Useless Hinchmen

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Cristopher walked out of the tunnel while carrying Ralph like an old rag doll which was thrown in the middle of a brawl. When her stepped out he was greeted by his squad captain Arnold with his other forces hiding and waiting on standby.
"Sir." He ran towards him and greeted Cristopher while bowing almost at 90 degrees. "How's the situation outside?" Christopher shrugged his shoulders dropping the unconscious body of Ralph.
"Everything is stable now. No signs of any human activities in a ten-mile radius. But..." He handed him a tablet with an elegant C logo embroidered on it. "But what??" He sighed as he proceeded to check all the hidden cameras which they had implanted the moment Ralph was dragged inside the dungeon.
"Um, sir... There was a network blockage for around four seconds and thats all. Though all of our men were on guard we didn't notice a single leave move after those four seconds." Cristopher shut his eyes and began pondering for a while before responding in a calm tone. "Shadow... From his work pattern, we know that this bastard is exceptional at his skills, leaving almost no clue every single time. The only exception was this time."
He took a deep breath and continued, "The only reason we found this clue... Is because it's a part of his plan..."
"Argh... It's hard to make a head or tail out of it yet... For now, we know he has an underground organisation running under his name. And they are not a big group, since they leave no clue behind, they require a lot of time to be trained..." He then turned his gaze towards Ralph who was seemingly unconscious due to the punch in his gut.
"What are you thinking sir?" Arnold took a look at Ralph confused about his boss's intentions.
"You see this fucker... he is also part of Shadows pack..." He couldn't help but chuckle on seeing their current situation there was a point where even if they tried spying and searching every single corner of the city they were never able to find a single strand of hair.
But now somehow they are stumbling upon his hidden base and one of his henchmen which was seemingly disposed of due to its inability to function under his order.
"We should interrogate this bastard then. We will surely find at least some information, even if it would be basic, it would still be a lot."
Arnold's eyes glimmered with hope on finally finding some clue, but on seeing how uninterested Crsitopher was he was quite confused.
"I dont think even if we interrogate him till his death bed regardless of our methods he would barely have any info on Shadow... Or else why would he drop him off? I mean... If someone had any information on mr, and I know he is prone to get caught I would either eliminate him myself or rather not share any of my info with him from the beginning."
"And knowing Shadow, he didn't eliminate him... Rather he tossed it right in my hands from the beginning. You remember the day I came back with these clues?"
Arnold raised a brow and began pondering before replying, "Oh the Glock?"
"Yeah, in fact, I was notified by him to go and take a look around the forest behind the Smiths house." He pulled out his phone and showed Arnold the message he received from the random number.
This whole situation which was already too complicated to understand without any clue became even more complicated after receiving soo many indications and clues.
"He is playing with us, he is confident we can never catch him... "Christopher's hands quickly slid into his back pocket as he pulled out his pistol before shooting a the tree right behind Arnold.
Someone screamed as he collapsed after getting shot in his appendix. "And who maybe you?" Cristopher blew off the smoke from his piston before sliding it back while slowly walking towards the collapsed figure.
"Mhm!!!" the person who was shot rolled over at Cristopher's feet and rested his face on his shoes.
"What the... Are his henchman such useless?" Cristopher bent around him inspecting the place where he was shot. The wound wasn't too deep it was quite shallow. And anyone who was properly trained wouldn't even feel a thing until... When the realisation struck Cristopher he quickly flipped over his body. The gruesome scene couldn't be described in words.
His skin was burnt over and over, on some spots the bone of his skeletal structure was exposed. His one eye stitch with metal wire. His nose was slashed in half. And the worst part wasn't even revealed until Christopher pulled out the stitch on his mouth. The moment the stitch was removed his face skin began falling off, and multiple nails fell off from his mouth.
"Arnold..." HE called for Arnold's name but he was frozen on the spot, even though he was used to bloodshed and murders and has also supervised multiple inspection sections with Cristopher, but this sight was too much for him. Even Crsitopher himself felt his blood boil.
"Arnold!!" Even after calling his name multiple times, he didn't respond so Cristopher yelled at him at the top of his lungs finally shaking him to his core.
"Y... Yes!!?" He shook his face and rubbed his eyes before facing away from the deceased body.
"Go and call the post-mortem team... We have to get his body investigated... I dont think it's a good idea for us to stay in the open and interrogate this body... who knows what else they might have done to this soul under these shaggy clothes?
Christopher noticed no blood was dripping from the spot where he had shot him, instantly real, signing his blood had been drained barely leaving him alive for a minimal amount of time, and if anyone else noticed this, they would fall unconscious in a single second.
"Yes sir... I will... Inform them." Arnold turned back one last time before turning his face away and dialling on to their investigation team.
Cristopher took off his overcoat and laid it over his body as he took his last breath under the warmth of his hands. 'You bastard... What did an ordinary guy do to you for doing this?'
He closed his eyes and began praying for the well-being of his soul and the god to guide his soul to peace.
He got up shortly before pulling Ralph into his car and dialling a few numbers while waiting for the investigation team to arrive at the spot.
"Hello... I never knew such a day would come... Yeah..... Yes, Shadow... I want to give this bastard the most unforgettable death ever in the history of humankind... Thanks, bro..."
Hello! Everyone hope you enjoyed thi chapter and please give your review~

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