Deprived Memories

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Leo held himself together while making himself seated on the corner of the bed. 'She... Will be gone once again...' A continuous reel of flashbacks played in the back of his mind, replaying every single detail of the past, from the day they met to the day she was dragged away from him... Days he wept to recall about her... His flames of hope faded with each passing day until they completely vanished years ago. 'But now she is back... She... Didnt say she loves him right... I have to give it a shot...'
He went ahead and stood at the bathroom door and took a deep breath...'Now or nothing...'
*Knock Knock*
"Mhm? Yup?"
"Hey! You forgot to take a towel..."
"Oh, alright. Hang it on the knob, will take it."
"Jenna.... Can we talk?"
"Right now? Will talk later when I get out ok?"
His hands firmly gripped the doorknob as he swung the door open in a single swing.
"Hey!!! What the fuck??!!!" Jenna cuddled herself and hid inside the bathtub as Leo stepped in and stood beside her bathtub.
"GET OUT!! NOW!!!" She grabbed the shower hose and threatened him while swinging it at him.
"A sorry, but I can't! I... Have to say something important..." He jumped away from her reach and put the dry towels on the rack.
"You have a death wish huh?? Your piece of shit, stop getting on my nerves, just you wait I wi-"
Jenna's words froze the moment her eyes met Leo, he was not scared anymore... His eyes were filled with an overwhelming feeling which was alien to her. "You know... I... Missed you... The day you disappeared... My heart shattered... I searched everywhere... under the bridge where you always hid your stuff... The haunted house where you used to prank me all the time... haha... I tried sneaking into your old home too... Hehe, I was even caught by the police... I was so naive right...?" His eyes shimmered as tears filled, but he was smiling... He had waited for this moment for more than two decades... "W... Who are you...?"
All of her memories which she had tried sealing away numbing her senses and tears rolled down her cheeks, her childhood which was overwhelmed with darkness had some spare golden moments... Sadly her unconscious mind and hatred had long buried them all together... But his tears washed away the hatred that she had pilled up on those memories allowing herself to truly experience what she had sealed away. "Give me your hand... Please." Leo's hand got under hers while he embraced them... His touch was as gentle as that of a feather fearing his touch might damage the treasure which he values more than his life.
He placed her hand on his forehead and took a deep breath and finally said what he had always said when they played every evening and afternoon together, "I will marry you when we get old enough." He no longer couldn't hold back his tears as they rolled down his cheeks, "Remember? I always said I would marry you when we get old right... Mrs. Jenna?"
All the emotions gushed their way from her sealed heart in every single cell of her body, the childhood which she hated and despised... The childhood which she never wanted to revive... Held such a precious part of her... "I..." She collapsed in his arms and hugged him with all her strength... "Leo... sniff... I am sorry... I am so sorry... I... I didn't... wanted to remember... So I..." her heart melted as he held her between her arms and his lips pressed on her forehead. "Calm down dummy... I get it... You had it rough on yourself too right... I am sorry... I was selfish too..." They held each other and sobbed their pain mending their broken hearts. The faith finally flipped sides and the love story which shouldn't have been stretched or tested... Finally passed all of its trials... "Come on now... I am a crybaby... Not you..." Leo's face had turned red from the tears, Jenna was soo relieved to finally embrace her first love. "Yeah... Hehe... sniff... I am hungry..." He wiped off her tears and pecked on her eyes gently patting her head, "You always loved eating." Leo stood back and gave her a fresh and relieving smile, his heart was finally at ease.
"Yup... You used to buy fried chicken for me..." Her eyes kept on having flashbacks of their lovely moments, the moments she cherished and loved... The only moments which brought a smile on her face from her childhood.
"Yup... Hehe... I will go cook now... Um... Your towel is here ok?" Leo pointed towards the dry towels he just kept for her. "Okie... Will get out in a minute... I can't wait to eat what you made for me okie?"
"Okie... um... ba... ah..."
"Say it come on... Call me that..." She pulled his sleeve her mischievous and cheerful smile glowed back on her face. "Ah.... I am shy..." Leo rushed out of the bathroom while covering his face like a newly married bride.
"Hey, dummy... jeez... I wanted to hear you call me...." Jenna dunked herself under the water on imagining how it would be when he would call her that, her face turned red from embarrassment. 'Well... He would... Look so.., cute...'
After another ten minutes, Jenna came out wearing Leo's bathrobe, sneaking behind him.
"She remembers me... I am soo glad... My heart feels soo light... My love remembered me... After all these years...." His face flushed red as he continued to cook.
"How can I ever forget my first love?" Jenna leaned onto the kitchen counter and looked at Leo's surprised face, it had turned bright red from embarrassment. "Fr... From when were you listening...?" His heart missed a beat as he took a step back surprised by the jump scare she gave him. "Hehe not gonna tell." She winked and poked out her tongue teasing him.
"Hehe... You haven't changed much..." Leo stepped ahead and pecked on her nose and patted her head, "Pat pat, hehe."
She froze on the spot and her cheeks turned red, "Ahhhhhh!!! You made me blush!! Idiot!! Dummy!!" She jumped onto him and bonked his head. "Haha... Sorry... calm down..."
Jenna stood beside him and watched him cook like a curious kitten would do around her parent.
"And we are done... Let us eat, it's late right?" Leo served their meals on a plate and brought them onto the dining table, while Jenna followed him around with her nose picking onto the delicious fragrance of Korean fried chicken.
"Hehe, it was the right decision to come to your place instead of going back to my place." She grinned at her meal before digging in as if she hadn't eaten for a whole day (cause she hadn't).
"Hehe am glad you are enjoying it." Leo crossed his arms and rested his face on them as he emerged at the moment watching her love enjoy the meal he cooked for her, the love which they thought they would never see again finally came back into their lives.
I hope I was able to convey the emotions of the characters. Please recommend some short stories to improvise.

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