncing at the keys like a curious cat.
"Well well... I might give you a ride if you kneel and beg on your knees heh..."
"Forget you bitch! we dont want it, hmm..." He gave the key side eye before sighing in defeat.
"It's okay bud." James patted Andrew back, "Will buy one limited edition Neiman Marcus."
"alright alright, all of you detectives you can discuss it later, dont forget we are here to investigate." Ralph clapped his hands drawing everyone's attention.
"Yup, we shall continue... And you two wanna join us or will continue with your solo investigation?"
"Uh... What do you say, Andrew? Shall we do solo, or join her?" James rested his arms on Andrews's shoulder and waited for his decision.
"I dont think she I any better than last senior, so think we will make much more progress if we do it on our own," Andrew smirked back at her, looking down at her massive ego.
"You rascal-"
Before Jenna could say anything Zeno interrupted her, "W... well why dont you both try working with us tonight? If she is as useless as you both assume then you can get back to solo hunting, but why dont you give it a shot?... Maybe she is more workaholic than you two?"
"Hmm... Well, we can surely give it a shot... Alright will work together tonight... You better dont be useless and hinder our progress." Andrew tightened his suit and stretched his fingers.
"Huh... same goes for you two, better not hold me back... Alright, I will call Leo and call him here, whole team together will be much better."
"Huh?? Leo doing groundwork??" James raised a brow.
"Maybe Mrs Jenna doesn't know, but our dear Leo doesn't join in any ground investigation mostly because of his phobias and stuff."
"Huh??? Then how does he... Does any work??" Jenna was confused by their statement.
"Here..." Andrew handed Jenna a small earpiece. "Wear it, Leo's gadget."
"Ok..." Jenna plugged the earpiece into her right ear. "Now?"
"Tap it twice and a call will be transferred to Leo, and a mini cam will activate."
"Woah! He didn't give me this." Jenna was amused by this new tech.
"Haha, he's a shy one you know, just talk to him nicely... And yeah he's currently listening to us through these devices, so if you want any info urgently just ask him and he will transfer it."
Jenna was genuinely impressed, her little boy was not only cute, and kind but also very smart and a tech freak.
"Come on you three, dont get too impressed in your talks, we have to do at least some work, alright? Cristopher would mostly likely walk in our offices for reports." Ralph checked his watch and it was already twelve.
"We might not be sleeping for a few days... Let's finish this stuff quickly and take at least some nap." Zeno pulled Andrew and James to the first floor.
"So there was not a single fingerprint right?"
They all quickly began investigating the scene, but as they expected there was no evidence at all.
"We should... um try investigating the farm and forest around, maybe we will find anything."
Ralph walked to the balcony, the cloudy sky sparkled in the moonlight, he pulled out a cigar from his pocket and took a puff.
'Of course, they won't find anything, am not an amateur at this stuff, haha... Alas, will have to take care of Cristopher too... And their geezer... It will take a lot to get to him... But he won't be out of my reach for too long-'
"Hey, Ralph... What are you doing? Come on we are going to the forest to investigate."
"Ah... Sorry, I was... Just thinking about my past... Come on let's get going."
"Hey, bud... Dont think too much alright? It was not your fault... And dont worry we will surely find the one who did it..." Zeno pulled him in his arm and slammed his palm on his back.
"Fucker... It hurts... Hahaha.."
"Hehe.. Come on let's get going, we officers gotta show those detectives what we are."

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